Major Jackson Briggs
Major Jackson ``Jax'' Briggs, reporting! When I encountered the man who destroyed the Outerworld Investigation Agency, I took special care in removing any and all of his weapons to further enhance the agency's knowledge on cybernetic technology, as well as gain any sort of intelligence on his organisation. Unfortunately, the man remained hostile and attacked, so I was forced to defend myself, and in the process, killed him. Not long afterwards, I rendezvoused with Lieutenant Blade, His Lord Raiden, Her Majesty Kitana, Earthrealm civilians Mr. Lao and Mr. Cage, and Outworld civilian Mr. Cho, and successfully infiltrated the enemies' palace. Mr. Lao managed to locate the murderer Shang Tsung while we (the units previously stated and I) fought off various beings the sorcerer had manipulated with his magic. These mummified warriors proved to be a fearsome nuisance, but thanks to Mr. Lao's skills, he managed to execute the hostile enemy in little time, and within moments, the mummified warriors were neutralised and stopped their assault; although it is assumed that Shang Tsung's death led to their dismissal, His Lord Raiden quickly indicated that Shang Tsung's partner, Quan Chi, was the one with direct control of the mummies, meaning that the only way they would have stopped their attack is if Quan Chi gave the order. We neither located the partner, nor the medallion he carries to control said mummies; however, His Lord Raiden did bind the mummies to prevent them from going mobile until they could be returned to the Sarna Ruins and Quan Chi could be apprehended and charged to the full extent of the law for his involvement in the murder of Mr. Liu Kang.
While searching for the remaining threat, Lieutenant Blade located Special Agent Kenshi, and escorted him to His Lord Raiden, where they awaited the rest of our group. His Lord Raiden, having noticed how fatigued the majority of us were, sent the Earthrealm units home, with the exception of the Lin Kuei Grandmaster code-named Sub-Zero, who had already returned to Earth with an Outworld civilian named Sareena, and his unit, code-named Frost; Grandmaster Sub-Zero stated that he had the means to help her with her injuries at the Lin Kuei Temple, and was exempted from aiding us in searching for Quan Chi 24 hours prior to our return home. We also failed in locating Special Agent Cyrax, who we lost contact with after he was sent to Outworld to scout for possible threats.
Once we returned to Earthrealm, Lieutenant Sonya Blade was promoted to General and I reprimanded in failing to bring Hsu Hao into custody, as well as my questionable methods in dealing with him and having no witnesses to confirm that my dealing with him was as one would expect from a high-ranking military officer. Considering my previous actions involving my aggression when dealing with apparent hostile individuals wanted by the OIA, a warning was placed on my record, and I was forced to the labs to study Hsu Hao's chest implant.
The technology in manufacturing it was not unlike the Special Force's own bionic implants, and even similar to Black Dragon technology that we had confiscated while eliminating the clan; Special Agent Kenshi confirms that his assailant, known only as Mavado, was leader of the rival Red Dragon organisation, a group from which the Black Dragon clan spawned. After weeks of study, modification, and proper clearance, I was allowed to use this weapon as my own, and combined it with my right-arm bionic implant. I spent days on end in the labs making the proper adjustments, and with help from the OIA's senior technicians, customised it to suit my tastes and needs. Using its designs, I also modified my entire bionic arm structures with strength-enhancers, and additional armour to give them more defence; my bionic arms are now my primary offensive and defensive weapons.
When not in the lab, I was briefed on the latest threat to hit the world; the disappearance of the entire population of Japan. Everything just stopped when it came to Japan; no technology shipments, no news reports, absolutely nothing was known about what occurred in that country. Because of my previously stated recent exploits in Outworld, I was not allowed to go on any missions outside the United States; however we lost any and all units who had been sent to the area, whether they were human or remote-controlled machine. It even came to the point that scouting via aeroplane was impossible, as systems would automatically fail, reporting engine malfunction. With no way of reaching His Lord Fujin and His Lord Raiden, the only two beings who could see all global activity, the entire planet was blocked out of Japan... Until Special Agent Cyrax returned.
While attempting to relocate the OIA, Special Agent Cyrax received a message from another frequency that stated that the Lin Kuei Temple had been raided and taken by Sektor, a former member of the Lin Kuei, and that Sektor has allied with beings named Onaga and Drahmin. We rendezvoused not long afterward and I briefed him on the main Outworld events. This was when I requested special permission to gain reconnaissance on the current state of the Lin Kuei Temple; my request was granted. Special Agent Cyrax, a few of our best scouts, and I trekked carefully to the area of the former Lin Kuei Temple to see what we could use as a way of defeating them, but when we were within 2 miles of the base, we were attacked by a few demons and Tekunin robots. I remembered a few years ago, I had fought a creature called a Shokan, and thought to myself that it was the toughest being I had ever faced; these creatures almost surpassed this monster, and Cyrax and I fought for our lives to make sure we were the last men standing... And we were by the end of it, as the rest of our men were killed.
We returned to our camp with the corpses of our allies, as well as our enemies to study them and learn of any potential weaknesses. The memories of the robots had been completely erased, no doubt by Sektor via wireless connection to prevent us from gaining any useful insight. In my observations during the battle, as well as based on coroner reports, the Tekunin primarily attack limbs to impede our units in battle; with that noted, I proceeded to create and perfect bionic leg implants to protect myself while battling. During this time, His Lord Raiden appeared to our troops and I, and stated that a war involving Outworld, Edenia, and Earthrealm was brewing, and that all available forces would have to unite in order to defeat it, including the Red Dragon, who had already pledged allegiance to the Lin Kuei when both groups were attacked by the Tekunin. This was unacceptable. Not a single one of my units was pleased with His Lord Raiden's decision, particularly since the Red Dragon had caused several problems and killed a good number of our agents.
His Lord Raiden reached out to governments all over the world, and in the name of Earth, declared that we would battle together, and place our bigotry behind us to save the planet. I have trained for days on end, honing my hand-to-hand techniques, as well as practicing to use my limb implants to their full potential. Reminded of my days battling against Shao Kahn's minions when he attempted to take over Earthrealm almost a decade ago, I had the ability to summon enough strength to temporarily increase my size to attack the stronger Centaurian and Tarkata warriors. I trained with Grandmaster Sub-Zero and General Sonya Blade, who were better martial artists than I, and had them help me perfect the Nejin technique to change my size and to keep it for longer periods of time.
General Blade, Grandmaster Sub-Zero and Mavado agreed that the majority of our OIA units would remain in Earthrealm to deal with the Tekunin threat, while the Lin Kuei and Red Dragon would travel to Outworld to prevent Onaga's plans from being completed, which our intelligence still has not gathered any information on. Grandmaster Sub-Zero and Mavado confirmed Sektor now resided at the former Lin Kuei Temple. Based on their descriptions of Sektor, my perfected Nejin technique is essential; the robot measures at least 9 feet tall, and is capable of launching a barrage of missiles on its own, and uses a primary beam weapon of electronic energy with the capability of decimating hundreds of men at once.
Although all information from its units was erased via wireless connection, I have a theory concerning how it runs them all at once; the army numbers in the billions, not counting any creatures who follow directly under Drahmin or Onaga, and there is only one way for to control and rely orders to them without having to bring them all together at one time - mass wireless connection. With this knowledge, Sektor is the key to the destruction of the entire Tekunin; like a hive, one only needs to destroy the monarch to send the colony into chaos. If my theory is correct, a single, powerful unit is all it would take to put Sektor out of commission, and eliminate the Tekunin all at once.
The reason I am bring my own name into this, is because I am making another request. Because I am barred from leaving the realm of Earth until my actions in Outworld can be evaluated properly, I would like permission to go to Asia and lead our men on an assault against the Tekunin. As for dealing with Sektor, I refuse to put a man on a suicide mission that I would not be willing to do myself; therefore, I would also like to volunteer to embark on this dangerous mission to take on the leader of the Tekunin, Sektor, in a one-on-one confrontation. With the armies of Humans, Edenians, Shokan, and Centaurians leading a direct assault on the opposing army, I can sneak past them and enter the base virtually unnoticed, dispatch any units who confront me, and destroy Sektor. With the combination of the best bionic implants ever created, the strongest of ancient magic, and my own inner strength, I am confident that can win this - mankind will survive, and I will be the one to show the full strength of the Human and American spirit.
All I ask, gentlemen, is your permission; may I travel with General Blade and the rest of our men to Asia and help defend Earthrealm?
Author : Jerrod Therace
Creation date: 2007-5-19-16-38
Modification date: 2007-5-19-16-38
Author's Remarks: | |
Jax's bio for my version of MK6. Jax is addressing high-ranking US officials to be able to fight in the battle taking place on Earth. I gave his bio a formal telling, since he's trying to gain favour and not discredit himself or his previous actions. That's also why he is polite and official when referring to other characters.
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I really like this, but it makes Jax sound like and intellectual. It just dosn't seem liek Jax. It sounds more like Sonya.
You guys have to keep in mind that Jax is a part of the system and can't sound like he belongs in the ghetto rap group, especially since, like I said at the bottom of the submission, Jax is addressing high-ranking US officials who will decide whether or not he even fights in the war against the Tekunin on Earth. He can't sound like an idiot when in a meeting with the most powerful people in his organisation.
Lol, Mr. Lao, anyways this is pretty cool. Is this like between MK3 and more MK's? (I didnt read the whole thing sorry) Because it mentions losing contact with Cyrax and i'm guessing he is lost in Jades desert. Having Jax say His Lord Raiden and Mr. Lao is pretty wierd for Jax to say cuz he says all that dumb crap like "Awwwww yeaaaaaaah" and it just doesnt sound like him.
Like I said, he has to sound official when dealing with people of higher rank than him, just as anyone would in the army/navy.
And this biography is linked to the other fan fictions that I've written based on an alternate storyline that I thought of before MK Deception became official. All the biographies are in my signature; check 'em out when you have time, as it helps if you read them all since they more or less help each other fill certain holes and things.

I like the overall story as well. Jax with leg implants could be going too far though lol. I'd love to see Magneto own him.
Anyway, nice work, bro! It was a good read.