Mortal Kombat
Movie Script
It's a bright day; we hear cheering.
Suddenly, we see a face hit gravel.
It is the face of an old man, but a noticeably strong man:
Then we see the crowd in the stands cheering, and Kung Lao's rival in this fight:
The crowd continues to cheer as all of Kung Lao's attempts at victory are denied by Goro's brute strength.
Kung Lao gasps for air.
Then a V.O.S (Voice Over Scenes) is heard.
V.O.S: What happens next, determined the fate of every realm...
We see Kung Lao get up off the ground for one final stand against the hideous monster that Goro is.
TG KUNG LAO: (looks at a man sitting in a chair behind Goro) you will never win, sorcerer.
We see the man snicker; he knows the outcome of the battle.
MAN IN CHAIR: Goro! Finish him!
Then, we see the grim fate of THE GREAT KUNG LAO.
PRINCE GORO rips THE GREAT KUNG LAO open, smashes the halves together then, in an act of self-righteousness, throws the pieces into a nearby fire-well.
V.O.S: With the tournament corrupted, Shang Tsung's power grew. He took Kung Lao's soul...
We see MAN IN CHAIR get up, and realize he is Shang Tsung. He stands in front of the fire-well, and proceeds to walk through the fire with little, or no, damage being done.
Then SHANG TSUNG stands over what is left of TG KUNG LAO's body.
SHANG TSUNG: Your soul is mine!
Suddenly, a flash of light comes out of SHANG TSUNG's hands, and we see the soul of TG KUNG LAO enters SHANG TSUNG's body.
V.O.S: From that day, I could tell that the future for The Great Kung Lao's descendants would be grim...
SHANG TSUNG: Prince Goro wins! Fatality. (smirks)
V.O.S: From that day, I knew that I had to help prepare the Earth realm for the next tournament. A tournament known to many, as Mortal Kombat...
(Title Screen pops up with iconic MK logo and lots of fire)
(Suddenly, everything goes dark)
Then a big flash comes upon the screen. We realize that this is a camera.
Paparazzi are going crazy. A slick black limousine pulls up to a red carpet.
Then we see that we are at a theater, with the title of the movie being ``Dragon Fist II: Double Dragon .''
We see the starring role, which belongs to none other than Johnny Cage!
Return to the limousine.
Johnny steps out, in a trimmed black suit, with his brown hair, and infamous sun glasses.
A member of what appears to be Access Hollywood address's Johnny.
A.H REPORTER: Johnny, what are your thoughts on the allegations made against you involving the car chase with your ex-wife?
JOHNNY CAGE: I have no comment on the matter, other than the fact that the dispute has been settled out-of-court.
A.H. REPORTER: And what about your critics who say that you never do your own stunts? Do you have anything to say about that?
JOHNNY CAGE: Yes, and I'd like to start off by saying that those critics are false! I cannot believe this horseshit that has been goin-
JOHNNY CAGE is suddenly interrupted by another, tall, sturdy man. He appears to be some sort of superior to Mr. Cage.
MAN: Listen, I work with Mr. Cage as a personal trainer and teacher, and I know, for a fact, that all of Johnny's stunts are real.
The paparazzi take more photos.
MAN: That will be all.
Suddenly we realize we've been seeing this through a television screen the entire time.
We realize we're in a musty, old, darkened room. A man is sitting in a chair watching the t.v.
The light from the t.v flashes on his left eye to reveal a red bulb, and a metal plate covering half of his face:
Then, a man in a light brown jacket enters the room, turning the t.v off as he does. The man gives KANO a disapproving glance.
KANO: Spit it out, will ya mate!
The man still stands looking at him.
KANO: Listen Jarek, it'll be a long while before that pretty little Sonya and her Special Forces Squad arrive here. I'm just trying to find a way to pass the time...
JAREK: Whatever, but Kabal has seen some activity down in the lower east wing, and I know I don't have to tell you twice that the last time we waited this long, you ended having to see an eye doctor!
KANO jumps up out of his chair and rushes toward JAREK.
KANO pushes JAREK up against the old wall of the room they're in. He flicks out his knife.
KANO: And I know I don't have to tell you twice that I'm the one in charge here!
KANO slowly backs off, as JAREK gasps for air.
Suddenly, a call comes in on a radio sitting next to the t.v.
KANO picks it up, and answers.
KANO: What's the situation, No Face?
NO FACE: (in a somewhat monotone voice) I told you to stop calling me that!
KANO: Just give us an update you no-nose pale-skinned freak!
NO FACE: I've lost contact with Kabal, and I'm pretty sure I heard some gunshots coming from the east side.
NO FACE continues on his report, while we see a women dressed in camouflage come up behind him with a butcher's knife. She proceeds to slit his throat, as he lets out a small yelp.
KANO: No Face? Are you there? No Face?
The woman takes the radio out of No Face's cold, lifeless hands.
WOMAN: No Face is dead Kano, and you're next. This is going to end!
KANO: So, Ms. Blade, you think you can just saunter on in here, kill my men, and then take me down?! You have got to be the craziest bitch I've ever met!
SONYA BLADE: Oh you haven't met me yet Kano!
KANO: Fine then, what is it going to be then, a gunshot to the head, or hand-to-hand combat?
SONYA BLADE: Why don't you ask Mr. Briggs?
KANO: Who the fuck is Mr. Br-
Suddenly, a strong, tall, African-American man, clad in a Special Forces uniform bursts through the window:
KANO suddenly falls back, and starts to run, as JAREK stays to fight JACKS.
While fighting JAREK, JACKS gets his arm chopped off, forcing SONYA to stop running after KANO and try to keep JACKS alive.
Before SONYA gets to the room, JAREK escapes, and KANO, relieved that Sonya has stopped chasing him, runs off into the night.
SONYA waits with JACKS until the ambulance arrives, and during the ride, SONYA comforts JACKS.
At the hospital, SONYA stays in the waiting room until the doctor's alert her to JACKS' condition. There, she watch's the small waiting room t.v, which is turned to the news channel.
CNN REPORTER: This is Anderson Cooper live from China, where I am speaking with a member of the Shaolin Temples that you see here behind me. Now, sir, with all due respect, what is the situation down here?
SHAOLIN MONK: Well, the Temples seem to have been attacked by an unknown force.
CNN REPORTER: From another country?
SHAOLIN MONK: No, we do not know where they came from! They may not have even been human...
CNN REPORTER: Well we might need some evidence to confirm that. Thank you for speaking with us, and I hope your troubles are resolved.
SHAOLIN MONK: Thank you! We honor you, and your support. Thank you as well, Mr. Cooper.
Then we realize we're past just watching t.v.
The SHAOLIN MONK from the interview walks away to a group of monks, all dressed in robes just as he is.
Then, a light wind blows.
The SHAOLIN MONK turns around to discover his broad-shouldered, strong, and long-haired nephew:
SHAOLIN MONK: Liu! You have returned!
LIU KANG: How could I stand by and watch this madness!?
SHAOLIN MONK: Never mind that! Why is your hair so long?!
LIU KANG: Uncle Pak!
PAK: You're right, on with business.
LIU KANG: How are the Temples?
PAK: Damaged. We are doing our best to repair what has been left in the wake of those dreadful Tarkatan's, but this was near devastation!
LIU KANG: I see. Well why wasn't anyone defending the Temples?!
Suddenly, a voice is heard from the crowd of monks.
UKNOWN MONK: What a good question, although maybe you should be asking yourself why you weren't here to help defend them!
LIU KANG: Who said that?! Show yourself!
A man who looks much like LIU reveals himself:
They look like they should be brothers, or at least related; and so they are.
They are both descendants of THE GREAT KUNG LAO.
LIU KANG: Kung Lao? I thought...
KUNG LAO: You thought I was dead? Well I am here now, Liu. So answer my question! Why weren't you here to help protect the Temples?!
LIU KANG: I think you and I both know that all that stuff that our uncle's taught us was nonsense. Lies made up just to make us join the White Lotus Society!
PAK: How can you say such things, Liu? You were the only one, along with Kung Lao, who truly believed in fighting for our realm! You know what is at stake here!
LIU KANG: No! I refuse to believe in sorcerer's and dragon men! It cannot be real.
KUNG LAO: And you truly believe that? After all we've been through in the past? After all we've seen and done, you're going to stand here and tell me that those experiences... Weren't real? I don't think so...
LIU KANG: You just don't see it the way I do!
Then a thunderous voice looms over them as if it were the clouds speaking!
CLOUD VOICE: Of course. It was never good enough for Liu Kang. The world just doesn't understand him... But oh, you are so wrong...
PAK: Lord Raiden... Lord Raiden is calling to you! You see... You see what you have brought upon us?!
LIU KANG: Raiden? What are you talking about?!
Then it suddenly begins to rain, and everyone in the area is completely astounded. Then, lightning bolts cross the skies, thunder is heard, almost as if applause of some sort is being given. A quick flash of light springs to the ground in front of LIU KANG, and what appears to be the figure of a man slowly forms out of the electrons engulfed in the lightning, light bends. Before them stood, in tattered old armor with a long, blue cape, white robes, and a straw hat, the entity known as the ``thunder god,'' in his complete human form:
All of the MONK's, LIU, and KUNG LAO stare in astonishment!
RAIDEN slowly walks towards LIU and his UNCLE PAK.
RAIDEN: What is unclear to me is how we don't understand when, in what you know as ``reality,'' you are the one who does not understand.
LIU doesn't back away; he stands tall in front of the ``thunder god.''
LIU KANG: I don't have to be afraid of you! You stood by as these Temples burned to the ground, when you had the power to help protect them! You are pathetic!
RAIDEN: As a god it is only my duty to watch over you, not to serve you. I cannot alter time to my own wishes without destroying other realms, and I certainly cannot forget my responsibilities... Like you.
LIU begins to get even angrier.
LIU KANG: I have had enough of this foolishness!
As LIU proceeds to walk away, RAIDEN intervenes.
RAIDEN: What about Mortal Kombat?
LIU stops dead in his tracks, and turn back around to face RAIDEN.
LIU KANG: Mortal Kombat?
RAIDEN: I think you should remember what your uncle has taught you, after all, you will be entering the tournament.
LIU KANG: And why is that?
RAIDEN: Because the fate of this world depends on it...
LIU feels wrong in his accusations that he made earlier. He begins to re-evaluate things.
LIU KANG: Fine. I will enter this tournament, and the Temples shall be safe once again. How about you Kung Lao, are you up to the challenge?
LIU gives KUNG LAO a challenging look, but KUNG LAO returns with a calm eye.
KUNG LAO: I shall stay here to ensure the safety of the Temples in this realm...
Author : Austin Campbell
Creation date: 2010-7-19-15-37
Modification date: 2010-7-19-15-37
Author's Remarks: | |
This is a script that I'm writing and I'd love for any input from anyone else. This is just the beginning, and it is not a complete script. Please let me know what you think...
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The one mistake I noticed was that you switched Kano's eyes (it's his right one that's metal).