Motaro sketch done
Fan Kreations
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Motaro sketch done
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Well, here's the finished version of the Motaro sketch I started here: . I made some changes to the legs, hands, face and other minor details.
Full Scale | 512x642 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 8 | Score |
submitted 03/14/2005 01:29 AM (UTC)by
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Member Since
09/09/2002 12:05 AM (UTC)

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Anything war can do, peace can do better.
Pretty good man, I remember those sketches. I know that drawing centaurs that are realistic is very difficult and I would say you did a damned good job.

About Me Dig it
Holy crap look at those leg muscles. That's double tough. His legs do look more human than horse but that's not bad.
Very good
Very good
About Me
My Action Short Films:
Thanks guys for your comments.
I think the drawing needs more work but I'll leave it like that.
I think the drawing needs more work but I'll leave it like that.
Pretty good for the most part, everything's in the "right place" so to speak. If you're really serious about improving, check out some anatomy books or muscle magazines. You have a sense of the muscle groups, but you need to see how they flow together, right now they're a bit more like separate bulges. Study the overlap and flow of the muscles groups and the overall presence of the characters you draw will become more powerful. Guh, i talk too much, nice work, keep it up.

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isn't the bottom one from the instruction booklet? (maybe reversed but certainly looks like the exacte same thing) and I could swear I saw the other one somewhere (but not the previous post) But hey.. great job..
About Me
My Action Short Films:
fartbunny_mk Wrote: isn't the bottom one from the instruction booklet? (maybe reversed but certainly looks like the exacte same thing) and I could swear I saw the other one somewhere (but not the previous post) But hey.. great job.. |
Yeah, I drew it looking at the one in the instruction booklet, but I made some minor details.
Thanks again everyone for your comments and advices.

About Me
hmmm...i like the way the dark lines stick out instead of realli light hard to see sketches. I also like ur style. Theres only one slight problem wih it though...the muscles and stuff like that dont realli flow all that well together. Anyways ..overall great job. 4 stars.

Good job, your drawing skills are getting much better.
To keep improving, try drawing from body builders, and anatomy books.
Learn how muscles flow and overlap.
like stated by Jashugan.
Keep it up!
To keep improving, try drawing from body builders, and anatomy books.
Learn how muscles flow and overlap.
like stated by Jashugan.
Keep it up!
Pages: 1
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