My First Fake: Goro Wins
06/23/2003 05:07 PM (UTC)by
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06/20/2003 01:46 PM (UTC)
06/22/2003 06:33 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry but, UGH!
Goro's lifebar is huge!
The heads of the ninjas are so terribly cut out.
On Scorpion's neck there seems to be an explosion of blood. That's impossible, since Scorpion just fell to the spikes and got stuck there(Somehow, I guess. The spikes must've stuck to the neck, since he doesn't have a head anymore).
I dont understand how the ninjas are stuck to the spikes, and the fatality idea isn't quite...good.
Half a dragon for effort.
Right then.
Here goes:

Things that would need changing:
- Lifebars first and foremost, they definately ruin this a little. Goro's is massive - not quite sure on the logic about that, but it doesn't work.
The lifebars of the ninjas aren't well done. You should have lifebar, name, lifebar name. Not the names randomly placed at the bottom.
- The ninjas look quite pleased with themselves that they have had their heads cut off, basically because you took them from the win poses. Not a good plan.
- The heads have small parts of their shoulders by them. You've cut them out with a square cut tool. Thats fine providing you then clear the boxed shape of them, i.e. remove the shoulders.
- Scorpion's blood work isn't fitting in the direction that some of it is going.
- Scorpion is standing up. If he was thrown off the pit (just guessin), he probably wouldn't be upright.
- Smoke also appears to be standing in his scared stance. Thrown off pit, gravity, shouldn't be standing in any fashion.
- A shadow on Goro would be nice.
- A little blood on the spines would have been nice as well.
- The background is made purely of props. There is nothing in the distance. It's a shame, it looks boring.
- Quality a little blurred because of jpeg.

Good things...
+ Well, the spines are ok I guess - but do not match the square ninja heads.

Oh well, give em a little more work, and concentrate on areas that you may think won't matter - see above.
06/22/2003 07:10 PM (UTC)
I got the pit1 background if you want don't hesitate and ask or if Agilo is reading this he should give you the link. Btw do you come from davesmk? im not going to flame you im just curious.
06/23/2003 03:13 PM (UTC)
its a pretty nice copy and paste, 1.5/5 you need to try and add some of ur own stuff to make it better
06/23/2003 05:07 PM (UTC)
No editing at all.

It looks awful, the idea is awful. I don't like it.
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