Old Style Cyrax
04/22/2003 08:51 PM (UTC)by
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

Member Since
02/10/2003 07:17 PM (UTC)
04/16/2003 03:48 PM (UTC)
Well, it's very technically acurate. Not much else I can say.

04/16/2003 04:48 PM (UTC)
It looks cool u try to add color
It's pretty good, but I would have liked to see him in an action pose. Something besides just standing there you know. It would be more interesting.

Keep them coming, and make up some of your own poses too, not the ones John Tobias drew. You could use your self as the model or have someone pose for you, and you can take their picture and use that.
04/17/2003 04:23 AM (UTC)

Bleed Wrote:
... You could use your self as the model ...

Hahaha. Sorry.
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/17/2003 04:51 AM (UTC)

VenoMark Wrote:
Bleed Wrote:
... You could use your self as the model ...

Hahaha. Sorry.

*pokes Veno, fairly hard* Don't start, you've been doing very good lately, don't mess it up.

As for the Cyrax drawing, I'm going to mention this again: my goal in drawing these particular MK drawings was to draw every MK character in the fighting games (excluding the Mythologies, but including Jataaka, Sareena, Kia, and a few rumor characters). I have yet to accomplish this goal but this is what I did accomplish a few years ago.

When I get more time, you'll see more original art from me. In the mean time, this is what I have scanned and I just figured I'd share them with you all.

Thanks to all of you for taking the time to look at them. I really appreciate those of you who take the time to do a serious evaluation of what you'd like to see (not those of you who can't draw more than a stick figure but insist on making cheap shots).

VenoMark Wrote:
Bleed Wrote:
... You could use your self as the model ...

Hahaha. Sorry.

There is nothing funny about that.
You don't have to look like the character to be able to model for it. You can have a guy pose, and use that to draw a girl. I have a 12 inch soldier toy, that I sometimes use if I'm having trouble with a certain pose, or to help with perspective.

You basically have to use whatever you have available.

NovaStarr, I can tell right away from your drawings, that you have a good eye for detail. I think you are trying to do them too fast or something though, because some parts look good, and others don't look so good.

For example, I like how you got all the detail in the chest area, but It looks slightly crooked, and The detail in the arms is awesome, but then the elbow joint is so big, you know. And the head looks good, but it is crooked too.

It is like you put all this awesome detail in, but then it isn't straight, how it should beconfused. For future drawings, I think you should try to find little mistakes like that, and fix them.

Um, I tell almost everybody this, but if you hold a drawing up to a mirror it's easy to spot things are miss aligned. I do that all the time to see if my drawings are properly aligned, because, a lot of times you can't tellwink.

***Edit*** One last thing, have you tried inking your work? If you haven't, you might want to try it, and maybe you can color them too using a photoshop or whatever you have. I know you are just going for this goal, but still, just a thought.

If you don't have photoshop, you can download it from Kazaa. If you do get it go for the latest version Photoshop 7.

There are a lot of people you can download if from in Kazaa, so look for one that says "Excellent" next to it, and has the authorization code with it.
About Me

Why care about people if they're not bloody and on your carpet right now?

04/22/2003 05:15 AM (UTC)
Hmm... this is strange. I almost forgot Bleed existed...
Anyway, the board has been suffering without fanart of your quality, Bleed (only in my opinion; NovaStarr and Trigger, keep up the good work and keep drawing)...

Also, for reasons I don't know of, it's kind nice (to me) to see that Venomark is still here...

P.S.- Bleed, I have Kazaa, and before I do anything drastic, I would like to know: How easy is it to use Photoshop 7 (I have Paint Shop Pro 6)?

P.S version 2- Now that's bad, when there are so few people on this board submitting good fanart that I can remember their names...
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/22/2003 05:44 AM (UTC)
Hey, don't forget Jade. She is the best when it comes to those 3D graphics and she's even breaking into hand drawings and their really good.
About Me

Why care about people if they're not bloody and on your carpet right now?

04/22/2003 08:25 PM (UTC)
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/22/2003 08:51 PM (UTC)
lol, don't worry about. I was just suggesting that you check out her work. It's really great.
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