Quan Chi's Leg Beat!
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Quan Chi's Leg Beat!
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.... Hmmm Well Hope You'll like! It isn't perfect I know, but it's not that bad!
Full Scale | 395x253 | Category | Fakes | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 11 | Score |

Heh. In all honesty, not as good as some of your others, but definately good
Just a couple of things:
- Quan Chi's face doesn't seem quite right, it kinda looks like he doesn't have a mouth.
- The Scorpion edit seems to have a lack of colour. The colours you did use are too close together I think, he kinda just looks a but dull with his colours.
Good Things:
I love the blood here, especially on Scorp's leg, thats very, very good. I also think that the sprite you chose for Scorpion was the perfect one, lol, the scissor takedown, good thinging
Quan Chi does kinda look a little skinny, but it used to be Johnny Cage, right? So I can't fault it, considering it was a human being before the whitewash, lol.
Good job
One question though, what is the purpose of Shao Kahn's shin pads, on Quan Chi? Adds a bit of life to his legs I guess? Lol.
Just a couple of things:
- Quan Chi's face doesn't seem quite right, it kinda looks like he doesn't have a mouth.
- The Scorpion edit seems to have a lack of colour. The colours you did use are too close together I think, he kinda just looks a but dull with his colours.
Good Things:
I love the blood here, especially on Scorp's leg, thats very, very good. I also think that the sprite you chose for Scorpion was the perfect one, lol, the scissor takedown, good thinging
Quan Chi does kinda look a little skinny, but it used to be Johnny Cage, right? So I can't fault it, considering it was a human being before the whitewash, lol.
Good job
One question though, what is the purpose of Shao Kahn's shin pads, on Quan Chi? Adds a bit of life to his legs I guess? Lol.
Well, this is very very nice
The BG is ok, nothing special.
Quan Chi's face is a bit messed up, though the rest of the edit is excellent! Though, I also think the amulet is a bit too small.
Scorpion's edit is...well, kinda bad, specially compared with the rest of the pic.
The blood is awsome, except for the blood which dripped out of Scorpion's leg and onto the floor. I think it needs more colors.
The BG is ok, nothing special.
Quan Chi's face is a bit messed up, though the rest of the edit is excellent! Though, I also think the amulet is a bit too small.
Scorpion's edit is...well, kinda bad, specially compared with the rest of the pic.
The blood is awsome, except for the blood which dripped out of Scorpion's leg and onto the floor. I think it needs more colors.
Thanks for the comments! Turning the pic into Jpeg reduce the tone color and quality of the pic a little. It has more color, specially the blood! (it will be posted at the warehouse soon).
About the Face, I didn't touch anything accept the upper part of the head. I just switch the color to grey!
About the Face, I didn't touch anything accept the upper part of the head. I just switch the color to grey!

Max... I don't know what happend to you, but you've lost your touch In making MKDA sprites. I mean, c'mon! Look at it compared to your other great fakes !
Any how, the stage is not all that bad, but could of been better, especially coming from you and as for the fatality, the blood gushing out Scorpion's leg should of been more red. Since it looks a little "pinkish".
But, it's still good. Dragons you get: 3.5/5.
By the way, I though you said you stoped making fakes?
That fucking kicks ass. You're just about getting as good as VenoMark with sprite editing. I love the stage, the blood is great. I can't find a single thing wrong with it!!! Oh wait, no timer =/ even though the life bars are supposed to dissapear in MKDA fatalities. But oh well.
balkcsiaboot Wrote: That fucking kicks ass. You're just about getting as good as VenoMark with sprite editing. I love the stage, the blood is great. I can't find a single thing wrong with it!!! Oh wait, no timer =/ even though the life bars are supposed to dissapear in MKDA fatalities. But oh well. |
Thanks! Appreciate your comments!
I never realized the timer thing until you mentioned it! I'll be aware of that!
And Noobsaibot, I don't think I lost my touch, quite the oposite, my old works where jsut copy and paste jod, and texture from screenshots and I really didn't required any great skills to do them.
The lastest one are edited with paint brush and Air brush only! Except the origianal based sprites of course.
I think that the critics are harder imo because many fakes makers are pulling out very good quality fakes! I still apreciate your concern!

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WyattHarris.com Dig it
Some of you seriously need to get real. With all the crap that's been posted lately especially when it comes to these fakes, Max's work is a sight for sore eyes. Someone that actually takes some time to do a good job is welcome for sure.
First thing, I would have to take issue with ]ombat's recent post about fake guidelines. Mainly paying attention to fonts, life bars, icons, etc. Just leave all that out. We know what an MK screen looks like. All the side stuff is the last thing that should be checked. What does the picture look like. That's what's important. One of the best of this class that was posted was Max's fire and ice pic with Scorpion and Sub-Zero. There was nothing but the characters and the background.
It just bothers me that a standard critizism is: the bars don't look right, you forgot the icons, your font is odd. Just leave that out all together, it isn't necessary.
Well anyway, Max, looks great. I see jpeg compression artifacts but nothing major. I like the way you simulated a depth-of-field effect by fading the background (or maybe that was just an accident
). Blur it a little more to look like the camera is focused on the action. That would be a nice touch. The Quan Chi edit is good, especially the pose. Scorpion could use a little more work, mostly on tones. His colors are a little solid right now. Good use of the existing pose. The two really work together.
Take it easy
First thing, I would have to take issue with ]ombat's recent post about fake guidelines. Mainly paying attention to fonts, life bars, icons, etc. Just leave all that out. We know what an MK screen looks like. All the side stuff is the last thing that should be checked. What does the picture look like. That's what's important. One of the best of this class that was posted was Max's fire and ice pic with Scorpion and Sub-Zero. There was nothing but the characters and the background.
It just bothers me that a standard critizism is: the bars don't look right, you forgot the icons, your font is odd. Just leave that out all together, it isn't necessary.
Well anyway, Max, looks great. I see jpeg compression artifacts but nothing major. I like the way you simulated a depth-of-field effect by fading the background (or maybe that was just an accident
Take it easy

Wow thats awesome!
I like the background a lot, I like how you use pre-existing sprites and you edit them very nicely done. Timsmk and others are right the colors of Scorpions chest is a bit weird, it looks like theres just 2 colors, I can't really explain like timsmk does
, I like blood, it reminds me of the blood syraxlk4d4 uses when he does fake pics
.Overall you did a good job, im going to wait until I see you vunerable so we can have that challenge muahahahaha 
I like the background a lot, I like how you use pre-existing sprites and you edit them very nicely done. Timsmk and others are right the colors of Scorpions chest is a bit weird, it looks like theres just 2 colors, I can't really explain like timsmk does
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ShingoEX Wrote: Me in a thressome, with my left and right hand...
Not bad!
Quan's face aint looking to good though...
Whats funny about this fake is I was just about to make the same fake
Guess I should get another idea.
Quan's face aint looking to good though...
Whats funny about this fake is I was just about to make the same fake

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I think it is realy cool. I always thought that was quan cis best fatality, and you made it look awesome. I love how u made scorpion laying. One thing that is weird about itis that quan chis face looks kinda weird, sorta like hes sucking on a lemon. The fake overall is awesome 5/5

You are most correct, the quality is MUCH better there.
It makes the blood look even more special, lol.
Just Quan's face really, and possibly Scorp's clothes, as I stated earlier, but everything else is great (bar the absence of a timer of course).
It makes the blood look even more special, lol.
Just Quan's face really, and possibly Scorp's clothes, as I stated earlier, but everything else is great (bar the absence of a timer of course).

Yes, this is better than the original....Heh...I like how you made it look like scorpion is trying desperatly to get away from Quan Chi...and the blood is also very nicely done....Hmmm though you have done better, I can't see anything wrong with this fake at all

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-Peace out, cubscout.
Above all, I love the blood. Youve captured the gruesomeness of this act flawlessly. The squirting blood is done very well. If there were an award for best blood effects, youd be the victor, hands down. As for Quan Chis mouth, I dont know... Im somewhat torn on the issue. Id assume the reason it isnt as visible as it used to be is because the color surrounding the area went from a flesh tone to a light gray. So now, you have two similar tones competing for dominance, perhaps if you had made his mouth a bit more pronounced (as opposed to the sprites original vertical slit), it would have helped. But that is nitpicking on an otherwise stellar image.
Great fake. I always look forward to your fakes because I usually know that they are going to MKDA designed, which takes more work. As others have mentioned, the Quan Chi sprite's face is the only thing that I see wrong with it. As for the outfit, and skin, you nailed those both perfectly. The Scorpion sprite isn't as good, but its still above average. I like how you gave him that 'uneven' texture with his suit, nice touch. The sprites' poses are great also, Scorpion looks just like he was about to receive a beating with his own leg.
This is one of my favorite fatalities in all of MK, and you captured the brutality of it excellently. Perfect shadows! And since you know about the timer, enough said about that. The BG is also quite good, nice effects with it. Though, I'm not sure the wooden barrier was the best barrier to choose here, but nice anyway. Good to see work from you, you are still pretty much uncontested, the best faker at MK5.org that submits actively.
This is one of my favorite fatalities in all of MK, and you captured the brutality of it excellently. Perfect shadows! And since you know about the timer, enough said about that. The BG is also quite good, nice effects with it. Though, I'm not sure the wooden barrier was the best barrier to choose here, but nice anyway. Good to see work from you, you are still pretty much uncontested, the best faker at MK5.org that submits actively.

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Man It's nice to see a talented Brother from my "madre Patria"! quan chi's face didn't come in too clear bean open mouth or something along those lines should fix dat right up making him seem more like the bondage psychotic he is and in addition to that EXCELLENT particle effects... The blood seems to pour out like it was measured in droplets...
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