SubScorpTile vs. SekSmoRax
Fan Kreations
Pages: 1
SubScorpTile vs. SekSmoRax
Artist's Remarks: | |
1st fake in awhile, alot of editing was put into this.
Full Scale | 395x253 | Category | Fakes (Color swap renders) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 18 | Score |

WOW!! COLOR SWAPS!! That is so original. I really like how you didn't even bother putting their AWESOME and CREATIVE names in the health bars.
I give it a one for effort.
I give it a one for effort.

'alot of editing was put into this'
Bull shit. I, and damn near anyone else, could crap out something better than that without any effort at all, and add some nice little effects in the process, too. And I'm not talking about the oh-so-wonderful PINK OUTLINE surrounding your extremely shitty sprite edits. Seriously, dude, this is an embarrassment to the fake pic community.
Bull shit. I, and damn near anyone else, could crap out something better than that without any effort at all, and add some nice little effects in the process, too. And I'm not talking about the oh-so-wonderful PINK OUTLINE surrounding your extremely shitty sprite edits. Seriously, dude, this is an embarrassment to the fake pic community.
alright i got it im bad at this ill just quit
Well, that's good to hear. Yet another nutless shit-bag unable to handle criticism. Go cry about it, SubScorpTile. There's no need to leave, but I'm not going to stop you. However, there is everyone reason to improve, and maybe you should take some pointers from people. Hell, try doing something to improve. Make MK:DA sprite edits. Create your own characters, with their own looks. Hell, whatever suits you. Just...don't curse us with the presence of something as horrid as this.
dude i didnt mean it by that nutless shitbag thats funny I can handle the critism but all of the fakes i do no1 seems to like em though. BTW i meant ill stop posting my shitty fakes.
VenoMark Wrote: Well, that's good to hear. Yet another nutless shit-bag unable to handle criticism. Go cry about it, SubScorpTile. There's no need to leave, but I'm not going to stop you. However, there is everyone reason to improve, and maybe you should take some pointers from people. Hell, try doing something to improve. Make MK:DA sprite edits. Create your own characters, with their own looks. Hell, whatever suits you. Just...don't curse us with the presence of something as horrid as this. |
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3 things, the idea blows goats, i could make a better fake with dog shit and a stick, and finally, you pretty much suck at this. bye

About Me
i think u need to take off the purple thing around them and it will be ok. I like the idea for the supscorptile but not the robot that much. I think ur getting better, u should keep posting and try to get better.
i got so many ideas in my head i just cant do this good like FoDeah sed i pretty much suk at this maybe ill try 1 or 2 more i have to make a good one sooner or later right

About Me
i cant even see the picture, its in an area about this size
|--------| .its probably better than my pix
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|--------| .its probably better than my pix
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ME 2
Dude, don't quite, and keep posting your pics, even if you and everyone else thinks they suck, you might get some constructive critisism from somebody reasonable. If these guys are just going to act like dicks over the internet because it's convinient then fuck them. I don't care if you don't like the pic, are well known at mko or if your a damn moderater it doesn't mean you should just act like a fucking jerk because you don't like some dudes picture. Go ahead ban me for this post, it just needs to be said that this kind of shit at mko (or anywhere) is fucking ridiculous.
Anyway, there's a few things you forgot like names in the health bars and little details like that. Also showing the characters do something, like a special move mid fight or a fatality brings a lot more life and believability to fakes. Just my 2 cents
Anyway, there's a few things you forgot like names in the health bars and little details like that. Also showing the characters do something, like a special move mid fight or a fatality brings a lot more life and believability to fakes. Just my 2 cents

Are we that bored or something?
Are we that bored or something?
Pages: 1
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