10/31/2014 03:33 AM (UTC)
What happens to Scorpion after he returns to the Netherrealm after he spares Kuai Liang? Quan Chi and Shinnok just let him wander in the Netherrealm without putting Scorpion through a punishment or being imprisoned in the Prison of Souls?

Also Scorpion is not easily bullshited by Kahn's offer to join his army because Kuai Liang is on the opposing side and he made the vow to protect him. So Quan Chi would probably think telling Sub-Zero is the enemy is a stupid move given that Scorpion KNOWS Bi-Han is dead and his quest for revenge is over in his mind. Quan Chi must have done some stupid apparition of the Shirai Ryu massacre with Kuai Liang being involved that ticked off Scorpion as what happened to MK9, but is that the only option for Quan Chi?
11/01/2014 05:37 AM (UTC)
If you'll recall, Scorpion starts MK3 TRAPPED in Hell, without the power to escape on his own. Shao Kahn accidentally releases him, and he agrees to join Kahn's army because it means not having to return to imprisonment in Hell.

So yeah, he doesn't exactly get away scott free for sparing Kuai in MK2.
And Scorpion doesn't know Kuai's on the other side when he agrees to fight for Kahn. He finds that out later and switches sides.
11/01/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
Correct me if I'm wrong but in the original canon didn't Scorpion want revenge against Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) just for killing him back in Mythologies and only found out about the death of his family and clan through Quan Chi who pointed to Kuai Liang as the murderer in MK4 which turned Scorpion against his oath to protect Sub-Zero rather than finding about his clan's demise prior to MK1?
11/01/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
Sorry. Accidental double post
11/01/2014 11:34 PM (UTC)
MK1, 2, and 3 only mention Scorpion wanting to avenge himself, yeah. MKM and MK4 retconned in the family and clan being murdered too.

But Scorpion accuses Bi-Han of killing his family the second time you encounter him in Mythologies in the Prison of Souls stage. So timeline-wise, he knew right away that they'd been murdered and assumed or was told that Bi-Han did it. (That said, in the Razorverse, he obviously doesn't find out until right before the tournament, since the scene where that happens is right there in the outline...)

Then Quan Chi tells him "Kuai Liang killed them" in MK4 to get him to break his vow and go after him.
11/12/2014 05:32 AM (UTC)
Since Darrius and Dairou are going to be downplayed as guards for the Deadly Alliance in your fanfiction because of the obvious blandness in their canon storyline (just leading a rebellion in the Realm of Order kinda contradictory), how will Seido's relationship with other realms be highlighted other than Chaosrealm? Will the new female Seidan villain in the future add a better aspect to the world of Seido than both Darrius and Dairou?
11/12/2014 05:36 AM (UTC)
Well I feel like Hotaru taking over an Outworld city and then allying with Onaga in Deception should have been viewed as more of a connection than it is, so I'll just try to emphasize his role in the plot more I guess.
Particularly to show how his hunt for Sub-Zero and Kenshi distracts him from what's going on in Seido and allows Darrius's rebellion to succeed like in that one ending where they steal that government document. Which I suppose will have to be followed up on in Armageddon since the Red Dragons are the big villains there and my version of Darrius works for them, so maybe I'll have them actually conquer Seido.

As for the Post-Armageddon stuff with the new characters...I haven't worked it out yet, but I do hope it gives Seido and Chaosrealm more screentime and that it feels relevant to the other realms.
11/23/2014 07:12 AM (UTC)
I have this interesting idea: You know in canon that King Jerrod was depicted as this good and peaceful king to his people? What if Jerrod turned out to be somewhat of a traditionalist and feudal lord himself, sucking tribute from vassal states under Edenia to build up his treasury, executing political prisoners away from the public eye, restricting the common people's freedoms, censoring free press etc. while the only people he cared for are his wife and daughter? Maybe that assholery would lead him to think he could stop Outworld from conquering his realm in Mortal Kombat but his arrogance would cost him his realm and his wife and daughter?

I'm not saying he should be a villain, but I can picture him as a patriarchal traditionalist who wouldn't hesitant stealing wealth from his lower kingdoms and crushing them if they acted in rebellion in adherence to "Edenian values." Maybe it's this arrogance and disregard to his own people that pisses off Tanya on why the royal family lost to Kahn in the first place and her justification to plotting their eradication. This could also be good development for Kitana who finds out that her "great father King Jerrod" was not so great and as for coming in line after Sindel's death, she can form a new regency where she ends up creating a new policy that rebuilds the nobility's relationship with the Edenian common folk , not idolizing her father and repeating his mistakes
11/23/2014 07:20 AM (UTC)
The idea of Jerrod being less than the pure, idealized legend of him we know today has been suggested before a few times over the years, usually by people who theorized he could secretly be Drahmin before MK9 revealed his soul to be part of Ermac...

I never liked the idea mainly because however he acted, Sindel would rule in exactly the same way, and we've seen firsthand how she rules - all the NPCs in Deception love the monarchy and don't complain about anything in their way of life except for Shao Kahn always trying to conquer them.

Besides, you can't expect a King Arthur-esque world to be aware of modern concepts that democratic governments on Earth have like freedom of speech/press. They're a little busy farming and sewing their own clothes by hand and not knowing algebra. Who in Edenia would even make newspapers, have they invented the printing press yet? I highly doubt it.
Also, this is more a concern for the "future ideas" thread, but by the time Sindel is dead and Kitana is on the throne in the Razorverse, let's just say she's going to be way too busy trying to keep her people alive to worry about how they're governed or what her dad was like... If anything has made life hard for Edenians, it's not their king who's been dead for 10,000 years and is now a ninja with multiple personality disorder, it's probably their protector-god deciding to stage the fucking apocalypse there and invite every important, dangerous person in the universe to attend.
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11/26/2014 09:36 PM (UTC)
Yes, everyone is happy in a feudal monarchy and it's banality,..this is what killed it for me in MKD and the whole Edenian part. How would you adress this, because there has to be a reason why Edeni works as a, well, Eden.

Do some world building.
11/26/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
Well there's a couple different elements to play with to explain Edenia's nature.

One is the idea that the realms exist on actual alignment poles. We already have a planet of Order opposite a planet of Chaos, a realm of pure Good (The Heavens) opposite a realm of pure Evil (Netherealm), what if Edenia and Outworld are the realm of Peace and the realm of War or something like that?

Earthrealm would sit perfectly in the middle of this cosmic axis like Midgard in Norse myth, which was already sort of true earlier in the Tobias-written lore when it was occasionally referred to as "The Motherrealm" and said that it was a nexus point, the realm with the most portals occuring in nature, which is what made it so valuable to conquerers like Kahn and Shinnok - if you possess Earth, you can travel to anywhere else with ease.

Another idea is the simple fact that the gods spend more time interacting with Edenians than in any other realm. They intermingle and breed with each other regularly apparently without consequence, which is the canonical reason why Edenians have multi-thousand year lifespans.

I don't necessarily think life in Edenia is inherently idyllic anyway. I think it's a realm where "the beauty of nature" is especially appreciated, lots of lush environments, green grass, waterfalls, etc...but obviously that's not all there is to it given the desert canyon of Argus's pyramid. Like I said...I don't think of it as all that special, I just think of it as a place that's still stuck in the middle ages with knights and codes of chivalry and uneducated farmer citizens and such...a place that prospers because its king and queen were good people and ruled well and because it's an idealized version of medieval life where you don't have the black plague or the brutal hypocrisy of the Crusades, no different from traditional media about King Arthur's Camelot, or Hyrule in the Legend of Zelda.

Whatever the case, when I think of the Garden of Eden story in the bible, the part I find most interesting isn't the idea that it was a perfect paradise, it's the idea that it was the origin-world of the human race but they were forced to migrate away.

I'd like to do something with that, that sort of answers the mystery of "why did Onaga's tomb in OUTWORLD have ancient EDENIAN writing in it?", and maybe why do so many realms have the same human species in them?

It's not a concept I've really fleshed out in my head yet because the Edenian government and way of life doesn't actually play a role in the plots of MK1 thru Armageddon. Just a seed I've briefly pondered. I might develop it further, I might decide there's no place for it.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
12/03/2014 10:51 PM (UTC)
A word from Razor at his Deviantart page.
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