The Select Screen
The Select Screen
Artist's Remarks: | |
(Makes a great wallpaper!)Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter vs. KOF vs. Darkstalkers vs. Guilty Gear vs. Tekken vs. Soul Calibur vs. Rival Schools vs. Samurai Showdown vs. Last Blade vs. Garou vs. Rage of the Dragons
Full Scale | 1056x801 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 12 | Score |
I don't usually accept them 'fake select screen', mostly because it's been done by every fan fake artist and their respective grandmothers. This one, however, is different. Why? Well... it has more faces. :) It also can be used as a desktop wallpaper without stretching the image... which is good.

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This is an awesome fan art! All the greatest fighting chrracters on the same screen... I really like it... but the background is kind of ugly... the top is cool with the choose your fighter but then it goes to an ugly light pink that is just, you know, ugly... great work! 4/5

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Anything war can do, peace can do better.
Well considering it is so been done, it's really good. I think cause seldomly is it done with that many characters. Not bad. And I really want to play this game!

Sorry I don't like. Select screens has been done on the past so this idea is pretty much unoriginal. If you would of made a select screen more ORIGINAL and CREATIVE then it would of looked better. Don't let my opinion stop you. Just keep trying.

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Hey thanks for the replies everyone, I know this has been done to death, but I wanted to see a select screen of an ultimate fighting game. You'd be surprised how long this took me too, choosing what games and what characters, and just when I thought it was finished I just kept adding more and more! And I have played with almost every character on there too. I bet I'll even keep adding more if either I'm bored enough, or find some kick ass characters that belong on it. Now the question at hand is, who can name everyone! I named every game on there, so it shouldn't be too hard. Eihter way I kept a list of everyone as I put them in so I'll post that later tonight or in the morning. Again, thanks everyone for the comments!

You forgot to add me

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Alright I fixed the background to everyone's idea's it's darker and has a midnight blue tint and clouds. Anyone know where i can post this at 350kb?? Anyway if you want this one for a wallpaper, just pm me your e-mail adress and I'll send you the better quality version!
Alright I fixed the background to everyone's idea's it's darker and has a midnight blue tint and clouds. Anyone know where i can post this at 350kb?? Anyway if you want this one for a wallpaper, just pm me your e-mail adress and I'll send you the better quality version!

You might want to check that link. It directs me to a porn site.

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Wow, I shrunk...
ummmm.....did you all notice how the Mortal Kombat Characters look Kick Ass while the rest look fruity as hell......just my opinion

*rolls eyes*
You know what I mean, remember those times.
You know what I mean, remember those times.

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aha Murdoink, the man that inspired me with his selectscreen. That was about, what?, almost two years ago? Hey the link is workin for me fine, but if anyone else is pullin up porn lemme know and I'll remove it asap, or a moderator will before I do! (dont ban me please!)

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Oh yeah, big thanks goes to AcjBizar for posting my pic. With all the effort that actually went into that, I really appreciate this man. Thank you.

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it looks like my select screen from MUGEN

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Well it's morning, wow no one even tried to name them all, sad.. Oh well here ya go starting from the top going left to right:
Nightmare; Rock; Xiangfei; KimKapHwan; Kyo; Remy; Ukyo; Kenshi; OriginalSubZero; Angel; Rose; Kula; Q; R.Mika; Guy; Shinnok; K; Seth; KyKiske; Yoshimitsu; Setsuna; Mitsurugi; Hotaru; Hinako; Mr.Karate; Iori; Makoto; Jax; FeiLong; Raiden; DeeJay; HumanSmoke; Mizuki; Rain; Jarek; Scorpion; Gil; Geese; MayLee; Zato-1; Benimaru; Hong; Kojirou; Hokutomaru; Felicia; Athena; Ryu; Gen; Oro; Earthquake; Karin; Kazuya; QuanChi; Kitana; Robert; Amakusa; Sakura; Urien; EvilRyu; K9999; Testament; Kasumi; Cassandra; Kagami; Ruby; Jedah; Shizumaru; Bison; Ermac; Birdie; Adon; Li Mei; Jade; Reiko; Gato; Smoke; Heihachi; Dan; Stryker; ViolentKen; Chin; SolBadguy; Shermie; Taki; Recca; Kensou; BBHood; Jubei; Balrog; Rolento; T.Hawk; Nightwolf; Sindel; Cody; Duo; Sodom; Kabal; Yamazaki; Juni; Sean; ShinAkuma; Leona; Chipp; Krizalid; Voldo; Zantestu; Joe; Basara; Guile; Charlie; Kintaro; Mavado; BlueMary; ShaoKhan; Jin; Dizzy; Venessa; Elena; Juli; Noob; Cammy; Ralf; May; B.Jenet; Maxi; Shigen; Hwoarang; Venom; Yoshitora; Blanka; Zangief; ShenWoo; KungLao; Slayer; Billy; Shang; Jhun; LiuKang; Sonya; Yashiro; Mukai; E.Honda; Andy; Johnny; Geonitz; Ivy; Juzo; Orochi; Zappa; Nakoruru; Mai; Reptile; AshCrimson; Fujin; Motaro; Twelve; Frost; Malin; King; Haohmaru; Zero; Goro; Terry; Ryo; Baiken; Kauser; Kilik; Yuki; Eagle; I-No; Mina; Shiki; Tizoc; BoRiCho; Sheeva; Cyrax; Kano; Donovan; Moloch; Alex; Lin; Cage; Drahmin; Demitri; Whip; Potemkin; Nina; Xianghua; Moriya; King; Freeman; Kazama; Genjuro; Sektor; Blaze; Kai; Dudley; Baraka; SubZero; Milleena; Nitara; HsuHao; Tabasa; Bishamon; Hugo; Maxima; Axl; Kevin; Astaroth; Kaede; Julia; Kain; Foxy; Rugal; Ignis; Chun Li; Akuma; Dhalsim; Ibuki; Necro; Yang; Sagat; Vega; Ken; Yun; Morrigan; Lilith; Ramon; Bryan; Raphael; Johan; Grant; Law; Lei; Hibiki; Christie; Arremer; Ogre; Xiaoyu; Chang; Choi; Bear; Kyosuke; Marduk; Mature; Vice; Maki; Pheonix; Lee; Steve; Necrid; Kouryu; Alice; Billy; Lynn; Annie; Cassandra; Oni; Pepe; Pupa; Kyoko; Zaki; Akira; Batsu; Hayato; Roy; Hyo; Elias; Sonia; Jimmy; Combot; Cervantes;
Nightmare; Rock; Xiangfei; KimKapHwan; Kyo; Remy; Ukyo; Kenshi; OriginalSubZero; Angel; Rose; Kula; Q; R.Mika; Guy; Shinnok; K; Seth; KyKiske; Yoshimitsu; Setsuna; Mitsurugi; Hotaru; Hinako; Mr.Karate; Iori; Makoto; Jax; FeiLong; Raiden; DeeJay; HumanSmoke; Mizuki; Rain; Jarek; Scorpion; Gil; Geese; MayLee; Zato-1; Benimaru; Hong; Kojirou; Hokutomaru; Felicia; Athena; Ryu; Gen; Oro; Earthquake; Karin; Kazuya; QuanChi; Kitana; Robert; Amakusa; Sakura; Urien; EvilRyu; K9999; Testament; Kasumi; Cassandra; Kagami; Ruby; Jedah; Shizumaru; Bison; Ermac; Birdie; Adon; Li Mei; Jade; Reiko; Gato; Smoke; Heihachi; Dan; Stryker; ViolentKen; Chin; SolBadguy; Shermie; Taki; Recca; Kensou; BBHood; Jubei; Balrog; Rolento; T.Hawk; Nightwolf; Sindel; Cody; Duo; Sodom; Kabal; Yamazaki; Juni; Sean; ShinAkuma; Leona; Chipp; Krizalid; Voldo; Zantestu; Joe; Basara; Guile; Charlie; Kintaro; Mavado; BlueMary; ShaoKhan; Jin; Dizzy; Venessa; Elena; Juli; Noob; Cammy; Ralf; May; B.Jenet; Maxi; Shigen; Hwoarang; Venom; Yoshitora; Blanka; Zangief; ShenWoo; KungLao; Slayer; Billy; Shang; Jhun; LiuKang; Sonya; Yashiro; Mukai; E.Honda; Andy; Johnny; Geonitz; Ivy; Juzo; Orochi; Zappa; Nakoruru; Mai; Reptile; AshCrimson; Fujin; Motaro; Twelve; Frost; Malin; King; Haohmaru; Zero; Goro; Terry; Ryo; Baiken; Kauser; Kilik; Yuki; Eagle; I-No; Mina; Shiki; Tizoc; BoRiCho; Sheeva; Cyrax; Kano; Donovan; Moloch; Alex; Lin; Cage; Drahmin; Demitri; Whip; Potemkin; Nina; Xianghua; Moriya; King; Freeman; Kazama; Genjuro; Sektor; Blaze; Kai; Dudley; Baraka; SubZero; Milleena; Nitara; HsuHao; Tabasa; Bishamon; Hugo; Maxima; Axl; Kevin; Astaroth; Kaede; Julia; Kain; Foxy; Rugal; Ignis; Chun Li; Akuma; Dhalsim; Ibuki; Necro; Yang; Sagat; Vega; Ken; Yun; Morrigan; Lilith; Ramon; Bryan; Raphael; Johan; Grant; Law; Lei; Hibiki; Christie; Arremer; Ogre; Xiaoyu; Chang; Choi; Bear; Kyosuke; Marduk; Mature; Vice; Maki; Pheonix; Lee; Steve; Necrid; Kouryu; Alice; Billy; Lynn; Annie; Cassandra; Oni; Pepe; Pupa; Kyoko; Zaki; Akira; Batsu; Hayato; Roy; Hyo; Elias; Sonia; Jimmy; Combot; Cervantes;
TheOmniOni Wrote: Nightmare; Rock; Xiangfei; KimKapHwan; Kyo; Remy; Ukyo; Kenshi; OriginalSubZero; Angel; Rose; Kula; Q; R.Mika; Guy; Shinnok; K; Seth; KyKiske; Yoshimitsu; Setsuna; Mitsurugi; Hotaru; Hinako; Mr.Karate; Iori; Makoto; Jax; FeiLong; Raiden; DeeJay; HumanSmoke; Mizuki; Rain; Jarek; Scorpion; Gil; Geese; MayLee; Zato-1; Benimaru; Hong; Kojirou; Hokutomaru; Felicia; Athena; Ryu; Gen; Oro; Earthquake; Karin; Kazuya; QuanChi; Kitana; Robert; Amakusa; Sakura; Urien; EvilRyu; K9999; Testament; Kasumi; Cassandra; Kagami; Ruby; Jedah; Shizumaru; Bison; Ermac; Birdie; Adon; Li Mei; Jade; Reiko; Gato; Smoke; Heihachi; Dan; Stryker; ViolentKen; Chin; SolBadguy; Shermie; Taki; Recca; Kensou; BBHood; Jubei; Balrog; Rolento; T.Hawk; Nightwolf; Sindel; Cody; Duo; Sodom; Kabal; Yamazaki; Juni; Sean; ShinAkuma; Leona; Chipp; Krizalid; Voldo; Zantestu; Joe; Basara; Guile; Charlie; Kintaro; Mavado; BlueMary; ShaoKhan; Jin; Dizzy; Venessa; Elena; Juli; Noob; Cammy; Ralf; May; B.Jenet; Maxi; Shigen; Hwoarang; Venom; Yoshitora; Blanka; Zangief; ShenWoo; KungLao; Slayer; Billy; Shang; Jhun; LiuKang; Sonya; Yashiro; Mukai; E.Honda; Andy; Johnny; Geonitz; Ivy; Juzo; Orochi; Zappa; Nakoruru; Mai; Reptile; AshCrimson; Fujin; Motaro; Twelve; Frost; Malin; King; Haohmaru; Zero; Goro; Terry; Ryo; Baiken; Kauser; Kilik; Yuki; Eagle; I-No; Mina; Shiki; Tizoc; BoRiCho; Sheeva; Cyrax; Kano; Donovan; Moloch; Alex; Lin; Cage; Drahmin; Demitri; Whip; Potemkin; Nina; Xianghua; Moriya; King; Freeman; Kazama; Genjuro; Sektor; Blaze; Kai; Dudley; Baraka; SubZero; Milleena; Nitara; HsuHao; Tabasa; Bishamon; Hugo; Maxima; Axl; Kevin; Astaroth; Kaede; Julia; Kain; Foxy; Rugal; Ignis; Chun Li; Akuma; Dhalsim; Ibuki; Necro; Yang; Sagat; Vega; Ken; Yun; Morrigan; Lilith; Ramon; Bryan; Raphael; Johan; Grant; Law; Lei; Hibiki; Christie; Arremer; Ogre; Xiaoyu; Chang; Choi; Bear; Kyosuke; Marduk; Mature; Vice; Maki; Pheonix; Lee; Steve; Necrid; Kouryu; Alice; Billy; Lynn; Annie; Cassandra; Oni; Pepe; Pupa; Kyoko; Zaki; Akira; Batsu; Hayato; Roy; Hyo; Elias; Sonia; Jimmy; Combot; Cervantes; |
Holy crap, you have a lot of spare time.

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Yes, yes I do!

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TheOmniOni Wrote: You'd be surprised how long this took me too, |
I can imagine. It looks like a doctoral thesis on Fighting Games.
I see no mention of Tung Foo Roo.
ps. The KOF characters look more cartoony than I'm used to. What version is that?

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Anything war can do, peace can do better.
RaMeir Wrote: It looks like a doctoral thesis on Fighting Games. |
Hehe, that's what I should write my thesis on....

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RaMeir Wrote: I see no mention of Tung Foo Roo. Wyatt ps. The KOF characters look more cartoony than I'm used to. What version is that? |
I'm unfamiliar with Tung Foo Roo, I shall have to look into that. As for the actual pictures used from the various games I didn't use character's select screen shots, most are from various artwork used. That's why some of the characters look odd, it's because I couldn't find good enough pics.

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I'm already working on another version adding more characters, so everyone please help me out, which characters do you want to see??

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TheOmniOni Wrote: I'm already working on another version adding more characters, so everyone please help me out, which characters do you want to see?? |
Tung Foo Roo never made it to KOF, he is a Fatal Fury character. He's the short, old, monk looking character that half way through a fight after pounding on him he transforms into gaint demon (ala Hulk). He could also throw out moves from the hulk version of himself. I always liked him because of his surprise factor.
As for others you totally forgot Killer Instinct.
THAT LOOKS REALLY COOL! It took me some time to find my favorite characters. WOW, imagine if they acrually had a game like that. IT wud be cool!
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