Artist's Remarks: | |
Johnny Cage starring Tom Cruise
Full Scale | 325x451 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 12 | Score | 3.0 |
I see the troll is thriving still. 5DP to bring the score up to the range it SHOULD be... I can't say that a 2.5 is really accurate though. You're real score I believe should be 4. The only thing I don't like is the font because it doesn't look like "real" handwriting.
Doing good! Zero points, no comments and 0% rating for an update of a classic image. I chose Cruise because there were no suitable pictures of Van Damme.
An "update of a classic image" that clearly required no artistic effort (and the effort put forth was wasted, to put it plainly) is deserving of a goose-egg in the score column. The fading gradient along the edges was half-assed, and the signature looks like something a child in grade-school scribbled together with one of those over-sized Crayola crayons. Therefore, since the altered portions of the image are substandard and no real artistic effort was put forth, the image has warranted a score of zero.
Also, I just wanna mention that I am not this "troll" of whom you speak, as I was unbanned as recently as last week (can't vote if you're banned). I just didn't think this thing deserved a critique, given that experienced "artists" who produce pieces of such amateurish quality don't get a lick of respect (from me, anyway) in regards to said piece.
Side note: This would still look like shit with Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Harrison Ford, or anyone else for that matter. That is all.
Doing good! Zero points, no comments and 0% rating for an update of a classic image. I chose Cruise because there were no suitable pictures of Van Damme.
An "update of a classic image" that clearly required no artistic effort (and the effort put forth was wasted, to put it plainly) is deserving of a goose-egg in the score column. The fading gradient along the edges was half-assed, and the signature looks like something a child in grade-school scribbled together with one of those over-sized Crayola crayons. Therefore, since the altered portions of the image are substandard and no real artistic effort was put forth, the image has warranted a score of zero.
Also, I just wanna mention that I am not this "troll" of whom you speak, as I was unbanned as recently as last week (can't vote if you're banned). I just didn't think this thing deserved a critique, given that experienced "artists" who produce pieces of such amateurish quality don't get a lick of respect (from me, anyway) in regards to said piece.
Side note: This would still look like shit with Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Harrison Ford, or anyone else for that matter. That is all.
Great...... just when BS finally downloaded a half way tolerable personality, another ass hole apppears. What's next? TheDarkDuelist returns from the shadows with a new fake?
I think the photo choice was outstanding. Tom has a douchey face that would fit perfectly for some one like cage. Since ur score has been trolled twice: 5DP.
The fact is that either my reputation has preceded me and the mere sight of my name on a forum stirs up the emotional disdain of users who have experienced my ego-blistering critiques of old, or you're simply ignorant. In either case, maybe you should reexamine what I said and you'll recognize the honest criticism of one artist to another. While you're at it, take a gander at the definition of "trolling" and again you may recognize the clear faults in your pointless accusations and infantile name-calling.
Great...... just when BS finally downloaded a half way tolerable personality, another ass hole apppears. What's next? TheDarkDuelist returns from the shadows with a new fake?
If you're not aware of the embarrassment through which I've put many a naive individual in years past, then you have no idea what types of alterations I've made to my personality. On the same hand, you haven't earned the privilege to accuse me of anything.
I admit that I still have the acidic tongue, but I have realized that littering my critiques with hate-induced verbal assaults isn't something that has to define me. Having said that, I refuse to be the scapegoat in your desperate attempts to be accepted by a larger crowd. If you have something you need to say to me, send me a personal message; whoring for attention in someone else's thread is conceited.
By the way, you're following the wrong person. That is all.
Edit: By the way, a rating is supposed to be based on the collective opinions of a group. Voting purely to boost the rating of an image that clearly required little to no artistic talent--or any image, for that matter--is asinine and contradicts your "trolling" argument. Think before you act, sweetheart; you'll be much better off in the long run.
To Zmoke, care to explain why you picked Cruise for this please?
Zero points, no comments and 0% rating for an update of a classic image. I chose Cruise because there were no suitable pictures of Van Damme.
You're welcome.
Great...... just when BS finally downloaded a half way tolerable personality, ...
To Zmoke, care to explain why you picked Cruise for this please?
Zero points, no comments and 0% rating for an update of a classic image. I chose Cruise because there were no suitable pictures of Van Damme.
You're welcome.
I just meant more like why Cruise and not someone else. Just shooting the shit more with that question really.
I just meant more like why Cruise and not someone else. Just shooting the shit more with that question really.
Yeah, I figured as much. I initially made the mistake of assuming that Saizero had responded and thus I concocted a response to her. Soon after I realized my mistake, hence the short response. I'd blame the vodka, but even while drunk I'm still more coherent than 99% of the underachieving and over-praised wretches in this cesspool of the untalented. Rambleramble.
I laughed my ass off, actually. I don't know if this was your intention or not.
I see the troll is thriving still. 5DP to bring the score up to the range it SHOULD be... I can't say that a 2.5 is really accurate though. You're real score I believe should be 4. The only thing I don't like is the font because it doesn't look like "real" handwriting.
Ah, thanks! Very valid point on the font thing. Yes, that's the way to go – to nullify the troll's tribulations. This is the only right way to go currently.
Zmoke, the idea and work is hilarious. I about died of laughter. Maybe, though, the handwriting could be skinnier. I gave it a 5 for the same reason blacksaibot did.
Nice, but I hope you're still alive and breathing. Thanks a lot. Good points.
An "update of a classic image" that clearly required no artistic effort (and the effort put forth was wasted, to put it plainly) is deserving of a goose-egg in the score column. The fading gradient along the edges was half-assed, and the signature looks like something a child in grade-school scribbled together with one of those over-sized Crayola crayons. Therefore, since the altered portions of the image are substandard and no real artistic effort was put forth, the image has warranted a score of zero.
There is a ton of worse pictures that require more artistic effort and I don't necessarily think it was entirely wasted seeing the previous posters liked it for one. I agree with your rebukes, I'll keep those in mind, but I didn't put hours of effort to this because executing the idea didn't happen to require hours of effort IMO. The font is as is because I was loyal to the original font but I agree that I should've / could've updated it too. Excessive work would have decreased the humor value in it. Gotta keep it simple sometimes.
Also, I just wanna mention that I am not this "troll" of whom you speak, as I was unbanned as recently as last week (can't vote if you're banned). I just didn't think this thing deserved a critique, given that experienced "artists" who produce pieces of such amateurish quality don't get a lick of respect (from me, anyway) in regards to said piece.
Side note: This would still look like shit with Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Harrison Ford, or anyone else for that matter. That is all.
Nice alibi, dude! (Just joking.) The troll isn't necessarily a big problem to me, it's in Mortal Kombat Online's plans to enhance the rating system by the year 2018 anyway. So I'll just wait for that. Thanks for considering me an experienced artist with quotation marks as well as for the feedback. When I'll submit something you prefer: do show your appreciation then.
Welcome Back!I think the photo choice was outstanding. Tom has a douchey face that would fit perfectly for some one like cage. Since ur score has been trolled twice: 5DP.
Danke! There indeed was some thought with the picture to say at least.
By the way, you're following the wrong person. That is all.
It depends on who is right and who is wrong. To whom did you allude?
Edit: By the way, a rating is supposed to be based on the collective opinions of a group. Voting purely to boost the rating of an image that clearly required little to no artistic talent--or any image, for that matter--is asinine and contradicts your "trolling" argument. Think before you act, sweetheart; you'll be much better off in the long run.
Objection! First of all, you have to judge the whole package here; you don't get a better rating just by putting more hours to it – you've got to have the right idea. Again, Mortal Kombat Online is working on a more stable rating system and until that we will have to demonstrate. Do you accept if a troll rates every single artwork, no matter the quality, with a bottom score and no explanation? That is trolling, hence we are nullifying their essence and focusing on more rational ratings. If you, VenoMark, desire to rate this 0/5 DP's – that's fine by me, no issue, as long as you explain why and don't do that on a regular basis without even looking at what's been done to it.
To Zmoke, care to explain why you picked Cruise for this please?
The original grayscale "photo" of Cage has Daniel Pesina with no shirt smiling into distance, a plain background and blue text. It was hard to find a befitting picture with the perfect angle, and when I couldn't find a suitable picture of Jean-Claude Van Damme I decided to go with someone else you may know. I found myself from a celebrity site that concentrates on Hollywood celebs wearing sunglasses and picked the most suitable one. Of course, this isn't the perfect match but this is my personal rendition.
I'd blame the vodka, but even while drunk I'm still more coherent than 99% of the underachieving and over-praised wretches in this cesspool of the untalented.
I'd like to know who did you refer to as you have no works here. The vodka doesn't do mistakes. I'd prefer not to waste your precious vodka to surfing online BTW unless you come from a bar alone and are still drunk. Check.
With viewers' high expectations the majority of the artists don't submit anything and they who do, they submit rarely. Shall the idea be the focal point sometimes – no pressure. Maybe this wasn't the topnotch update you expected to see but this is a remake. I'll submit a drawing up next.
Nice alibi, dude! (Just joking.) The troll isn't necessarily a big problem to me, it's in Mortal Kombat Online's plans to enhance the rating system by the year 2018 anyway. So I'll just wait for that. Thanks for considering me an experienced artist with quotation marks as well as for the feedback. When I'll submit something you prefer: do show your appreciation then.
I don't "consider" you an experienced artist; by definition, you're experienced, and I use the term "artist" loosely (hence the quotation marks), given the substandard quality of most of your previous pieces. I will, however, offer praise if you're equipped with the talent necessary to impress me.
By the way, you're following the wrong person. That is all.
To whom did you allude?
I was referring to Saizero accepting the tutelage of a user who isn't capable of inspiring her to continue expanding on her talent. I took blacksaibot under my wing and he's attempted to pass the torch to Saizero, but it's been all for naught. I say this because she's produced only one image and even she was dissatisfied with the end product.
Edit: By the way, a rating is supposed to be based on the collective opinions of a group. Voting purely to boost the rating of an image that clearly required little to no artistic talent--or any image, for that matter--is asinine and contradicts your "trolling" argument. Think before you act, sweetheart; you'll be much better off in the long run.
Objection! First of all, you have to judge the whole package here; you don't get a better rating just by putting more hours to it – you've got to have the right idea. Again, Mortal Kombat Online is working on a more stable rating system and until that we will have to demonstrate. Do you accept if a troll rates every single artwork, no matter the quality, with a bottom score and no explanation? That is trolling, hence we are nullifying their essence and focusing on more rational ratings. If you, VenoMark, desire to rate this 0/5 DP's – that's fine by me, no issue, as long as you explain why and don't do that on a regular basis without even looking at what's been done to it.
I did judge the whole package, hence the reason this thread has gained any level of popularity, heh. Also, I never claimed nor did I imply that, in order to impress me, artwork requires long hours of scrupulous work. When I say "effort", I mean simply that you could've made the chicken scratch of a signature look a bit more, you know, like an autograph as opposed to a sloppy MSPaint edit. Again, it's also blatantly apparent that you were careless with the transparent border. Someone with any level of artistic experience shouldn't be making such elementary mistakes.
I hope you've not made the mistake of presuming that I don't take the time to examine a piece before offering criticism. I've had users "troll" my artwork in the past (Flash-Crash and UltimateRyu, most notably) simply because they don't take kindly to the way I exercise my analysis. So, to answer your query, I've never taken it to heart and I do accept that haters are gonna hate. It's just a fact of life and all it's done is fuel my creative fire.
I'd blame the vodka, but even while drunk I'm still more coherent than 99% of the underachieving and over-praised wretches in this cesspool of the untalented.
I'd like to know who did you refer to as you have no works here. The vodka doesn't do mistakes. I'd prefer not to waste your precious vodka to surfing online BTW unless you come from a bar alone and are still drunk. Check.
I was referring to you, to be perfectly blunt. In addition, I remain unimpressed by nearly all of the self-proclaimed "artists" who frequent here. Utilize my criticism to spark your creative energy to a degree that everyone can and will appreciate in the long run. Inflated egos run rampant on the internet, and I'm here to quell the tide.
I have posted threads with my artwork, but haven't officially submitted anything as I've never appreciated the anonymity behind MKOnline's rating system. I could re-post those pieces and even go so far as to post unfinished works that other users could expand upon, but the lack of activity here implies that I'd be wasting time and effort that could be placed into something financially worthwhile.
While we're on the subject, let me know when I'm supposed to start giving a damn about your preferred drinking habits. I've been in this world long enough that outside opinions long ago ceased to matter and thus are interpreted as white noise. That is all.
This to me is just a picture of Tom Cruise changed to black and white with some little border around it, and a really awful attempt to copy the handwriting for "To my best fan, Cage." It's something I could do within a minute. And I'm quite uncertain why pictures like these are actually allowed to be submitted as works of art to get voted for.
Sorry for being harsh, but as an artist myself, I find these kinds of artwork to be kind of an insult amongst other works being submitted that actually IS art.
Before anyone asks, despite I doubt any would, I didn't rate this with a good vote. I gave it a 0 actually. Art to me is something that someone actually put a lot of effort to and it's not some mere copy and paste thing that could be easily done in Microsoft Paint.
This to me is just a picture of Tom Cruise changed to black and white with some little border around it, and a really awful attempt to copy the handwriting for "To my best fan, Cage." It's something I could do within a minute. And I'm quite uncertain why pictures like these are actually allowed to be submitted as works of art to get voted for.
Sorry for being harsh, but as an artist myself, I find these kinds of artwork to be kind of an insult amongst other works being submitted that actually IS art.
I...I think I'm in love.
I kid, of course. This is essentially the short version of everything I said mere minutes prior. I wholeheartedly agree on every point you made, Icebaby. Topnotch, girl.
I don't "consider" you an experienced artist; by definition, you're experienced, and I use the term "artist" loosely (hence the quotation marks), given the substandard quality of most of your previous pieces. I will, however, offer praise if you're equipped with the talent necessary to impress me.
All right. I have ideas that would prove too ambitious for my experience at this point but I'll see what I can do. Perhaps you can still find something for your taste from what I've got. Thus far I haven't tried making fakes though.
I was referring to Saizero accepting the tutelage of a user who isn't capable of inspiring her to continue expanding on her talent. I took blacksaibot under my wing and he's attempted to pass the torch to Saizero, but it's been all for naught. I say this because she's produced only one image and even she was dissatisfied with the end product.
Someone's got to set deadlines for the artists (or "artists"). How could you stimulate others when neither you make art? Lead by your own example.
I did judge the whole package, hence the reason this thread has gained any level of popularity, heh. Also, I never claimed nor did I imply that, in order to impress me, artwork requires long hours of scrupulous work. When I say "effort", I mean simply that you could've made the chicken scratch of a signature look a bit more, you know, like an autograph as opposed to a sloppy MSPaint edit. Again, it's also blatantly apparent that you were careless with the transparent border. Someone with any level of artistic experience shouldn't be making such elementary mistakes.
I hope you've not made the mistake of presuming that I don't take the time to examine a piece before offering criticism. I've had users "troll" my artwork in the past (Flash-Crash and UltimateRyu, most notably) simply because they don't take kindly to the way I exercise my analysis. So, to answer your query, I've never taken it to heart and I do accept that haters are gonna hate. It's just a fact of life and all it's done is fuel my creative fire.
Yes, this sparked an actual conversation. Neither did I claim "the hours" was the case. Spot on, I was – actually – quite careless about it. And I did acknowledge all the things mentioned before submitting but oftentimes perfectionism causes procrastination and that'd leave me with a Santa Claus bag full of ideas waiting for their completion. I'm about to buy a true drawing board with a touch pad and I've now obtained the latest Photoshop opposed to the inferior GIMP 2 that I utilized in the past.
Clearly you pay attention to the piece at hand but what comes to your past – now that I visited it – you have been very insulting and arrogant to people giving feedback to your artworks. I'm not bringing it here now, because I'd like to think that you have changed as you suggested. We will see.
I was referring to you, to be perfectly blunt. In addition, I remain unimpressed by nearly all of the self-proclaimed "artists" who frequent here. Utilize my criticism to spark your creative energy to a degree that everyone can and will appreciate in the long run. Inflated egos run rampant on the internet, and I'm here to quell the tide.
I have posted threads with my artwork, but haven't officially submitted anything as I've never appreciated the anonymity behind MKOnline's rating system. I could re-post those pieces and even go so far as to post unfinished works that other users could expand upon, but the lack of activity here implies that I'd be wasting time and effort that could be placed into something financially worthwhile.
While we're on the subject, let me know when I'm supposed to start giving a damn about your preferred drinking habits. I've been in this world long enough that outside opinions long ago ceased to matter and thus are interpreted as white noise. That is all.
Underachieving? Then what are your achievements? A ban? What's your gamerscore? Returning from a ban is nothing to be proud of I believe.
"Inflated egos run rampant on the internet", there's a grain of truth in it, but ain't that a little ironic, eh? I'm not certain if this is another one of your indirect references towards me but if you have read M.K.O. in the mean time – more than Fan Submission – I've been an active member all around here. To clear it up: I respect all members as human beings, I am not arrogant but I am a rather diverse, friendly guy coming up with a myriad of things ranging from strange topics to fan submissions and extended conversations. This is not what I'm exclusively online either, my "IRL" backgrounds would only add to this. Sometimes I fool around, sure thing, but who wants to take life that seriously all day anyway? [4GoodMeasure]I consider myself a progressing artist, nothing huge seriously, but an artist in the sense that I'm practicing and submitting some kind of art. Perhaps I'll get better down the line and rise from the amateur level. I think it is great that people praise amateur artists here. You couldn't say the same about DeviantArt. Master artists don't need as much praise and criticism as amateur artists do, yet the most skillful ones get a hundred times more comments than amateurs do. What's the importance? I completely understand why it is the the way it is – but it shouldn't have to be like that.
By all means drink as you wish; it was just a tip because I usually prefer company when drinking vodka. In Facebook you could write brutal things while intoxicated though it can be exciting and video games don't become anymore special while drunk and alone in my opinion. If that's your habit; so be it. I also drink vodka sometimes, especially whenever I meet my Russian-Estonian friends, though it's been a while since the last time.In my eyes you do not quell the tides, you make them. Not that it's always a bad thing, it can be beneficial. What was the chess pool reference about?
I...I think I'm in love.
I kid, of course. This is essentially the short version of everything I said mere minutes prior. I wholeheartedly agree on every point you made, Icebaby. Topnotch, girl.
To be frank, the criticism didn't come off as something I didn't know about but it did show people's demand. Be that as it may, even half-assed works are better than nothing, so perhaps you should demand from those who draw not a thing. Someone may find this piece deeply insulting and will rate it with a zero score, someone may enjoy this, perhaps getting a laugh and will rate it with a perfect score. Art or not; this brings us to the personal tastes and that is something everyone is free to have, my fine reviewers.
You have no idea how widely my talents range. I didn't gain confidence by pretending that I had talent when it didn't exist. The level of detail in any particular one of my pieces should be enough to prove that my talents far exceed what I've contributed to the fake picture industry (an industry I single-handedly revolutionized, truth be told). The best artists are never satisfied with reaching so-called "peaks"; the truly talented always strive to better themselves.
You're admitting to knowingly releasing a half-assed product and you've been impertinently arrogant in assuming that such an error-filled piece is deserving of any level of praise. Perfectionism only leads to procrastination if you're not capable of fulfilling your own expectations, in which case you should lower said expectations and accept harsh criticism that you can only expect to receive.
Not once have I displayed any level of egotism in response to a critique. You clearly weren't a part of the old-school community, in which case you have no basis for or place in making any suppositions in regards to my level of pride. A fleeting examination of an individual's history, especially on such a minuscule (and discriminatory) scale, doesn't earn one the privilege to pass judgment on anyone. In fact, that's a blatant exhibition of your insecurity. That is all.
Not once have I displayed any level of egotism in response to a critique. You clearly weren't a part of the old-school community, in which case you have no basis for or place in making any suppositions in regards to my level of pride. A fleeting examination of an individual's history, especially on such a minuscule (and discriminatory) scale, doesn't earn one the privilege to pass judgment on anyone. In fact, that's a blatant exhibition of your insecurity. That is all.
I didn't do that due to insecurity, actually. I wanted to update my knowledge about the stuff happened in Fan Submission in the early 2000's. saiZero mentioned TheDarkDuelistX for example. I was interested, that's all, and it's not like I browsed everything. The below quote is a response you wrote to JoRdANMan after he commented in your art topic. Is this not arrogant?
So, please, JoRdANMan, back off before I have to haul off and verbally bitch-slap you back into your mother's womb, where hopefully the miscarriage will take this time.
Nevertheless, if this kind of works divide the viewers this greatly, I think I will consider something more "serious" in the next time – something that could perhaps be part of your taste(s) as well. Showing that you can draw too would inspire others to draw as well, so how about if you submit a brand-new drawing in the same time I do? Let us contribute for once!
You also admitted that you didn't look at everything, which proves you have no grounds for your character-based theories, specifically the ones aimed at me. Don't do something and then completely contradict yourself by saying otherwise. That's not very smart.
In the same light, awarding an image a perfect score with the intent to nullify the zero-rating can just as well be considered "trolling". Instead, that's called "spamming", since it's not done in a definitively malicious manner. It's just as asinine and hypocritical, and should be regarded as such. If you want things to improve, don't add to the problem by giving dishonest ratings with the intent to boost the overall rating.
The below quote is a response you wrote to JoRdANMan after he commented in your art topic. Is this not arrogant?
So, please, JoRdANMan, back off before I have to haul off and verbally bitch-slap you back into your mother's womb, where hopefully the miscarriage will take this time.
Again, this is one diminutive sampling. I could link you to dozens upon dozens of threads that prove that I accept honest, constructive criticism, whether it be harsh or otherwise. The response itself does not define arrogance. It's insulting, obviously, but that does not qualify one as arrogant. Keep a dictionary handy, because you're clearly not understanding some of the terminology I'm using. In turn, this has caused you to overlook my line of reasoning altogether.
This is getting tiresome, and I can only imagine how the users reading this senseless banter feel. So, if you'd like to continue this discussion, I suggest that you do so using the personal messaging system. I'm no longer going to contribute to the continuation of a thread that would've long ago been forgotten. That is all.
Once you go BLACK(saibot) yo asses aint never gon go back.
I've mentioned the faults only once, so you can cut out the aimless and irrelevant presumptions. In your own words, you've essentially admitted that you're not an artist in the truest sense. You accept mediocrity when you honestly believe you're capable of producing respectable work. Yet, it seems as though you're so desperate for any form of positive attention that you dole out half-assed work in droves just to receive said attention.
You also admitted that you didn't look at everything, which proves you have no grounds for your character-based theories, specifically the ones aimed at me. Don't do something and then completely contradict yourself by saying otherwise. That's not very smart.
Of course I didn't look up everything. I don't have to browse through your whole MKO history to find out an arrogant post or two, seriously. It's as if I would state to you: ”You're arrogant and contradictory because you called me arrogant yet you have overlooked hundreds of posts I have in MKO.”
You can read the dictionary yourself and find out the definition for an artist. Nowhere I stated that I'm not a true artist. I exceed that definition, you were only implying things. I'd like to call me a part-time artist however, opposed to the frequent art submitters in DeviantArt. It is true that I have accepted mediocrity. Should I drop it? With sketches I've had no particular intention to gain any special attention, constructive points at max, but left them there for people's viewing to compare 'em whenever I'll revise 'em with colors.
In the same light, awarding an image a perfect score with the intent to nullify the zero-rating can just as well be considered "trolling". Instead, that's called "spamming", since it's not done in a definitively malicious manner. It's just as asinine and hypocritical, and should be regarded as such. If you want things to improve, don't add to the problem by giving dishonest ratings with the intent to boost the overall rating.
The subject of debate: Nickname it with whatever you wish, but you can't state that it is of no use. It is not part of a problem unless the staff will attempt to delete all the troll ratings at some point down the line, which isn't probable. It is part of a solution: improvising until the improvement.
Again, this is one diminutive sampling. I could link you to dozens upon dozens of threads that prove that I accept honest, constructive criticism, whether it be harsh or otherwise. The response itself does not define arrogance. It's insulting, obviously, but that does not qualify one as arrogant. Keep a dictionary handy, because you're clearly not understanding some of the terminology I'm using. In turn, this has caused you to overlook my line of reasoning altogether.
Again? Now that I checked it – you don't even have a dozen art threads, you have eleven of them. Although one can get constructive criticism in others' threads surely. Okay, I'll break it down for you: you got two skull points with that post. You get skull points for disobeying the rules. Disobeying the rules is arrogance. Besides, while I'm sure not every post of yours is like that, I'm certain a ban alone has required a level of arrogance, to be frank.
This is getting tiresome, and I can only imagine how the users reading this senseless banter feel. So, if you'd like to continue this discussion, I suggest that you do so using the personal messaging system. I'm no longer going to contribute to the continuation of a thread that would've long ago been forgotten. That is all.
No question about that – vodka makes you sleepy. So you admitted that you have written senseless banter here. No need to repeat; you already stated such about the thread. If this thread serves no other purpose any longer; what's the fuss for leaving it? No other conversation is in parallel with this here, so I think it's a good idea to find out what treatment is the best for the trolls. Someone who is so keen to verbally bash others, is all of a sudden willing to leave a discussion. You contributed after already stating that you're no longer going to contribute. I'd expect more support from you for an industry you "singlehandedly created", though now it's your time to prove yourself. I wonder what you were doing with the other hand.
y dont u 2 luvb1rds kiss & make up?
You know you're the only man for me, balkcsiaboot.
Wut? An affair with Icebaby?! *Calls Joey Greco from Cheaters in.*
I...I think I'm in love.
This is getting tiresome, and I can only imagine how the users reading this senseless banter feel.
I find it rather enjoyable.... The art threads never spark this much conversation, heh.
On another note.... I've somehow had my own post swallowed into the quote. I have to say, I think the picture is a fun little thing to put out... I wouldn't think to rate it like a serious piece though... I mean, it's not like the rating system is all that relevant anyway... But... I don't know where I'm going with this. Good day.
Admin Edit: What opens must also be closed.