Your Art Experience: How Much and How Long?
posted05/01/2003 08:04 PM (UTC)by
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TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

Member Since
02/10/2003 07:17 PM (UTC)
Lately, I have seen many people disrespecting and insulting some of the artists on this forum, specifically the beginners. There is a difference between critiquing and criticizing. A critique would be to inform the artists about their weak points, tell them how they can improve, then point out and encourage the things that they do well. I’m glad to say that so far my work has been judged somewhat fairly, but I cannot say the same for some of the other comments on the board.

Some of you that are commenting here need to realize that, regardless of how a piece might look to you, it still took time, patience, and concern from the artist that created it, and often times, the learning experience in itself is enough to make that piece worth something to the creator. I find it sad that anyone on this board (or anywhere else) would discourage any artist at any point or skill level.

By bringing this up I would also like to hear the range of skill level that runs through this forum. I’ve read many intriguing comments, and seen some astonishing art that has peaked my curiosity as to how long you all have been drawing, whether you are studying in school, are self-taught, both, neither, etc.

In this topic I would be grateful if every artist and critic would come and tell about themselves and their experience with art.

Here’s a little about myself:

I started drawing when I was five years old. My dad saw me drawing a woman that was crying while bearing her testimony in church and I have been going ever since. From 5 till around middle school I had been teaching myself techniques etc. by experimenting with different genres, and trying to draw whatever interested me at the time. Back then I mostly drew horses, and Ninja Turtles. I know that without that experience, I would never have understood joints (animal and human), posture, and a few other techniques that escape my mind at the moment.

I took my first art class in 6th grade. It was a very small class but we learned some interesting techniques. I went back to being self-taught after that class (which lasted less than half of a semester). Around 7th grade I started drawing MK characters. I tried to reproduce the images from my UMK3 pamphlet by hand with a dedication that would not be curbed until my older brother sold the game (mostly because he said I was playing it too much and wearing it out tongue). I must say that MK drawings are a great starting point, which can teach you about proportion, shadows, texture, creativity, and muscle structure! After the loss of my precious little book I turned to copies of GamePro and a Tips and Tricks MK4 strategy guide to add to what I had learned from drawing MK characters. In high school I took art classes 1-4 and won a few unexpected awards including a very unexpected scholarship.

I'm 19 now and a freshman in college majoring in Web Mastering (working towards an associates), Art (working towards a bachelors), and Video Game Graphic Design (working towards a Masters but if more programs become available, a PhD). I have yet to show any art in college and my time for art has been seriously limited since high school so I don’t know exactly where my skill level lies. I probably won’t know until this summer when I have some real time to spend on art. My lack of time is also my reason for the serious lack of quality artwork (besides the MK drawings I practiced on [if you can even count those 0.o]) that I have to display on the net that is MK related. As for my non-MK related work, most of it is too big to scan and I don’t have a digital camera so that option is out. I miss the time that I used to have for the practice that I used to do on my own. In many ways my current art class can feel restricting because I’m not developing the parts of my talent that I specifically want to develop and it also pulls me out of my comfort zone (which is a good thing for those that are in a similar position). I hope to continue to learn and grow and continue to share with the members of the board what I have (and haven’t :P) learned.
04/22/2003 12:16 AM (UTC)
Well i do animation and iv been doing those for about 3 or maybe less months.
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04/22/2003 12:50 AM (UTC)
well, i've been an artist for my entire life, well not really an artist my whole life but i was always the kid in class drawing instead of doing work. since i was atleast 13 i would consider myself a true artist, but anyway most of the stuff that gets posted i wouldnt call art, i like making fakes but i wouldnt call them art work, most of the time they are cheap paste jobs, where as i atleast try to make new objects from scratch or from a foreign source, that is outside of mk. Personally i think being an ass hole is fun, and the criticisim is based off how well the pic was done, if it is a piece of shit, i'll tell the person so. My older brother ripped the shit out of my stuff and it only made want to get better now i'd say i'm the best artist i know, around my age, i was voted most artistic out of my school. btw i am 19 today so you could say i have 19 years of experience.
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Beetles in my carpet under my feet they come out when they eat

04/22/2003 03:34 AM (UTC)
Don't worry about this. I just have the urge to say "fuck you", and call you a "douche bag".

FoDeah Wrote:
well, i've been an artist for my entire life, well not really an artist my whole life but i was always the kid in class drawing instead of doing work. since i was atleast 13 i would consider myself a true artist, but anyway most of the stuff that gets posted i wouldnt call art, i like making fakes but i wouldnt call them art work, most of the time they are cheap paste jobs, where as i atleast try to make new objects from scratch or from a foreign source, that is outside of mk. Personally i think being an ass hole is fun, and the criticisim is based off how well the pic was done, if it is a piece of shit, i'll tell the person so. My older brother ripped the shit out of my stuff and it only made want to get better now i'd say i'm the best artist i know, around my age, i was voted most artistic out of my school. btw i am 19 today so you could say i have 19 years of experience.

About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/22/2003 05:41 AM (UTC)

FoDeah Wrote:
well, i've been an artist for my entire life, well not really an artist my whole life but i was always the kid in class drawing instead of doing work. since i was atleast 13 i would consider myself a true artist, but anyway most of the stuff that gets posted i wouldnt call art, i like making fakes but i wouldnt call them art work, most of the time they are cheap paste jobs, where as i atleast try to make new objects from scratch or from a foreign source, that is outside of mk. Personally i think being an ass hole is fun, and the criticisim is based off how well the pic was done, if it is a piece of shit, i'll tell the person so. My older brother ripped the shit out of my stuff and it only made want to get better now i'd say i'm the best artist i know, around my age, i was voted most artistic out of my school. btw i am 19 today so you could say i have 19 years of experience.

Hmm, I seriously doubt you were drawing when the doctor was slapping you but, I suppose I can't expect honesty from everyone, or humility for that matter -_-.
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04/22/2003 01:12 PM (UTC)
I started making Fakes almost two years ago!
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04/22/2003 04:31 PM (UTC)
TheDarkDuelistX :

Fake Pictures : Well... I started making fakes about 2-3 years ago when BlackSaibot's Copy and Paste were the real shit.
I was inspired by BS and Fred's Fake MK Pics so I thought "hey, maybe this is a good thing to be doing when I have nothing to do". So then I started making these extremely shitty Fakes then Venomark taught me some cool tricks with PSP and BS taught me opacity and transperancy. I then started to make better fakes I do today.

Drawings : Well, I've been drawing since I was in kindergarden. I used to draw these guys with extreme huge arm and MK1(GAME) Poses.
I usually draw ninjas or people with a cool look like Raiden or Shang Tsung. My skills improved when I started reading tutorials and watching some Anime shows such as DragonBallZ(Don't Ask Why Its Related To MK) and GundamWing.
Other things also helped me improve, things such as Newgrounds Xaio Xaio Stick Fighters , oh man the poses were so good that I started to do animations and comics(which I never really showed to the public , not even my friends). But I think I will quit drawing and start to play the Guitar.
04/22/2003 06:01 PM (UTC)
Well, I've been drawing and such forth for pretty much my whole life. Granted, for the first few years it was just scribbling and coloring books, but I started to really get serious in elementary school. I'm mostly self-taught, though I have taken classes throughout middle and highschool. Most of what I learned, though, ame from studying other artists work as well as studying anatomy books and, well, just practicing for hours on end! Have nothing to do? Well, why not sit down and draw something... that sort of stuff.

I would hesitate to call myself an "artist", though. I mean, most people I know think I'm pretty good... but then again, I've never done any works professionally (except for some tattoo designs), and I sure as hell have nothing on the "great" masters... I would post some of my stuff here, but alas, I lack a scanner! As soon as I get one, I'm probably going to start a fan-art website or something along those lines, but until then...

Art is, however, something I could picture making a career out of. I am currently taking a year off school before heading off to college (or the military), but when I get back to school I'm either going to go for computers, or some form of art or music. Perhaps computer animation, who knows?
04/22/2003 06:13 PM (UTC)
I drew stick figures when I was little. Impressive, I know. Then I got one of those Fashion Plates things with the plates you rub over with a crayon etc... and also a Sticker/stencil thing with three bodies in different poses to mix and match poses with. That was my upgrade from sticks. ^_^ One thing I always had down relatively well was perspective... I wasn't good at it but I knew that if you draw a girl standing next to a spa you don't draw a perfect circle, you draw an ellipse. No, I did not know that word at 6 years old. ^^;
Then I adapted my drawing style to mimic that of a girl that I worshipped in elementary school: Big eyes, big hair, big head, small body with Simpsons limbs. That held on until Seventh grade. By that summer I had gotten a firm grip on what anime was (Yea for Sailor Moon!) and began modifying my style to have strands for bangs instead of clumps, triangles for noses instead of more realistic lumps, etc. My proportions certainly got better, too. Around that time I had created my own characters with names and personalities and histories, etc., instead of some random set of people. Sadly they were all ninja, which would probably account for why the hell I don't draw mouths LOL.
So I watched more anime and tweaked my style more and more. Had the pointy noses, the weird-ass hair styles, gargantuanly long legs...
Then I get introduced to Plastic Little. "You're allowed to draw faces like that?? oO" Tweak after tweak after tweak I evolved from that to what I am today.
I spent 2 years off and on at Poly Karbon to learn crits and techniques and proportions. It helped immensely, despite what little attention I got for my work specifically or the poor attitude some of the veterans had gotten.
The only art classes I took were Interior Design and Photography 1 and 2. The one thing I didn't want was someone telling me how to draw. Teach me techniques, sure, but don't make me draw your way. That's the one and only reason I didn't want to take a class. Now my reasoning is a little more negative than that.
Plans involve taking Auto-Cad, Engineering, and some math classes next semester. I want to get as far away from the art world as possible.
04/22/2003 07:53 PM (UTC)
I have been drawing since I was around 4 years of age, I have taught myself my whole life the only time I had a class was one semester in 7th grade. Because I have had little teaching from others, I lack skills in shading and postures but I can draw pretty accurately because my skills used to be based on copying(not tracing) what I saw, I have barely been trying to master those. My main method of art is sketching primarily animals, MK characters and weapons. I started drawing on paint about a year ago and learned it quickly and have displayed many of my works on paint at this site but I have only shown two of my sketches due to the fact that I do not have a scanner or digital camera.
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/22/2003 09:17 PM (UTC)
Wow, this is good stuff to hear. I encourage you all and I hope that those of you without scanners are blessed with access to one soon.

However, I'm sad to hear that two of you are quiting art. I know that you are both great artists. I think it would be a tragedy if we never got to see more of your work.
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I saved them.I payed it with my life. Yet they hate me. i will return.

04/22/2003 10:55 PM (UTC)
i've been drawing since i was in pre-k. so thats around 13 to 14 yrs. i'm 17 now. i have yet to post my work, but i do plan on doing so.i do take art classes, right now my cluster is ad design and i have airbrush another period. every art piece i've seen on this site is pretty good, to the skill level. they all have something special. i get some of my inspiration from the so called crappy ones.
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See my recent Fan Art(Please give any suggestions or requests?)
MK8 Grit (Part 2)
MK8 Grit (Part 1)
Updated Scales (Remake)

04/22/2003 11:41 PM (UTC)
god damnit, do you people read anything? i said "well, i've been an artist for my entire life, well not really an artist my whole life but i was always the kid in class drawing instead of doing work. since i was atleast 13 i would consider myself a true artist" and what i meant by a "true artsist" is that i started drawing things more from life than making crappy little cartoons and shitty doodles, i started having mood or style to my work, instead of copying it out of a book. You claim people shouldnt be so critical, well try taking some of your own advice. oh and btw i must not have been paying attention when i thought you people could understand sarcasm, and oh yea i guess those context clues just slipped by.
04/23/2003 01:37 AM (UTC)
i've been doing fakes for 3 months now but i dont care for how some people hate copy and pasters
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04/23/2003 03:20 AM (UTC)
As far as fakes go, I just tried my first one but it's not up yet.

I have been drawing for about 9 years on and off but hearing "YOU SUCK" from diferent people and myself was constant. I never heard the words "Wow, that's a good picture" until last year(17 years old) Now I'm 18 and I can't stop drawing! I have a binder full of them! I draw when the teachers talk, I draw at lunch, I sit at the tables at school with my friends but I draw at the same time, I draw when my insomnia kicks in at night, after work, I sit at the table and draw!!!!! I can't stop I'm like Semara from "The Ring" I'LL NEVER STOP!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing is that I can't draw humans unless I do it in a more cartoonish way. Everything I draw is only cartoon worthy. I hate drawing humans. Usually, I draw teddybears.....With knifes....It's cute.
About Me

Why care about people if they're not bloody and on your carpet right now?

04/23/2003 06:37 PM (UTC)
I have been drawing for over 3 years. I haven't tried to draw anything besides humans. I am still not that good at it even though I know a lot about it, as some of you know.
04/23/2003 07:40 PM (UTC)
i have been drinking for over 3 years now, & have used various different mediums, each rewarding in their own ways.
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/23/2003 08:13 PM (UTC)

trigger Wrote:
i have been drinking for over 3 years now, & have used various different mediums, each rewarding in their own ways.

rotfl *shakes her head back and forth the way Kung Lao did in his MK3-T Friendship*
04/24/2003 06:22 PM (UTC)
Trust me, Nova. If we're never heard from again, we won't be missed past the first week.
Chances are our styles weren't appreciated by the masses and thus we were never noticed; what's the point? The only ones that'll be hurt are ourselves because we enjoy drawing so much, but if we're disappointed in ourselves enough to quit, no one will care. Anyone who did will say, "Oh, that's a shame they quit drawing! They had great style." and they'll never lay another thought on it. You know how I know? I'm exactly like that. If Rumiko Takahashi quit drawing tomorrow and I heard about it, you think I'm going to remember that the next month? Shit no. She's not the only one out there; I'll find someone else to dazzle me later and then forget the fact that I'm never going to see anything new by her. It's no tragedy - just life. We won't be missed.
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/24/2003 10:10 PM (UTC)

RammSPOOn Wrote:
Trust me, Nova. If we're never heard from again, we won't be missed past the first week.
Chances are our styles weren't appreciated by the masses and thus we were never noticed; what's the point? The only ones that'll be hurt are ourselves because we enjoy drawing so much, but if we're disappointed in ourselves enough to quit, no one will care. Anyone who did will say, "Oh, that's a shame they quit drawing! They had great style." and they'll never lay another thought on it. You know how I know? I'm exactly like that. If Rumiko Takahashi quit drawing tomorrow and I heard about it, you think I'm going to remember that the next month? Shit no. She's not the only one out there; I'll find someone else to dazzle me later and then forget the fact that I'm never going to see anything new by her. It's no tragedy - just life. We won't be missed.

But I will ;_;. And I'll remember you for longer than a week.
04/25/2003 06:26 AM (UTC)
Well Nova maybe if YOU did something other than rip off Tobias' art we might remeber you. But that ain't gonna happen.
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/25/2003 06:42 AM (UTC)

balistic49 Wrote:
Well Nova maybe if YOU did something other than rip off Tobias' art we might remeber you. But that ain't gonna happen.

Alright, you know that I got your message long time ago. Now quite flaming me before I report this.

Appearantly Acj understands why I submitted those enough to post them so why can't you just except that and leave it alone.
04/25/2003 08:57 AM (UTC)
I've been drawing since I was about two years old, and made my first "computer drawing" when I was 8 (I'm 22 years of age now). I attended a computer drawing class when I was, maybe 10 or 11 (not sure). Other artistic classes that I attended over the years (most when I was very young) are air-brush, silk screen printing, wood working, open atelier and classical/Spanish guitar. In 1999 (after studying chemistry/bio-medical for one year), I started studying design of interaction, which is a combination of computer technology, graphics design and other things you come across when "designing interaction".
After this I started studying graphic/typographic design at the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, which I've been doing for two years now and enjoy very much.

My latest work is a poster design for the North Sea Jazz Festival, which will be printed 5,000 times at 70 x 100 cm today, and on about 3,000 T-shirts and bags later on. The posters, T-shirts and bags will be sold at the North Sea Jazz Festival (11-13 July, 2003, Congress Centre, the Netherlands).

04/25/2003 09:06 AM (UTC)
My love for drawing started since I was a little's something you have in your blood and sometime you feel the need to pull off something from your inner side.
Of course you need a lot of experience to make some good sketches and draws, I use also to paint in canvas with acrylics and oil paints. They are not so bad...but every time I can see my mistakes and improve them doing more and more practice and observing things around me. smile
04/25/2003 02:11 PM (UTC)

AcjBizar Wrote:
My latest work is a poster design for the North Sea Jazz Festival, which -snip...

Hey congratulations. Is it professional or student work. Either way that's a great portfolio builder. Good luck!

Anyway, discussions like this remind me of a joke I once heard. "How many guitarists does it take to screw in a light bulb? 5, 1 to do it, and 4 to say how much better they could do it." Fortunately it hasn't come to that, you guys on this board are pretty decent about others opinions... most of the time. wink

So, my first drawing I don't remember but my Mom said I was 2 and I drew my Dad welding in the back yard. She said it was great for a 2 year old but I certainly don't remember it.

In elementary school if I wasn't at recess or lunch I was trying to draw. Actually most every kid in my classes would ask if they could 'draw' during free time. It was great. During this time my instruction came mostly from Commander Mark Kistler on PBS. It was a kids show but he introduced things like: foreshortening, perspective, shading, depth etc. What he called the 12 renaissance words. For those that want to introduce someone young to art he is still a great resource. Mark Kistler

In middle school I met my favorite teacher ever, Rosanna Sigue. I had her for 6 different art classes over a three year period. I learned mucho about not only drawing, but painting in oil and acrylic, sculpting in paper mache and plaster, pastels, stained glass, air brushing, and on and on.

Since then I've tried to expose myself to every art form there is especially on the computer. Not just to do it but because I see other peoples work in those mediums and I get inspired with my own ideas. That's one reason I'm so backed up in projects I'll never finish them all. I've got a mechanical paper clock I've been building for 6 years now. "Build a clock in 24 hours" my butt!

In high school I didn't take many art courses and I don't know why? I think I may have had it in my head that there was no monetary future in the field so I stopped except for sketching and the occasional class project.

In the professional world, I went full bore into computer technology and that's were I am now. A computer and network technician, a network engineer, an IS manager, an IT director I've done it all. Obviously with my art background web design was easy peasy.

Art hasn't been totally gone from life though. My original plan was to work long enough to earn enough money to be able to buy the equipment necessary to do broadcast television and CGI. Well I've now got the equipment and software but no time for it. So besides my day job, after hours I've worked on in-game graphics, cinema scenes, splash pages, web sites, and just general graphic work. I'm slowly reaching my goal of art full time but a house is a pretty long term expense. wink

I would like to close this letter with some advice for the younger guys or anyone else who hasn't solidified a career yet. If you find something that you like, do it. If you like art, do it now, relize that there may not be alot of money in it, and people will think you are wasting your life but you will be happy. My problem is I've worked myself into a corner. I like network engineering but it's not my passion and now I've got a family and major expenses that can't support me starting over again in the graphics field. I'll eventually overcome that but it will take time. Eventually you'll be presented with a situation were you can get a "good" job making "good" money. What will happen is you will spend every bit of money you make and get trapped by long term bills. How do I know this? Out of the thousands of people I've known over the years, every single one of them has done this to themselves. You will spend everything you make, guaranteed. Joe Martin Jr., a very wise man once said, "If you find a job you like you'll never work a day in your life." Obviously money is still important so find something in the art field thats marketable. AcjBizar just mentioned about a design job he's doing. There is money to be made out there and I'll bet he's enjoying his job more than I am.

I can't even tell now if I'm making sense, but I hope I helped somebody who reads this stuff.

Have a great day everybody.
PS. As for my skill, my web site is listed below, judge for yourself.
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