After watching Avengers: Infinity War, I see how a new MK movie franchise could work
posted05/07/2018 03:49 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/07/2018 03:49 PM (UTC)
I know it's been rumored for more than a decade, now, that a new Mortal Kombat film was in the works, and the production always stops before it begins and fans get their hopes up to be let down once again, but here is what I think, over all.

There is no way to do a good Mortal Kombat film unless you have, first, REAL, TRUE FANS of the franchise working on the production, and second, ENOUGH of a production team. Look at Avengers Infinity War; the reason they were able to pull off such a feat so well is because they had a huge production team. Or maybe THE RIGHT PRODUCTION TEAM. The same as with Lord of the Rings series. It's not even so much about the budget and the blood and gore should be the last of concerns. It's about producers with a big and mature enough vision. Real talk; Mortal Kombat has one of the richest plots of any video game in history. It makes room for and epic video-game-to-film production. If the producers aren't big fans of the series who are also in touch with what makes super-hero movies successful in this MODERN time, it should just be left alone, altogether.

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