Bridgette Wilson Fans?
posted12/07/2004 03:04 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/22/2003 10:48 PM (UTC)
For those of you who are fans of Bridgette Wilson there is a new fanlisting for her. It's very new too.
Here it is...

12/03/2004 02:10 AM (UTC)
Actually I like Sandra Hess ALOT better.
12/03/2004 03:28 AM (UTC)
i really hated Sandra Hess in annihilation, but i think it was just becuz of wat she was wearing.......i think she'll be great if she had some long blond hair and a cool sonya costumes.............but Brigette is awesome too expecially wen it comes to acting, but shes not that good in fighting......

I think Jennifer Garner wud be a perfect Sonya.
12/03/2004 04:00 AM (UTC)
I hated hess as sonya because she reminds me of soft-core porn stars... hahahah... or bad action actors that appear in movies in Sci-Fi channel that only I watch...
12/04/2004 08:02 AM (UTC)
I don't know about you guys but Wilson's face reminds me of a beaver and she has a horrible looking body. Sandra is much more beautiful in my oppinion.
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12/07/2004 03:04 AM (UTC)
Bridgette Wilson was the best first of all for her acting and attitude. And if you need an example of her attitude:
Johnny Cage: "Kitana went this way, I can smell the perfume."
Liu Kang: "I don't smell anything."
Sonya Blade: "Well I smell something....bullshit."
LOL grin funny

..And second of all Sonya wasn't supposed to be this kick ass martial arts guru, as part of a special forces group her assignment was KANO. To hunt and kill this man. She came after him with a gun for crying out loud , wouldn't that give you the least bit of info that she wasn't a really good fighter?...Check this...Didn't Sonya seem a little weak fighting Kano in MK? Didn't it seem like Kano was holding back a bit?....and why?....Specific orders from Shang Tsung.

Kano: " when do I get paid?"
Shang Tsung: "After you've fought the girl...but remember she's not to be hurt only humiliated, I have plans for my sweet Sonya."

So you can see why her fighting skills weren't up to par, besides if she were a really good fighter then you couldn't believe that she couldn't beat Shang Tsung in a final battle after her kidnapping. Also it tied into the whole thing where Raiden told her that if she wasn't afraid to need help, then she would lose, which made her look even that much vulnerable.
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