I hope that they choose an Asian actress to play Frost, in the next film
posted07/18/2003 07:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/25/2003 08:14 PM (UTC)
I know that Mortal Kombat is an original, because it was the first martial arts series, made in America. But, the basic storyline IS rooted in Chinese mythology. And, I think that over the years, they have strayed to far away from MK's original roots, making almost everyone Americanized (with the exception of Shang Tsung, and Jade?}). Sub-Zero was originally Chinese, but, somehow, he has formed into an American, a Mexican (Annihilation), and even what looks like an Italian (MK:DA).

Everyone in MK should definitely NOT be Asians, but I do think that they should keep the series grounded in it's roots. And, at least Frost does look to be Asian, in MK:DA.
Sung Hi Lee is very likely to play Frost in MK3... she also appeared in an espisode of MK Conquest.
07/18/2003 02:17 PM (UTC)
I agree, Sung Hi Lee would be great for Frost. But she was actually in three episodes of MKC- Noob Saibot, In Kold Blood, and Vengeance.
did she play the same character in these episodes? I only caught her in 'Noob Saibot'.
Zentile Wrote:
I agree, Sung Hi Lee would be great for Frost. But she was actually in three episodes of MKC- Noob Saibot, In Kold Blood, and Vengeance.

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