If they made a movie based on the Deception events...
posted11/02/2004 03:08 AM (UTC)by
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08/14/2004 04:22 PM (UTC)
Who would you cast as who? I would cast:
Liu Kang: The guy who played Liu Kang in the series
Scorpion: Doesn't really matter, I don't think.
Sub-Zero: See above.
Ermac: See above.
Noob Saibot: See above.
Smoke: See above or CGI.
Kenshi: Johnny Depp?
Shujinko: Guy who played Pai Mei in Kill Bill
Raiden: Guy who played Raiden in the first one
Hotaru: Johnny Depp?
Li Mei: Chick who played Lady Deathstrike in X-Men 2
Ashrah: Jessica Biel
Dairou: Johnny Depp?
Kobra: Owen Wilson (for comedy purposes)
Kira: Kate Beckinsdale
Darrius: Some bald African American guy
Havik: Some guy wearing a hella load of makeup
Kabal: Not really matters
Nightwolf: Sal Divita, Guy who played Nightwolf in Annihilation
Bo' Rai Cho: I have no idea
Sonya: Kerri Hoskins, Chick who played Sonya in MK3/UMK3/MKT
Jax: John Parrish, guy who played Jax in MK3/UMK3/MKT
Johnny Cage: guy who played him in the 1st Movie
Kung Lao: Jet Li
Kitana: See Mileena
Quan Chi: Rich Divizio, guy who played Quan Chi in Mythologies
Shang Tsung: I dunno
Any thoughts?
11/01/2004 08:54 PM (UTC)
Actually for Kenshi, I would pick Keanu Reeves, because if you look at Kenshi and and a pic of Keanu with blindfolds on (see matrix revolutions, you'll know what im talkin about wink) they both look the same
11/01/2004 09:08 PM (UTC)
Does Johnny Dept even know any martial arts?
About Me

11/01/2004 11:03 PM (UTC)
Kenshi is half Asian, where did you get Johnny Depp to play him

PLEASE at least TRY to look up the actors names instead of "the guy who played him in the first movie" it's not that hard to find

And Kery Hoskins, Sal DiVita and such who played them in the video games probably have no or little actiing skill...by casting them you'd be asking for a repeat of MK:A!
11/01/2004 11:30 PM (UTC)
Why is everyone Johnny Depp?
11/01/2004 11:43 PM (UTC)
This should be in the "MK Movies and Media Discussion"
11/02/2004 03:08 AM (UTC)
If they made a movie based on Deception, I would want it to be ANIMATED. No live action, I want this thing to be animated.

And no pulling punches either. I want this thing to get an R-rating if necessary with the animated style being in the way of Spawn: The Animated Series. I want it to have the violence and strong language - when necessary.

I want the fighting in the movie to be like Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie.

As for the voicework, make it independent voice actors. No famous people. I think it always works well that way.I just want it to be good, and for it to fit the characters. Some exceptions -

Raiden should have his MKDA voice, that was PERFECT.
Quan-Chi should keep his voice that he's had throughout the series. That deep grunt.
Shujinko should keep his MKD voice.
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