Mk-A new dawn
posted08/30/2003 10:33 PM (UTC)by
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Scorpion and SubZero. Deadliet of enemies,but slaves under my power

Member Since
08/18/2003 10:36 PM (UTC)
What are some of the hopes that you all have for the uncoming screenplay Mortal Kombat A New Dawn? Who do you hope to see? who you hope plays important roles? stuff like that
08/30/2003 09:21 PM (UTC)
What's with you and making all these god damn MK A new dawn threads?
You're acting like this is a huge deal, when it's just fan fic with pics. Now, dont get me wrong here, I cant wait to see it myself, but you're making such a huge fuss about this, and quite frankly, it's annoying me like hell. Infact, because of your annoying threads filling our minds with the subject, I'm beginning to be able to wait till the thing comes out. Infact, I no longer want to see it.
Thank you.

Zentile Wrote:
Infact, I no longer want to see it.
Thank you.

But I agree with Zenty on the threads. I mean, there's been a lot of them, almost like you're trying to create loads of hype.

Couldn't you just make one thread, and change the title every so often, e.g. "UPDATED!" and then the date it was last updated. It would be much easier, and if people wanted to post about it, it would prevent them from hopping threads.
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