Mortal Kombat Annihilation
posted08/30/2004 05:10 PM (UTC)by
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08/12/2004 12:06 AM (UTC)
I always liked the movie but when I read a post on ign early it made me realize it actually isn't that good. I know the movie storyline has litle to go with the game but in MKA there is alot of crap.

For one I never recalled the following characters... Rain, Barraka and Noob Saibot. I read the post and I found them, that and Rain died twice...

Also since when does Scorpion have a brother? Lastly Noob Saibot comes out of Ermac? And dies right away. All that I never even noticed till now lol. I don't know how I missed it all. How about you guys? Oh and I stil like the move but damn!
08/27/2004 08:57 PM (UTC)
um i think you ment "when does sub-zero have a brother".

to be honest the movie was ok. I was soooo upset when i found out christopher lambert wasnt going to play raiden. i remember hearing that he didnt approve of the script. i saw the movie and then saw why he didnt approve. they made raiden out to be a punk. i was sooo upset.
About Me

08/28/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
actually some review or something said that the scorpion in the movie was supposed to be the original's brother...which would make no sense since there is only one scorpion.
08/30/2004 09:11 AM (UTC)
another thing, since when was sheeva that ugly and since when has scorpion ever used two spears at once, and why the hell are they alive. Goddamn retards make better movies then these assholes.
08/30/2004 05:10 PM (UTC)

I'm leaving before I say something really mean to the writer of this thread
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