My letter to the producer
posted06/21/2003 02:23 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/21/2003 02:23 AM (UTC)
this is the message i sent to the producers, i hope they actually take these damn things into account, any thoughts?

Perhaps one of the many overlooked aspects of a truly respectable and "good" movie are the
opening credits, they set a real tone for the rest of the movie and show the actual effor put forth into
it. try and pull off a nice opening credits to begin the movie by just using digital effects and effective
orhestrated music during the credits. DO NOT focus this movie on like 23 characters ala MK:A,
pick the central characters u know the fans love and get GOOD actors to portray them, cause youre
no where with bad actors, the movie loses its feel and respectability to an extent i cant even explain.
Dont feel the need to go all out on special effects, if budget is a problem then dont go over the top
on things things that cant physically come out as a good product, need i remind you of the animality
fight between shao kahn and liu kang in annihalation? that was pretty brutal, BUT, it was
understandable that a great looking fight couldnt have been pulled off, you jus shoudnt have done the
fight in the first place. Stick with well choreographed fights and good dialogue/storyline that hels your
fans feel truly connected to the characters they grew up playing on their 13 inch televisions in the
basement, when you stick true to the soul and origins of any particular art you cannot fail, so please
take these words to your advantage, im voicing a nation of disgruntled fans that lust the beauty of
the first mortal kombat movie, and lastly, make the movie allot darker/bloodier, not in a blood lust
kind of way, but too simply coorelate the movie to the game that much more. thank you for your
time, and if you have read this and one point I have made will further help you in the development
process i am extremely honoured and thankful.
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06/21/2003 02:23 AM (UTC)
is there gonna be a thread by each user about what they sent to the producers?

i guess u people lack common sense

just post what u said in a thread about it.

i guess the mods have to make a sticky thread about it since u people cant figure it out on your own
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