Possible answer to Cage's Ressurrection
posted07/23/2003 02:47 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/25/2003 02:01 AM (UTC)
Alright heres a good point. In MK1 Shang Tsung is killed. In MKA Cage was killed. But in MK3 it's proven that Cage will be ressurrected. Heres my idea:

Shang Tsung is ressurrected by Shinnok to help him and Quan Chi in the MK4 storyline. Shang and Quan join forces secretly and Quan kills Shinnok. Since Shinnok went to war against Earth Realm and ressurrected Shang, Raiden can choose someone to bring back and chooses Cage. Soon after the alliance of Shang and Quan kills Kang and the MKDA storyline comes into play.
07/20/2003 05:53 PM (UTC)
That's unlikely but pretty cool.
07/20/2003 11:01 PM (UTC)
1. In MK4 at NO TIME was Shang Tsung ressurected by ANYONE, and I honestly have NO IDEA where you got that from.
2. That 'rule' is pretty stupid. So, if one guy from a realm ressurects a person, imediatly, the guy from the other realm also has the right to ressurect whoever he wants? That's pretty unlikely and childish. I mean, according to that rule, nobody really has to wait for anyone to ressurect someone, because they already can ressurect someone- according to you, Shinnok ressurected Shang, yet, no one had ressurected anyone in the first place. Your 'explanation' makes no sense.- And I think Rayden would prefer to ressurect the ancient Kung Lao?
I'm sorry, I dont mean to flame you, but you make no sense.
07/21/2003 03:09 AM (UTC)
Hey it's only a theory, it isn't exactly perfect. But don't you think Raiden would know Kung Lao was still alive since the games and movies never prove Kung Lao's ancester is dead. Which is why Raiden would choose Cage, the isn't any others to choose. Now why would that rule come into play? Well maybe because the council of the elder gods govern it and since they are gods they can see everything going on and decide if the other side should ressurrect another. But that's just a theory.
07/21/2003 03:11 AM (UTC)
Oh and also by the way it is true that Shang Tsung was never ressurrected by Shinnok in MK4. However, Shang Tsung was never killed in MK at all anyway. He was only defeated so he was put into slavery by Shao Kahn. But in MK the Movie, he died so personally I feel that is the only way the MKDA storyline could come into play.
07/21/2003 03:50 PM (UTC)
i agree with Zentile. Shang never entered mk4. So i would give your "story" a fat chance in hell...
07/21/2003 05:20 PM (UTC)
TommyLee, I have NO IDEA what the HELL you just said about Kung Lao being alive.
What do you mean? Kung Lao is not alive. He was killed by Goro over five hundred years ago. I'd say he died.
07/21/2003 06:08 PM (UTC)
Correction Kung Laos ancestor died at the hands of Goro. That is why he is alive in Gold. That is also why hes against Goro.
07/22/2003 02:47 PM (UTC)

TommyLee...I seriously have no idea what the HELL you are on about, so I'm just going to spill out some info, I hope it helps.

The Kung Lao in MKII, MK3,UMK3, MKT, MKG, and MKDA is NOT the same Kung Lao that fought Goro five hundred years ago. The Kung Lao you PLAY AS in the games is Liu Kang's FRIEND. However, in the movie, Liu Kang is the great Kung Lao's DESCENDANT(sp?). And so, it is likely that he might be Kung Lao's(present one) cousin, or it's possible that Kung Lao wont even be in the movie, or it's also possible that in the movie universe, Kung Lao doesn't even exist. So far, we only know that in the movies, Liu Kang is Kung Lao's descendant.
- Liu Kang and Kung Lao's ancestor, Kung Lao- the one who fought Goro five hundred years ago- is not alive. He died at the hands of Goro, and is still dead. Therefore, he is not the Kung Lao you play as in the games.
*nodds* okee?

Now, some PICTURES to help you understand.


(MKII, and MK3 endings of Kung Lao, and the MK1 intro taken from the MK Warehouse, Kung Lao MKGold Intro and Ending from the kombat pavillion)

07/23/2003 02:47 AM (UTC)

TommyLee03 Wrote:
Hey it's only a theory, it isn't exactly perfect. But don't you think Raiden would know Kung Lao was still alive since the games and movies never prove Kung Lao's ancester is dead. Which is why Raiden would choose Cage, the isn't any others to choose. Now why would that rule come into play? Well maybe because the council of the elder gods govern it and since they are gods they can see everything going on and decide if the other side should ressurrect another. But that's just a theory.

well,i pretty much think that when liu kang stated that kung lao was his ancester that everyone knew he was dead since kung lao was the champion and goro defeated the champion in mortal kombat which in every fight is by killing your opponent.
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