Should there be more than just one more MK movie?
posted05/25/2003 04:33 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/22/2003 05:21 PM (UTC)
I don't know if it's just me or not, but to me, even though there was a 3 movie contract, it seems like the producers have a lot to try and cram into one movie. If they do that, I think that it could turn out to be another MK:Annihilation. Just look at how they crammed (or tried to cram)MK2, MK3, and MKT into 90 minutes of film. Now, imagine them trying to put MK4, MK4:Gold, MK:DA, and MK6 into one film. I just think that there just be more time spent on the storylines, this time around, and if that's to be done, it will probably be very difficult to do with one film.

What do you think?
who said they r goin to cram multiple MK games storylines together? Most likely, it will be based on MK4 and maybe elements of MKDA, so it definately won't be like MKA...
ecclesiastes Wrote:
I don't know if it's just me or not, but to me, even though there was a 3 movie contract, it seems like the producers have a lot to try and cram into one movie. If they do that, I think that it could turn out to be another MK:Annihilation. Just look at how they crammed (or tried to cram)MK2, MK3, and MKT into 90 minutes of film. Now, imagine them trying to put MK4, MK4:Gold, MK:DA, and MK6 into one film. I just think that there just be more time spent on the storylines, this time around, and if that's to be done, it will probably be very difficult to do with one film.

What do you think?

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05/17/2003 05:33 AM (UTC)
I don't think they need to take everything from each game at all. They just need to make their own story and take ideas from the games. If the 3rd one sucks (which it probably will) then I think that they need to make another one to make up for MKA and MK3. If it's good, then they should quit before they start their cycle of stupidity all over again.
05/25/2003 04:33 PM (UTC)
Im almost sure that the 3rth movie will be based more on MkDA then in Mk4. I mean, MKDA broke records! And its story is defenatly more interesting then Mk4.

Besides, they dont have to follow the Mk4 storyline at all. I mean, they can come up with something about Shinok! They could say he died or something, or that he was trapped forever, since they actually included him in mKA and he was shown as if he was trapped, or died at the end.

BTW, Mk3 should have an ending kind a like the first movie, leaving hopes for another one. Were Reptile is in the Dragon Kings Lair and the egg oppens and hits Reptile. Then the words: The Dragon King has Awaken....

Leaving hope for a Mk4 movie wich will be based in Mk6.
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