Why Isn't MK;A the 3rd Movie?
posted05/12/2004 05:38 AM (UTC)by
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06/30/2003 04:34 PM (UTC)
Here is a good question for all of you big time story followers of the MK games. After the end of MK1 the game, Shang Tsung convinces Shao Kahn to lure the remaining warriors to Outworld for the second competition, and that's what MKII is all about. We learned later in MK3 that MKII was merely a deceptive contest to get the Earth Warriors away from the Earthrealm so Sindel could be reborn there, and Kahn would then take over the realm. Why couldn't the guys in Hollywood make MKII, and end it like a trilogy like movie. An example, Back To The Future always ended with to be continued/concluded. It would be cool to end MKII with the invasion of Earthrealm, and in MK3(Annihilation then) start off just like it supposed to. Maybe then we would have seen Kintaro.
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