Would you rather watch mk movie with bunch of mk warriors?
posted12/16/2003 01:42 AM (UTC)by
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12/05/2003 01:03 AM (UTC)
if you could just imagine the whole scene of all mk warriors from mk/mk2/mk3/mk4/mkm/mkda/ combine into 6 hour movie;it'll be a blast.not like mk/mka/mkc where there is not enough actions.i'd be truly pleased to watch that kind of movie.i'm talking about in human forms with video related fighting scenes like no other.i'd like to see Quan Chi fighting Subzero,and Shao Khan fighting with Kung Lao,and Raiden taking on Fujin.do you think it'll be great to see that kind of a movie?
HOnestly, no; it's just to much; nobody has the patience to sit through a movie that long; unless maybe they split it into 3 chapters, like LOTR. That would work, and I also agree with the fights you mentioned.
12/05/2003 12:25 PM (UTC)
nothing pleases me the most then to see quan chi fighting with subzero.as a matter of fact i did had a chance of seeing that in mk mythologies when using subzero.yeah split into 3 movies would be a good idea,but to make it even more intresting not like those puny mk movies.
12/05/2003 09:36 PM (UTC)
If you cut the movie into 3 section you would still get those "puny" episodes. So whats the point? It should be 6 hours or nothing at all because thats what we have got now. Althought they only last 1 1/2 hours.

And mk1 was very good in my opinion.
12/06/2003 05:13 PM (UTC)
to me mortal kombat is truly the most coolest game and i think they should've made mk movies very intresting,1 1/2 movie is a waste of money and time.i thought when mka was out it'll be better then the first mk but instead it was pathetic,it damages my view of true mortal kombat.they shouldn't hire paul anderson as a director because he's sucks bad.i hope 3rd mk movie is good,but if not i'll burn the rest of those puny movies.
12/16/2003 01:42 AM (UTC)
All those warriors would be great in an MK movie , but it would have to have a good plot, and couldn't be too long. There was once this 8 hour TV show season tape i had, and i never even got half way through it, let alone 6 hours of it!
I hope the third MK movies better than the MKA movie too, but there isnt any proof that there's gonna be a third movie in the first place.
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