Bi-Han stays Sub-Zero, Kuai Liang is Scorpion, Hanzo becomes Noob
posted06/13/2023 12:25 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/09/2002 12:05 AM (UTC)

Since the story is changing and Sub-Zero and Scorpion are brothers, what if Bi-Han never dies and never turns into Noob Saibot and his brother Kuai Liang becomes Scorpion? What if Hanzo becomes Noob Saibot?

06/13/2023 01:09 PM (UTC)

As ludicrous as it sounds, Kuai Liang as the new Noob Saibot.

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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

06/13/2023 04:32 PM (UTC)

In this timeline Hanzo has not died as Liu Kang stated it is a "new" canvas. Looking at the 2 ninja they do look similar in facial structure and Sub-Zero is Bi Han. We do not know conclusively yet whether Hanzo is still Scorpion or as many fans have speculated, myself included, that Kuai Liang is now Scorpion. Noob Saibot really should not exist in this timeline but only time will tell if he does or not.

In one screenshot we got, Scorpion bows to Liu Kang and show honor and respect similar to how both Hanzo and Kuai would do so it is anyone's guess who Scorpion turns out to be but I will say this...the Get Over Here voice is the same, he still has some fire powers too. Sure the voice will always be the same but just my opinion if Kuai was Scorpion I think they'd change the voice a little. Anyway, until we learn more I too am guessing Scorpion is Kuai, Hanzo is actually either no longer alive or in the new time line or Scorpion has a new persona. Sadly I believe Noob will not be here yet.

The only other solution is that this is Hanzo and Takeda, the original Shirai Ryu founder, never left the Lin Kuei?

Since the story is changing and Sub-Zero and Scorpion are brothers, what if Bi-Han never dies and never turns into Noob Saibot and his brother Kuai Liang becomes Scorpion? What if Hanzo becomes Noob Saibot?

This is the prevailing theory I've seen in the intro vid comments.

Wouldn't be the 1st time they've changed family details.

In the OG MK1, Sonya's twin brother was missing, this timeline it was her Father missing with no bro mentioned.

Bi-Han & Kuai Liang were TWINS, and had a sister. Later Frost is introduced with no mention of their sister or a connection.

I wonder if Kuai Liang & Tommy(Smoke) are brothers now?


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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

06/14/2023 04:24 AM (UTC)

After watching some YouTubers who share a similar thought between one another it made me think of it being possible. Here are there theories on what might happen.

Sub-Zero is Bi Han. Scorpion is Hanzo Hasashi and has not died in this "new era". Kuai Liang is Tundra. Noob Saibot does not exist YET. The theory is that during story mode somewhere Bi Han will betray Fire Go Liu Kang and set off the feud we all have known from the original games and Scorpion will die again as will one of the Sub-Zero brothers which will then become Noob Saibot. The theory they have is no matter how much Fire God Liu Kang tries to make his old allies and enemies destinies go in the direction to avoid what past he remembers and they do not as the old saying goes....Fate Never Changes and everything still plays out as it did before with a slight twist.

Looking at their theories it would make sense to take that direction. Similar to MK9's story where Raiden tried the same thing and also changed events. Sub-Zero became a cyborg instead of Smoke in MK9. Things in MK1 should be extremely similar to how we know the original storyline but some small things will change again but I believe even though the changes will be slight the ending may be similar to the original Mortal Kombat but with a New Champion, and IMO an evil Champion. This new era wouldn't Shang Tsung need to win first?

08/12/2023 04:11 PM (UTC)

You never know, in the original timeline Scorpion died sometime before the original tournament during a conflict with Bi-Han. Who is to say that they never crossed paths where Hanzo was still Shirai Ryu? Perhaps in this timeline, Bi-Han kills Hanzo and instead of getting his hellspawn powers from the NetherRealm itself he becomes a wraith for Quan Chi. A samurai looking character with wraith characteristics sounds really cool and would be a welcome re-imagining of the Noob Saibot character.

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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

08/16/2023 05:51 PM (UTC)

Similar and interesting thought. Here is another one to consider. Does anyone remember the non-cannon novel by Jeff Rovi? Pretty sure that was his name. In the novel, Scorpion's son is possessed by his father's spirit to kill Sub-Zero. In the novel Tsui and Yong Park were their names. What if NRS is taking ideas from multiple cannon and non-cannon areas of MK's past for this game. Perhaps in the New Era, Hanzo Hasashi is already dead. Maybe Hanzo Hasashi's spirit will possess Kuai Liang and kill Bi Han or begin stalking him? What is Hanzo does eventually still become Scorpion? Who is Noob Saibot in the timeline if this happens? What about Sub-Zero's Grandfather, whom he stole the name from? Remember the dialogue from MK11 that states this.

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09/08/2023 01:51 AM (UTC)

SEMI related but since Kuai is Scorpion will there be an explanation why Kuai has fire? I assume it's like Smoke and he learned Fire magic. Except he has the skull fatality but he isnt a Neatherrealm spectre. I really hope they touch on this in story.

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