Regarding Leaks and Spoilers
posted05/22/2023 04:19 PM (UTC)by
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

Member Since
09/18/2004 09:25 PM (UTC)

Hello again, community.

Today, I'd like to explain MKO's stance on the posting of leaks and spoilers, as these items are always at their peak in the months prior to a game's release and immediately following. We kindly ask that anyone posting information that falls under one of the above two descriptors use the spoiler tag feature to do so. This policy will extend to the #mortalkombat channel of our Discord server as well, and other channels if deemed necessary.

For now, we do not feel the need to prohibit the posting of leaks and spoilers. We believe that as long as users are given the option to reveal the information or ignore it, everyone wins.

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