Alternatuve Finishers
posted02/08/2019 12:48 PM (UTC)by
About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

Member Since
08/22/2010 12:26 AM (UTC)

Well with Mercy being back in the game (according to the Steam trophies), I am curious to see, if any, what alternative finisher's you think there will be in the game aside from brutalities and fatalities. As most know MK3 in order to use an Animality you would first have to perform a Mercy in the 3rd round. Thoughts on it ?

02/08/2019 04:01 PM (UTC)

I hope they have similar requirements for Mercy this time and having some "exclusive" finishers tied to them. Don't know about animality's. Although the concept was nice, the execution wasn't most of the time.
Hope the announcer fits the bill with announcing "... shows mercy".

About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

02/09/2019 05:08 AM (UTC)

I wonder if mercy has changed in this game? Like how Brutalities have (for the better I think)

naybe mercy is the new name for Friendships?

02/09/2019 02:03 PM (UTC)

I wouldn't mind animalities returning, BUT only on few characters, they could replace a couple of finishers, like I did with my made-up leak, I made up that 3 characters (Xtabay, Liu Kang and Shang Tsung) could transform into animals during one of their fatalities and that for fun the FATALITY was replaced with the word ANIMALITY, just for nostaligica sake.

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