I hope the next MK is 3D
posted04/21/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/25/2003 04:29 PM (UTC)
I actually really liked the 3D Mortal Kombat games. They were pretty good and I think the series has a lot of potential in utilizing the 3rd plane. In some respects it makes MK more immersive with some spectacular graphics that cannot be portrayed on a 2D linear plane. I mean in 2D you can create a background object with all the detail in the world but not really appreciate it due to its static nature. Here take a look at this MKDA video upscaled to 1080p and see how phenomenal this 13 year old game looks, beating out even MK9 and MKX in some areas.

I'd honestly be down for 2D or 3D.
04/19/2015 08:38 PM (UTC)
I think 3D would look great, but the gameplay is what I would have concerns about. With MK being so projectile heavy, 3D makes them damn near pointless. Blocking them becomes obsolete when you can just side step them with ease. If they did make the next MK in 3D, it would need to be much different than the previous 3D entries, something different than anything we've seen before.
04/19/2015 08:40 PM (UTC)
I hope not. Why 3D plane? 3D I heard was the cause of the downhill of MK games and when 2D was introduced back in MK 9 that's why put the series back on top
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04/21/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
If memory serves me correctly I read an interview where Boon said after the lackluster success of the 3D games of MKV - Armageddon it would take a very long time to go back to a 3D based game. Cannot remember where I read that but I read it somewhere. IMO 3D fighting games with the exception of wrestling are bad and horrible to play.
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