Kombat League
posted07/15/2019 11:49 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/17/2019 10:25 PM (UTC)

I have stopped playing this game after a month. I have also the DLC preordered but not even Shang Tsung I got because this game sucks. Nevertheless I want to give it a try and bought a one month PSN subscrition and played some KL matches only to see what I already knew.

I have won some games and lost a lot others but the stupid part is:

Sub-zero won me matches with 2 KB (!!!!!) and 1 uppercut. Why the fuck a KB takes 320 from your health bar, the same amount as a FB?

Twice I've been hit from Frost FB even when jumped and being in her back(!!!!)

A lot of input lag, specially if I am player 2.

I suck playing, but this is ridiculous. I regret the 40€ spent in this boring game.

Back to Smash Brothers...


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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/16/2019 02:50 AM (UTC)
Pages: 1
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