Little things Id like 2 see in Mortal Kombat
posted03/05/2016 02:09 AM (UTC)by
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12/23/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)

Im really no good @ gameplay n moves, graphics etc so apologies if thats wot u like to read about. But I do like to read about time travel and stories so I just wanted to bullet point things I wud love 2 see personally [sorry if this is totally rubbish]

* Daegon/Taven both getting involved
* Confirmation that Cassie kills Shujinko which diverts the course of "history"
* The death of both Jax AND Jaqui
* Shinnok being the living head on Liu Kangs staff/weapon
* Introduction of Blaze but something stops him from being corrupted
* Johnny Cage does discover the secret of the slow down of his age [just like Erron Black]
* The return of Shang Tsung via Ermac
* No horror film DLC fighters

I just threw them out there without thinking 100% on the story. I'll maybe think more and add more later in a real structure i guess, idk

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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

03/05/2016 02:09 AM (UTC)
TheRealJade98 Wrote:Shinnok being the living head on Liu Kangs staff/weapon

Great, but why stop with one magical head? I want to see Liu Kang display Shinnok's living head and Quan Chi's rotting head on his weapon; nobody would really guard Quan Chi's head.
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