MK11 Xbox One to PS4
posted02/20/2020 07:09 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/25/2019 12:03 PM (UTC)

I've put in tons of hours grinding on MK11 for Xbox One. If I were to buy MK11 for PS4 is there a way I can transfer my account information from the XBone to PS4 so I don't have to start all over? Thanks!

Art Lean
02/20/2020 12:17 PM (UTC)

Don't believe so, it's all tied to your console's profile account.

It's why you can't even play local 2 player and have the second player use your variation loadouts, they have to use whatever they've unlocked on their profile (which if they're just a guest, isn't going to be anything). This aspect of the game is utterly ridiculous.

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