Mortal kombat story and scaling isTRASH
posted11/12/2021 07:36 AM (UTC)by
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11/12/2021 07:33 AM (UTC)

rain is the true son! They need to stop
Letting him get his behind whipped by weak characters, same for noob we all know these characters are stronger than the characters they lose to. Mortal kombat has become so trash to the point where Kitana can beat shou kahn 1v1 they need to fix the power scale before they add new characters to this series, Jax should never be able to beat noob even with Jackie. Nobody cares about johny cage and Sonya we came to mk for the ninjas and mystical stuff not weaker characters magically beating strong characters. WHY ARE STRONG CHARACTERS LOSING TO THESE WEAK ONES! MAKE THE STORY/SCALING MAKE SENSE OR DONT MAKE IT AT ALL.....

11/12/2021 08:25 PM (UTC)

Hey, you answered your own question. How cool is that. XD

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No Cage? No sale!

11/12/2021 10:05 PM (UTC)

You assume too much. I've always thought the ninjas suck, but I tolerate them because I know others like them. You know, kinda like you should be doing with characters you don't like.

11/13/2021 01:39 AM (UTC)

You assume too much. I've always thought the ninjas suck, but I tolerate them because I know others like them. You know, kinda like you should be doing with characters you don't like.

Even if the ninjas suck their is enough lore to show that noob can’t be defeated by Jax

11/13/2021 05:50 PM (UTC)

rain is the true son! They need to stop
Letting him get his behind whipped by weak characters, same for noob we all know these characters are stronger than the characters they lose to. Mortal kombat has become so trash to the point where Kitana can beat shou kahn 1v1 they need to fix the power scale before they add new characters to this series, Jax should never be able to beat noob even with Jackie. Nobody cares about johny cage and Sonya we came to mk for the ninjas and mystical stuff not weaker characters magically beating strong characters. WHY ARE STRONG CHARACTERS LOSING TO THESE WEAK ONES! MAKE THE STORY/SCALING MAKE SENSE OR DONT MAKE IT AT ALL.....

I understand where you are coming from...........

HOWEVER, not all your arguments make sense. The whole point of MK's story was to see the underdogs beat the "more powerful" ones. Just look at Liu Kang and Shang Tsung. A shaolin monk defeating a demon sorcerer who shape shifts?

Do you even like Mortal Kombat? LOL.

NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
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Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

11/15/2021 12:08 AM (UTC)Edited 11/25/2021 12:01 AM (UTC)

There Should'nt Be Power Scaling or Hp Scaling Differing The Kombatant's. Every Kombatant Should Have The Same Size Health Pool and Same Amount Of Power Apllied to The Moves For Every Character's Moveset's. When I play Multiplayer I Want it to Be A Balanced Fight Not Skill VS a Math Equation, Infinite Guessing Game, A Bunch of Frame Traps With Infinite Pressure, an Optimal Play Turtle/Spam Fest or a Glorified Rock Paper Scissors Roster Selection That makes it feel like im Fighting the AI That Get's the Best Roster Pick and Does all of The Most Damaging and Optimal Moves and only TMDaOM When I'm Fighting People in Multiplayer VS.

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