Online Ladders
posted04/24/2019 03:19 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/24/2019 03:07 AM (UTC)

Currently at the top 24.8 percent according to the stats..been playing mk since the first one when it came out. This is by far the most frustrating ladder system. Comp takes advantage of frame data, blocks everything. Hitting comps with 10-14 hit combos and the turn it around almost instantly with a few hits. It seems like the very last enemy of each ladder the difficulty is cranked up even further. Only have been able to complete a few but most of these ladders are impossible. Even using all the konsumables I could muster still having really reduculous time. I mean in the middle of my fly as Raiden the computer literally used a grab throw and got me in the middle of the air then proceeded to juggle me to death when they were three quarters down and I was at full health. What is this ai? Not even mk1, 2, or 9 were this bad. Atleast they were bearable with abuse of mechanics but I’ve tried every trick in the book here.

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