Scorpion comedy
posted05/09/2019 07:57 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/28/2019 12:58 PM (UTC)

Is it possible all noobs play him? I can clearly see how they have no plan and still give me a good time.

I played him sometimes with the moves I remember from mk 1 and checked specials for 10 seconds. I played so good hahahaha I was really laughing.

I cannot give respect to any scorpion player.... It's so easy to connect every bs and it works big times.

I think scorpion should be nerfed. It doesn't feel right. Either damage or make inputs a bit harder please.

Like common. Is this the welcome to ranked and pick this character so succeed a bit option

05/12/2019 01:35 AM (UTC)

OK maybe I was a bit harsh. But all the inputs are so easy and so effective by no risk.

I think he should be a bit more challenging to players as of now, he's just the least respectable character in my humble opinion.

I would even like to play him but I d feel ashamed of myself

05/12/2019 03:35 AM (UTC)

He is the poster boy, he should be easy and noobs friendly that's said, aside from his Krushing Blows, he doesn't do a lot of damage and his moves are easier punished than Sub Zero.

05/12/2019 03:56 AM (UTC)

His B14 is very unsafe unless you finish the string with 3. His F42 is unsafe even if you finish the string. His F3 is very good because he has option after but it's start up is 13 frames. And if you see your opponent likes to stagger after, just attack him back. What comes after F3 is either a 4 which is another mid or 2 which is overhead, low which is very very unsafe again. They like to use DF4 too which is very unsafe as well. A bit harder to punish though.

So learn his strings. Almost everything he does is unsafe, you can react to everything and block everything and then punish it.

The only scary thing about him is almost unreactable teleport. He literally shuts down every zoner and everyone else at range. Basically, he makes your projectiles useless because you have to be ready for that teleport.

05/12/2019 04:08 AM (UTC)

What I do against kharacter like that is I go to practice, record 4 slots and playback on random. So record B14 in 1 slot, F42 in second, F32 in third and teleport in fourth. Then set playback to random.

Now you have no idea what's coming next. Try to react to it and block it and add your punish when you are comfortable. Great way to practice.

05/12/2019 10:28 AM (UTC)

Thank you, I didn't know that's possible with the practice ????????????

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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

05/12/2019 12:28 PM (UTC)

Liu Kang has much simpler inputs than Scorpion, it is just he is not played as much as Scorpion. You are also so wrong on the Scorpion having no risk. Almost all of Scorpion's comboes are unsafe. Just block and punish. The real key to winning with Scorpion is baiting for teleports. The teleport is what makes Scorpion strong.

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