Towers CPU using assist fighters, but not player?
posted05/11/2019 04:39 AM (UTC)by
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"Retirement my ass!"

Member Since
05/20/2003 02:47 AM (UTC)

Does anyone know why it is, in any ToT battles, if the CPU is using assist fighters (Sonya, Noob, Cyrax etc..) the player does not have access to do the same from their consumables? Everyone is grayed out and you’re told with a message that you cannot use the assists because the CPU is doing so. Why is this? Is it impossible for the game to handle both sides having assist strikers?

About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

05/11/2019 03:15 PM (UTC)

Probably because it would stess the system too much with 4 characters on screen.

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