Was Kronika A good villian?
posted01/05/2021 01:55 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/08/2019 11:41 AM (UTC)

For me,

Titan's were never a good idea in mk.

Way too many plotholes and less meaning for the weaker combatants.

The best villians are always the one's that are half god's, geniuses and ambitious with meaning.

Reiko is an example of a good main antagonist. Wants to be better than shao kahn, but isn't by default. So he can conquer and steal power to become more stronger than him. He can do that while shao is "presume" dead.

For future, if there going to put a titan in the game, make sure they have a small role, for example: Johnny cage's ancestors locked kronika up in an amulet 10000000 years ago and reiko tries to find it by talking to kronika telepathcally, saying you can gain power of time if you find the amulet, but gets tricked in freeing her.

Simple plot, interesting delivery.

01/06/2021 08:11 PM (UTC)

Personally, yes. I kinda liked her.

She kinda came from nothing and she is basically she-Thanos from Avengers Endgame, but I liked her story, look, voice acting, powers, moveset, etc.

She is defeated TWICE in the same game like Shao Kahn and Shinnok before her, so I'd argue all final bosses were "weak" in terms of power level and lore. But at least she is interesting. She just doesn't want to conquer and destroy and submit, she has a vision and just wants that vision to come through and stay still. She thinks that in doing so she will keep the universe in balance and precvent a far worse threath, but I like to think of her as an apprensive mother who wants both her sons at the top of the food chain.

01/07/2021 12:57 PM (UTC)Edited 01/07/2021 01:01 PM (UTC)

She needed to use her legs in combat and not hover.

She needed to use her legs in combat and not hover.

MK1 Shang Tsung...

If you count morphs/summons, T-Wrecks uses it's legs to trample our asses.


01/11/2021 10:34 AM (UTC)Edited 01/11/2021 10:59 AM (UTC)

She needed to use her legs in combat and not hover.

MK1 Shang Tsung...

If you count morphs/summons, T-Wrecks uses it's legs to trample our asses.


MKMSZ Shinnok levitates too.

Comes down to the outfits (exposing lower legs to kick) but Ermac in MKX floats and still uses kicks. Sindel in MK3 as well, differently.

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04/30/2021 01:55 PM (UTC)

We already knew very little about the Elder Gods, and now there's a higher Goddess. Personally I would have made Kronika an Elder God who persuades the rest into changing the sands of time. That would have made an opportunity to explore the Elder Gods and know more about them. In appearance and personality, she's exactly the opposite of Shao Kahn, witch is logical in times like these that they made her like that.

09/04/2021 05:06 PM (UTC)

Some say powerful people come from powerful places (when it comes to MK).

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