What do you think of the Skarlet retcon?
posted05/12/2019 10:31 PM (UTC)by
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

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06/08/2004 02:30 AM (UTC)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall Skarlet's bio in MK9 saying she was a construct like Ermac, just with the blood of his enemies than the souls of them comprising her being. In MK11, though, we learn that she was a normal Outworlder uplifted by Shao Kahn and granted the knowledge of Blood Magic to give her her powers. So, which is correct, and if this is a retcon of her origin, how do you guys feel about that?

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"Retirement my ass!"

05/12/2019 10:58 PM (UTC)

Personally I like MK11’s take better. Now she’s not just “another thing Kahn had magically created” like Ermac and Mileena. They made her an actual person who had a life (granted it was a shitty one). I like the fact she was actually born a unique individual. Also this makes it so that she is not completely a slave to Kahn. She is loyal to him (and thankful for him pulling her out of the streets) ... but she’s not blindly subservient to him and will attack him with reason (based on one of her intros where it is implied that Kahn did not teach her all he knows and kept magic from her... she said if true, she’d kill him). So yeah, definitely a fan of the retcon.

05/12/2019 11:33 PM (UTC)

Actually both could be the same. MK9's version could just be telling the portion in which she was infused with and later taught about Blood magic. Just leaving out the portion where she was a normal, orphaned person and MK11 expanded on that.

But I love what they did with her in this game. Really did a complete overhaul of her to give her depth and a lot of substance.

05/14/2019 10:42 PM (UTC)Edited 05/15/2019 11:25 AM (UTC)

As much as the retcon annoys me I actually prefer her new story to her old one where she was just Blood Ermac.

It makes her more original and gives her a personality beyond just being another hive minded creature made up of what's left of Kahns' vanquished foes. Her no longer being a crimson T-1000 gives her depth now and gives more room to move in both a narrative (HAH!) and design aspect.

That being said I still don't like that they retconned her origin.I don't like the lack of respect for continuity, they made her origin what it was and should have been pressed to stick by it and build her from there.

05/14/2019 11:09 PM (UTC)

I much prefer the MK11 story. I think constructing characters out of nowhere is really lazy. This kind of makes her character feel more organic and like it has its own motivations and the like. Kind of thought she was a gimmick in MK9, but 11 has raised her stock with me.

About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

05/15/2019 01:09 AM (UTC)

As much as the retcon annoys me I actually prefer her new story to her old one where she was just Blood Ermac.

It makes her more original and gives her a personality beyond just being another hive minded creature made up of what's left of Kahns' vanquished foes. Her no longer a crimson T-1000 gives her some depth now and allows for more room to move in both a narrative (HAH!) and design aspect.

That being said I still don't like that they retconned her origin.I don't like the lack of respect for continuity, they made her origin what it was and should have been pressed to stick by it and build her from there.

This all around. Of all the ass backwords retcons they have done I actually do like the Skarlet retcon. She didn't have a lot to go on after 9 so it didn't bother me too much. I'm a fan.

05/15/2019 05:22 PM (UTC)

I'm tired of retcons, but I've accepted thst this is what she is now.

Regardless of which, I still love playing as her.

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