Xbox One controller on PC
posted05/10/2019 09:30 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/28/2019 12:58 PM (UTC)

Get ups like up+3 very often don't get registered.

Amplifying with RB also doesn't get registered at times

I don't think I am too stupid and tried different xbox one controllers

Do you guys think the controller sucks or u have no problems with inputs?

Is a ps4 controller better from the feeling?

I am not sure if I regret buying it for PC, there are a lot of people with weird connections

Sometimes I wonder why I am doing this to me.

05/10/2019 11:31 AM (UTC)

I'm using a Switch Pro controller on PC and I'm having trouble with getup inputs too. I think it's the game making the input window unnecessarily tight, not a controller issue.

05/10/2019 01:46 PM (UTC)

What helped a little but which also meses up some inputs is

Release check on

Input shortcuts on

Button shortcuts on

I had release check off before which made it more terrible, but it was suggested in a forum. Maybe that applies more to console?

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