Xbox Series Controller MK11/MKXL
posted11/26/2020 07:37 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/25/2019 12:03 PM (UTC)

Has anyone been playing MK 11 or MK XL with the new Xbox Series X|S Controller?? I'm considering upgrading from the Xbox One Controller during the Black Friday sales cause the Series d-pad looks superior in every way to the XB1 d-pad. MK 11, XL, 9 and Armageddon are the only games I play a lot on Xbox and PC so this controller would be mostly upgraded for MK games only. I hate the PS3 and PS4 d-pad for fighting games, it's not even usable, and the XB1 d-pad is nice, but sometimes the fingers slip or get stuck between the d-pad directions. For those with XB Series controller experience, your honest thoughts??? Thanks

12/02/2020 07:30 AM (UTC)


I decided to order the XB Series controller for black Friday at $40 to play Mortal Kombat. I've only used it a few hours, here's my first impression so far:

The d-pad on the Series controller is great, it's definetly a step up from the XB1 controller, however with that being said the XB1 d-pad is still quite amazing itself and still light years beyond the PlayStation controllers for dpad (and in general) comfort. Sadly, outside of the dpad and share button everything else is better about the XB1 controller: the grip on the back of the new controller sucks, it's like holding sandpaper. The slightly smaller design isn't as comfortable and quite as perfect as the XB1 controller. The textured grip on the trigger buttons is a step down. I am undecided on which control to keep because while the dpad is much better for fighting games, everything else seems to be a slight step down(and major step regarding the grip on the back). My suggestion is if you don't play fighting games and already have an XB1 or just bought a Series X/S keep your XB1 controller as its sufficient for every other kind of game, and if you are primarily going to be playing fighting games you may want to pick up the Series model and give it a try, the grip and smaller size may be something one can adjust to.

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