Anybody know if theres a counter system?
posted06/20/2010 03:11 AM (UTC)by
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07/12/2004 02:15 AM (UTC)
You guys think there's going to be a counter system in this game....other than breakers. I know Cage's x-ray move functions as a parry. Is every character going to have something of that nature do you think?
06/20/2010 02:46 AM (UTC)
There is no indication there are unfortunately.

I'd love MK to have counters. i think Dead or Alive pulled them off the best. So many different varieties.

MK needs a counter-system just like DOA. Add's more strategy, depth and eye-candy!
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06/20/2010 02:55 AM (UTC)
Counters shouldn't be become a staple of all fighting games. I actually think they've done more harm than good in Soul Calibur. It got to the point in SC4 where knowing other characters' combos was more beneficial than knowing your own. They're great in DOA, but they're also the central element to the gameplay. MK is all about fast-paced fighting with custom combos.

Even when counters are done right, they still create a totally different dynamic. The focus attack in SF4 can function as a counter, but that's totally different then what you'd see in DOA. I don't think counters are bad by any means, but the way they factor into the playing mindset with fast-paced fighting games, I just don't think counters would be good for MK.
06/20/2010 02:55 AM (UTC)
I think the only thing DOA had going for it was the counters, I'd love to see them in MK. Much more efficient than breakers.
06/20/2010 03:05 AM (UTC)
I think a counter system similar to that in doa would be greaat in a 3d fighting plane
I dunno a out on the 2d plane though I think maybe breakers would be better
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06/20/2010 03:11 AM (UTC)
Tyrant-Cenobite Wrote:

MK needs a counter-system just like DOA.

Yeah, if you want MK to be totally dominated by it as DOA is.
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