Is there a reason cyber smoke wasnt playable in MK9?
posted05/19/2012 12:11 PM (UTC)by
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08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
Storymode aside, cyber smoke was still highly asked for. He could have done nothing but make NRS more money and it makes me wonder exactly why wasn't he in MK9? They made skins for everyone and surely it wouldn't have been too hard to make a cyber alt for smoke like cyrax and sektor had. It just seems crazy to me. All it would have done was make them more money.

So, do you think there was a reason that Cyber Smoke was excluded from MK9? Will cyber smoke possibly make a comeback in MK10 and this is why he was left out of MK9? What are your thoughts on this?
04/29/2012 05:55 AM (UTC)
I think mostly the reason was that Cyber Smoke would have required all new animations for his attacks, much like Sektor and Cyrax did. The difference is, Sektor and Cyrax both played a part of the storyline in their human and cyber forms, so I guess NRS felt like that was worth spending the effort on. But to release a cyber costume for Smoke, even if it was the "Classic" cyber costume, it would've still required the extra effort to make the new animations.

But yeah, I wish he was included.
04/29/2012 06:09 AM (UTC)
Yeah, but look at everything they did include. They even attempted to do unmasked Sub, which sucked btw. Most all of Smoke's moves could have been performed the same way in cyber form as in human form. That's what makes me wonder. I mean there were no moves from Smoke that wouldn't have transferred well to a cyber body. Especially with all of the time they have spent on MK:Komplete Edition and MK:Vita. Come on they couldn't have taken a little time to have someone work on a cyber skin for Smoke?

I may be looking into it a little bit too much, but I don't think we have seen the last of cyber smoke. That's why I think he was left out of MK9. I feel there is a good possibility that he will be in MK10. I may be wrong but I'm just taking a guess there. Maybe just wishful thinking as well.
04/29/2012 06:15 AM (UTC)
Yeah, but Komplete Edition and Vita edition are both separate games. So of course they're going to put effort into it if it means people will be spending $40 - $60 on it.

And with unmasked Sub-Zero, all they really had to add was mouth animations. But with a Cyber Smoke, they'd have to animate the moves coming from his chest and everything, not to mention new voice effects since he'd sound different as a cyborg. That'd be my best guess. I mean, you may be right, they might do something with him in MK10, but I really doubt that was the reason they did NOT include him in MK9. But yeah, I'd love to have Cyber Smoke.
04/29/2012 08:47 AM (UTC)
He wasn't planned to be in this game that's why.
04/29/2012 10:16 AM (UTC)
Smoke actually doesn't need the animations for his moves changed like Human Sektor and Human Cyrax did. Human Smoke and Cyber Smoke's moves both use smoke, he doesn't need digital patterns around him when he teleports. The only thing a cyborg costume for Smoke would really require is putting a robo-voice filter over his sound clips...which would take them like all of 5 minutes, I'm sure.

GodlyShinnok Wrote:
He wasn't planned to be in this game that's why.

Didn't stop them from making an alt of scarred Sub-Zero from MK3.

Granted, they didn't plan that one, they only did it due to fan demand and churned it out the fastest, laziest way they could by only modelling the head and sticking it on the UMK3 ninja outfit they already made. But they still did it.

And Smoke wouldn't even require the new head like scarred Sub did, just a purple palette swap of Sektor and Cyrax's klassic alt.

I think we just didn't get enough people to ask hard enough, or the fanbase was way too disorganized about what form we wanted to see Smoke IN in the first place. Remember that Boon outright asked on his twitter who the fans want most as a DLC character and one of the options on his list was Cyber-Smoke. So you had people who were like "Cyber-Smoke should be his own character with different moves, like Cyber-Sub! I want the trident move!", people who would've settled for or preferred him as an alt costume, people who were actively against it because they thought "No, don't waste a DLC slot on that, I'd rather they spend that time making Fujin or Tanya or something instead!" even though those characters aren't even from MK1 thru 3...
I just think if we'd spoken with a more unified voice we would've gotten something instead of nothing, y'know? If there'd been as much talk about and demand for a Cyber-Smoke alt costume as there was for Sub with his mask off, we'd probably have ended up with one in the last costume pack instead of a retro MK3 alt for Cyber-Sub, who wasn't even in MK3.
04/29/2012 11:32 AM (UTC)
I like how Razor assumes we just didn't all bitch hard enough. As opposed to say, maybe we all didn't want Cyber Smoke in the first place. Speaks volumes on his mindset doesn't it.

A lot more people wanted a human Smoke as a viable character, for the first time ever. (gray Scorpion and Deception's smoke monster in suspenders don't count) In that respect, the majority of players DID get what they wanted.

As to the original question, it's because Cyber Smoke is gone and we have Cyber Sub-Zero now. Mind boggling, I know. They wanted to phase him out and for you to use and like his replacement. Obviously you can disagree and that's fine, but that's obviously what *NRS* was shooting for. And as to why Cyb-Zero has an MK3 alt when he wasn't in the game? Well, if he HAD been, what do you think he would've looked like back then? Think long and hard about that one.

...or not. lol

04/29/2012 12:40 PM (UTC)
Don't put words in my mouth just to have another excuse to argue with me, I didn't assume everybody wanted Cyber-Smoke, the people who don't simply don't apply to the discussion since if you actually read the first post and not just the title, you might notice this thread is specifically about why they never released him as non-canon DLC. Maybe you've forgotten but Human Smoke is already in the straight-off-the-shelf version of the game and is the canon version now, people can't request something they already have.
Again, we got Sub-Zero with a scar even though it isn't canon anymore, and even though plenty of people don't care about or didn't like MK3 Sub's costume...because plenty of people DO like and wanted to see MK3 Sub again. Well plenty of people don't like Smoke as a robot, but plenty of people DO. And if enough of us had asked for it like we did about a scarred alt for Sub, they would've done it, but we weren't "out in force" enough, because every time the subject came up, it was all "Who cares about what you want since it doesn't canonically exist anymore? Instead let's talk some more about how much I want Rain, or someone from MK4!"
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04/29/2012 04:41 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Storymode aside, cyber smoke was still highly asked for. He could have done nothing but make NRS more money and it makes me wonder exactly why wasn't he in MK9? They made skins for everyone and surely it wouldn't have been too hard to make a cyber alt for smoke like cyrax and sektor had. It just seems crazy to me. All it would have done was make them more money.

So, do you think there was a reason that Cyber Smoke was excluded from MK9? Will cyber smoke possibly make a comeback in MK10 and this is why he was left out of MK9? What are your thoughts on this?

Plain and simple, he wasn't turned into a cyborg with Rayden saving him and Sub-Zero wasn't in the new timeline.
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04/29/2012 06:42 PM (UTC)
ShadowPreacher Wrote:
A lot more people wanted a human Smoke as a viable character, for the first time ever. (gray Scorpion and Deception's smoke monster in suspenders don't count) In that respect, the majority of players DID get what they wanted.

Reread the archives. A ton of people wanted Cyber-Smoke. It wasn't that cut and dry.

And let's remember the thesis of the pro-human sect: "Smoke ought to stay human so he can play a bigger role in the story." Well, now we have all seen Razor's prophecy come true. Smoke stayed human, and he contributed virtually nothing to the story. Sub-Zero, BECAUSE he became a cyborg, got an entire second chapter devoted to him AND bodied Goro and Kintaro AND rescued a bunch of US troops in the clocktower. That's irony for ya. Hell, now that I think about it, every single Lin Kuei assassin got more screen time than Smoke.

Smoke's only worthwhile contribution to the story was getting to participate in the MKII tournament where he got his ass handed to him. Off. Screen.
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04/29/2012 06:56 PM (UTC)
Same reasons why C/Khameleon weren't
04/29/2012 07:28 PM (UTC)
C-Sword Wrote:
Same reasons why C/Khameleon weren't

They weren't brought back because Boon doesn't want them anymore. I strongly doubt Boon just doesn't want a cyborg version of Smoke to come back anymore.

Good riddance though with them, never did like them anyways.
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04/29/2012 10:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
C-Sword Wrote:
Same reasons why C/Khameleon weren't

They weren't brought back because Boon doesn't want them anymore. I strongly doubt Boon just doesn't want a cyborg version of Smoke to come back anymore.

Good riddance though with them, never did like them anyways.

Well I do as a matter of fact they are my top two, not everybody hates them and there was even some demand for them come DLC time (to complete the MK Trilogy roster), so watch your mouth ya D'bag, you don't see me bagging out your favs.
04/29/2012 10:38 PM (UTC)
chameleon84 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
C-Sword Wrote:
Same reasons why C/Khameleon weren't

They weren't brought back because Boon doesn't want them anymore. I strongly doubt Boon just doesn't want a cyborg version of Smoke to come back anymore.

Good riddance though with them, never did like them anyways.

Well I do as a matter of fact they are my top two, not everybody hates them and there was even some demand for them come DLC time (to complete the MK Trilogy roster), so watch your mouth ya D'bag, you don't see me bagging out your favs.

Although technically, without Cyber Smoke, the MKT roster wouldn't be complete either.
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04/30/2012 09:44 AM (UTC)
Ahh touche.
04/30/2012 02:37 PM (UTC)
Oh how much did I "campaign" – spam, hype and inform – about the Smoke change and I'm just glad it happened. The 3D debut was good for him. I liked Cyber Smoke (MK3) too but I'm indifferent about his inclusion because currently Smoke is 100% human in the costume department.
Human Smoke is much better and he got a pretty good gameplay as a first timer in 3D. Back in 2010 I created a poll about the human, nano and cyborg Smokes resulting in Human Smoke's whopping victory receiving 80% of the votes. People wanted him. As for the story department: whether Human Smoke would have had the ingredients for a great story or not, Smoke's automation couldn't have saved it when the Story Mode itself was a disaster. I bet that NeRdS beg to differ after all those nominations.
Classic Sub-Zero is included in Mortal Kombat PS Vita who is a lot lesser character than Cyber Smoke is, so I wholly understand where the pro–Cyber Smoke fans are coming from. Perhaps they allow us only three cyborgs at a time. I wasn't satisfied with the last-gen 3D games that lacked the human ('cept MK:SM) but now it's the human's turn it seems.
It's fine by me if Smoke will turn into Zombie Smoke the Enenra (Zmoke) in the sequel and it's not a big deal either if he turns into a cyborg, now that we've had Human Smoke in Mortal Kombat 9. Basically everything goes now. Although one would predict an expansion on the Enenra story next.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
ShadowPreacher Wrote:
A lot more people wanted a human Smoke as a viable character, for the first time ever. (gray Scorpion and Deception's smoke monster in suspenders don't count) In that respect, the majority of players DID get what they wanted.

Reread the archives. A ton of people wanted Cyber-Smoke. It wasn't that cut and dry.
And let's remember the thesis of the pro-human sect: "Smoke ought to stay human so he can play a bigger role in the story." Well, now we have all seen Razor's prophecy come true. Smoke stayed human, and he contributed virtually nothing to the story. Sub-Zero, BECAUSE he became a cyborg, got an entire second chapter devoted to him AND bodied Goro and Kintaro AND rescued a bunch of US troops in the clocktower. That's irony for ya. Hell, now that I think about it, every single Lin Kuei assassin got more screen time than Smoke.
Smoke's only worthwhile contribution to the story was getting to participate in the MKII tournament where he got his ass handed to him. Off. Screen.

Who are you going to blame for that? Not the fans. The developers! People can desire a character for numerous reasons. People don't want Cyber Smoke's inclusion for story purposes either – but nostalgia purposes.
We got the Enenra plot key as a future investment for one, and it's not like the bar was set high in the Story Mode, mediocre that is, anyway. It didn't come out as a surprise that Smoke's story was what it ultimately was when we're talking about MK9's story, did it? Sektor had less time. So did Cyrax probably. I don't know how you'll get "a ton of people" unless they weigh 500kg each. You may need to "reread the archives" for yourself.
04/30/2012 02:44 PM (UTC)
chameleon84 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
C-Sword Wrote:
Same reasons why C/Khameleon weren't

They weren't brought back because Boon doesn't want them anymore. I strongly doubt Boon just doesn't want a cyborg version of Smoke to come back anymore.

Good riddance though with them, never did like them anyways.

Well I do as a matter of fact they are my top two, not everybody hates them and there was even some demand for them come DLC time (to complete the MK Trilogy roster), so watch your mouth ya D'bag, you don't see me bagging out your favs.

Explain to me how I need to A.) Watch my mouth while I'm typing and B.)I'm a douchebag for stating my opinion. Never realized people take such things so seriously around here.

I could care less who the fuck talks about my favorites because I don't care. Opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to them. Such stupidity we have here, seriously.
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04/30/2012 03:31 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
chameleon84 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
C-Sword Wrote:
Same reasons why C/Khameleon weren't

They weren't brought back because Boon doesn't want them anymore. I strongly doubt Boon just doesn't want a cyborg version of Smoke to come back anymore.

Good riddance though with them, never did like them anyways.

Well I do as a matter of fact they are my top two, not everybody hates them and there was even some demand for them come DLC time (to complete the MK Trilogy roster), so watch your mouth ya D'bag, you don't see me bagging out your favs.

Explain to me how I need to A.) Watch my mouth while I'm typing and B.)I'm a douchebag for stating my opinion. Never realized people take such things so seriously around here.

I could care less who the fuck talks about my favorites because I don't care. Opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to them. Such stupidity we have here, seriously.

My apologies, I had an extremely bad day and I shouldn't have taken it out on anyone. I'm sorry, at first I was just meaning to say that not everyone hates them and some people (like me) actually want them to return. Oh and touche about the typing thing.
04/30/2012 04:18 PM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
People don't want Cyber Smoke's inclusion for story purposes either – but nostalgia purposes.

You do not speak for me. As far as I'm concerned, the difference between Human Smoke and Cyber-Smoke IS about story. It's also a little bit about quality in general.

As far as I can see, Human Smoke did not turn out to be better, you only like him so much because of what he represents: a what-if scenario you've wanted to see for years came true. Whoop-dee-doo. The ACTUAL CONTENT of him as a character is inferior to past versions of Smoke in every area except gameplay and even then, he's a character for spammers because he's only got TWO special moves that are consistently effective for dealing damage. Both of his costumes are two of the worst in the game, speaking for the first time has only made him sound lispy and feminine and his fight quote doesn't even make sense for the character, and he doesn't even HAVE a story now that they've robbed him of the only interesting thing that ever happened to him.

In Story Mode, no matter where he goes, he's just a tag-along, he never accomplishes or is important to anything. His own chapter of Story Mode is just filler where nothing happens. Oddly enough, there are only two chapters in the game that're just filler and could've gone on the cutting room floor without changing anything, his and Jade's (they could've cut right to her going to Raiden for help after Kitana was locked up and nothing would be lost, in fact, the game would probably be a little bit better if there were one less scene where Sheeva's once again guarding someone tied up in a room that isn't the fucking dungeon).

It wasn't an even trade when Sub-Zero became the cyborg instead of him, Smoke didn't gain Sub-Zero's MK3 plot, he wasn't depicted as a fugitive on the run from his clan, trying desperately to talk a friend programmed to capture him into remembering who he is, he just became "that guy with the girl-hair who stands in the background while Raiden and Nightwolf talk a couple of times." Kabal and Jax are the ones most responsible for bringing Cyber-Sub back and the Lin Kuei is a threat to Raiden's whole team this time, they have no mission to regain or kill Smoke, so he's robbed of having ANY story.

The only thing this game did for Smoke was give an origin story for where he got his powers and how he joined the Lin Kuei. And that could've STILL been used if he became a cyborg because Sub-Zero, Sektor, and Cyrax all have origin stories as well, and an Enenra is basically what his Deception costume is: Noob taking him to the Netherealm caused him to turn into a demon made of smoke. It just happened to be a cyber-demon, which is more unique than just a cyborg or just a demon, meaning Cyber-Smoke could've separated from Sektor and Cyrax and come into his own in a way that even Cyber-Sub-Zero would never be able to because you can't put cryomancer armor on a robot, so the only way for Sub to grow and develop is to first revert back to fully human again.

The art book even has concept art for a Deception Smoke costume.

It would've been nice if we'd gotten that as his alt instead of the one with the "I'm trying to look like I'm from anime because that's what's hip with the kids these days...but instead I just look like a girl" hair, at LEAST for the same reason Raiden's alt was Dark Raiden, a last reminder of the old timeline.
04/30/2012 10:13 PM (UTC)
I've already explained where I stand on Cyber Smoke being excluded, I think it's just a matter of time before we see him again.

In the argument of whether Smoke was relevant storywise in this game I'm going to have to agree with Razer and TemporaryUserName. I feel that Smoke was robbed of a story, honestly. He may have looked okay as human but many people were displeased. I can't even count how many have complained about his hair. His story was nothing as a human. He was still just the sidekick, whereas when he was cyber at least it helped him get away from that. Then his ending just wound him back up where he ended in the old storyline, he was a cyber demon and now he is an enenra. He is still a demon which amounts to a total of no change to him whatsoever. He will end up an entity of Smoke, and like Razer said he will probably end up looking how he did in Deception now anyway.

Basically, I think Smoke wasn't really meant to be human, but years of complaining reversed the roles of him and Sub-Zero for the worse. So all of the complaining got human smoke for a game, and single handedly ruined Sub-Zero. I hope Human Smoke was worth it.

As for Smoke's future. I don't see human Smoke sticking for some reason. He may and I could definitely be wrong. However, I can see him either A. taking up residence in Sub-Zero's now cyber body or B. Becoming a demon of Smoke and looking very similar to his look in Deception.

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05/01/2012 03:45 AM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
Who are you going to blame for that? Not the fans. The developers!

I agree in the broad sense. I still withhold judgment on Vogel as no one knows for sure how much creative control he really has. It's very possible that the worst parts of the story were due to limitations imposed on Vogel. I think it's safe to say the time-travel premise was decreed from Boon.

Zmoke Wrote:
People don't want Cyber Smoke's inclusion for story purposes either – but nostalgia purposes.

Not true, dude. There were real questions surrounding Cyber-Smoke's MK3 storyline that to this day have not been answered. There were also themes associated with Smoke's automation that gave the character special literary value. Cyber-Sub is dead, so he's not going to be able to carry that torch.

Zmoke Wrote:
You may need to "reread the archives" for yourself.

I did. I reread the shit out of the archives.
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05/01/2012 06:24 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Explain to me how I need to A.) Watch my mouth while I'm typing

Do you have Predator-style mandibles? If so, do you use them to type?

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05/01/2012 09:24 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I've already explained where I stand on Cyber Smoke being excluded, I think it's just a matter of time before we see him again.

In the argument of whether Smoke was relevant storywise in this game I'm going to have to agree with Razer and TemporaryUserName. I feel that Smoke was robbed of a story, honestly. He may have looked okay as human but many people were displeased. I can't even count how many have complained about his hair. His story was nothing as a human. He was still just the sidekick, whereas when he was cyber at least it helped him get away from that. Then his ending just wound him back up where he ended in the old storyline, he was a cyber demon and now he is an enenra. He is still a demon which amounts to a total of no change to him whatsoever. He will end up an entity of Smoke, and like Razer said he will probably end up looking how he did in Deception now anyway.

Basically, I think Smoke wasn't really meant to be human, but years of complaining reversed the roles of him and Sub-Zero for the worse. So all of the complaining got human smoke for a game, and single handedly ruined Sub-Zero. I hope Human Smoke was worth it.

As for Smoke's future. I don't see human Smoke sticking for some reason. He may and I could definitely be wrong. However, I can see him either A. taking up residence in Sub-Zero's now cyber body or B. Becoming a demon of Smoke and looking very similar to his look in Deception.

Smoke whether Cyborg or Human will ALWAYS be tied to Sub-Zero. Just like Jade will always be tied to Kitana. I was optimistic when I read the hacked script of storymode because I figured they were finally going to give the spotlight in MK10 to their second tier characters [Like Smoke and Jade that previously mentioned] then when I got the game I was disappointed to because just about everybody died [Smoke either would have died at the hands of Super Sindel even if he did become a Cyborg or he would been captured when he encountered Goro and Kintaro {anyone who thinks he could have beat the two of them is on some serious narcotics. Smoke is powerful but not as powerful as the S-Zs}] So becoming a Cyborg again is not the answer because it didn't work the last time and I doubt it will this time.
Originally i was appauled by the idea of Smoke being Cyborg back in the MK3 days... but over the years he kinda grew on me... Like Razor pointed out soooo clearly. Smoke didn't have a back story other than being friends with Kuai Liang and serving the Lin Kuai.
When you think about it... Smoke made a WAY coolier Cyborg than Kuai Liang... and had so much he can build with this story
i was hoping that Smoke being Human form again was going to be through a sequel. Not a reboot.
A reboot would have been fine if there switched didn't suck so bad...
05/01/2012 11:17 PM (UTC)
Sorry for the hiatus. Debates take time and the Human–Cyber Smoke dispute is eternal. I guess I need to buy a new clock or something.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Zmoke Wrote:
People don't want Cyber Smoke's inclusion for story purposes either – but nostalgia purposes.

You do not speak for me. As far as I'm concerned, the difference between Human Smoke and Cyber-Smoke IS about story. It's also a little bit about quality in general.

But if you want/wanted Cyber Smoke to become a DLC skin with maybe a new sound filter, you don't expect new pieces of story anymore, do you?
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
As far as I can see, Human Smoke did not turn out to be better, you only like him so much because of what he represents: a what-if scenario you've wanted to see for years came true. Whoop-dee-doo. The ACTUAL CONTENT of him as a character is inferior to past versions of Smoke in every area except gameplay and even then, he's a character for spammers because he's only got TWO special moves that are consistently effective for dealing damage. Both of his costumes are two of the worst in the game, speaking for the first time has only made him sound lispy and feminine and his fight quote doesn't even make sense for the character, and he doesn't even HAVE a story now that they've robbed him of the only interesting thing that ever happened to him.

First of all, I didn't frankly like the main costume design either. It quite resembled a concept I drew years ago, but out of all the alternatives, it wasn't the best possible. The roadkill weasel on his head looks like it was attached in this tame UMK3-ish body in the final minute. I believe that we just have different tastes in the costume department: I would never change the alternative costume he's got now to the welder's workwear + exhaust fumes costume that's been "generally" disliked, not even for nostalgia. Dark Raiden's inclusion makes more sense than Fog Smoke's anyway, seeing that Raiden is at least the representative of the good guys.
I did really dig this Lin Kuei armor suit, even if it's a little simple. I already had pictured Smoke as a "silver ninja" opposed to the "gold ninja" Scorpion so this armor is a fine addition. It's got a lot of more details compared to the primary costume, oddly and it's better than Kuai Liang's human suit. (The MK/DC iteration was neat.) The bar hasn't been set high in the costume department of MK9 either. The Mortal Kombat II costume in which he debuted is the best and the most important costume however.

The most of the female characters' costumes are very bland, not to mention Nightwolf and Kabal's. Quan Chi's costumes lack thought (the tattoo story has been disregarded). So Smoke definitely doesn't land to the bottom of the cast. What comes to the voice, he would've been better off saying nothing in the intro instead, or saying "There's no escape, and I'm everywhere!!" that Esoteric had set forth. His voice is silly. At least the situation isn't as horrible as it is with the whispering Birdman – Reptile.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
In Story Mode, no matter where he goes, he's just a tag-along, he never accomplishes or is important to anything. His own chapter of Story Mode is just filler where nothing happens. Oddly enough, there are only two chapters in the game that're just filler and could've gone on the cutting room floor without changing anything, his and Jade's (they could've cut right to her going to Raiden for help after Kitana was locked up and nothing would be lost, in fact, the game would probably be a little bit better if there were one less scene where Sheeva's once again guarding someone tied up in a room that isn't the fucking dungeon).
It wasn't an even trade when Sub-Zero became the cyborg instead of him, Smoke didn't gain Sub-Zero's MK3 plot, he wasn't depicted as a fugitive on the run from his clan, trying desperately to talk a friend programmed to capture him into remembering who he is, he just became "that guy with the girl-hair who stands in the background while Raiden and Nightwolf talk a couple of times." Kabal and Jax are the ones most responsible for bringing Cyber-Sub back and the Lin Kuei is a threat to Raiden's whole team this time, they have no mission to regain or kill Smoke, so he's robbed of having ANY story.
The only thing this game did for Smoke was give an origin story for where he got his powers and how he joined the Lin Kuei. And that could've STILL been used if he became a cyborg because Sub-Zero, Sektor, and Cyrax all have origin stories as well, and an Enenra is basically what his Deception costume is: Noob taking him to the Netherealm caused him to turn into a demon made of smoke. It just happened to be a cyber-demon, which is more unique than just a cyborg or just a demon, meaning Cyber-Smoke could've separated from Sektor and Cyrax and come into his own in a way that even Cyber-Sub-Zero would never be able to because you can't put cryomancer armor on a robot, so the only way for Sub to grow and develop is to first revert back to fully human again.

[Tomas is stroking Kuai's shoulder...]

Whether Smoke would have played an important role in bringing Cysuze back or not, it wouldn't have made much of an impact. As for why there happens almost nothing in Smoke's chapter, it was a bad decision on NeRdS behalf not to utilize all chapters to their full extent. It did introduce Tundra, the Tekunin and ally Smoke with Raiden. It shows that Smoke would've had the Sektor costume in Raiden's vision. Kano and Shang were redundant. It's interesting that Shang knew Smoke beforehand.
There truly were ways to develop him then, I suppose NeRdS didn't just want to decide. As you already stated, he did have a story (origin, that is). In the end we would have gotten a zombie character anyway, and I didn't exactly insist that Smoke's automation should be cancelled, although I saw it would be prospective for Human Smoke; but I demanded a game that has Human Smoke as the primary Smoke for once (the more human the better). His gameplay is still great and the origin story is decent too. He's got a unique and likely more independent future as an Enenra.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The ACTUAL CONTENT of him as a character is inferior to past versions of Smoke in every area except gameplay and even then, he's a character for spammers because he's only got TWO special moves that are consistently effective for dealing damage. Both of his costumes are two of the worst in the game, speaking for the first time has only made him sound lispy and feminine and his fight quote doesn't even make sense for the character, and he doesn't even HAVE a story now that they've robbed him of the only interesting thing that ever happened to him.

I beg to disagree. Gameplay-wise, in Deception, Noob-Smoke was nice change, but I would have preferred Smoke as an individual (although the story was interesting). Finally he became individual in Armageddon, but he was pretty mediocre both story- and gameplay-wise there, wasn't he?
I was in hopes for a better story for Smoke of course and the game overall (who wasn't?) but I do like his playability and he's one of my top five characters. There are in fact four special moves dealing damage although Teleport and Smoke Cloud are the foremost. Shake is a counter-attack against projectiles and its enhanced counterpart works against kicks and punches too, then there's Air Throw. I actually utilize all of his special moves, especially Smoke Towards/Away in casual play. Smoke used to be reputed as a spammer's tool #1 but there's been a batch of patches making him more equal and less spammer-friendly. He would've probably joined Quan Chi's forces no matter what and as a Netherrealmer he would have been mostly a pawn again yet now he can be the Hulk and reach new heights (sub-boss?). The Enenra had also a monstrous head clearly and the form of a beast that the nano Smoke didn't have, right?
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Zmoke Wrote:
People don't want Cyber Smoke's inclusion for story purposes either – but nostalgia purposes

Not true, dude. There were real questions surrounding Cyber-Smoke's MK3 storyline that to this day have not been answered. There were also themes associated with Smoke's automation that gave the character special literary value. Cyber-Sub is dead, so he's not going to be able to carry that torch.

Again I'm talking about the presence and the post-launch events. As the OP implies – he could've become a klassic skin aka DLC here, if I got that right. Earlier, people did want him for story purposes, certainly. Be it Cyber Sub-Zero or Cyber Smoke, he would've still died amidst the Sindel event.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Zmoke Wrote:
You may need to "reread the archives" for yourself.

I did. I reread the shit out of the archives.

I told that because, surely people brought their points of view for Cyber Smoke, there were still more pro–Human Smoke fans. And I browsed multiple Mortal Kombat sites as well. If you have opposing info, be sure to bring details. I'm talking about MK fans in general and the ones in MKO.
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Razer and TemporaryUserName.

You just swapped the E and O between these guys, LOL.
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