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I damn near came. Oh my goodness.
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Consider this reserved.
To Demon_0
Maybe to the majority of people here but I was on the video on GT and the majority seemed to be excited about the announcement and are looking forward to having Kratos in the new Mortal Kombat
Maybe to the majority of people here but I was on the video on GT and the majority seemed to be excited about the announcement and are looking forward to having Kratos in the new Mortal Kombat
MKBooted Wrote:
For those that missed it, here is the clip with Scorpion and Sub Zero and Kratos.
Click here
For those that missed it, here is the clip with Scorpion and Sub Zero and Kratos.
Click here
Link is right there at the bottom of the news post.

LucaTurilli Wrote:
This is just so disappointing.
I just don't even know what to say. After all the talk about returning to roots and delivering a classic MK experience. I honestly thought this was a joke up until now. Guess I'll just have to accept that Mortal Kombat's sold out, they're beyond redemption for me.
They split the fan base, promoted console wars, and disregarded the tournament scene. Just kills my enthusiasm for this game.
This is just so disappointing.
I just don't even know what to say. After all the talk about returning to roots and delivering a classic MK experience. I honestly thought this was a joke up until now. Guess I'll just have to accept that Mortal Kombat's sold out, they're beyond redemption for me.
They split the fan base, promoted console wars, and disregarded the tournament scene. Just kills my enthusiasm for this game.

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Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Im dissapointed in people, Im all fucing hyped, come here and wtf?
complaints? whining? seriously?
Why cant people be happy and satisfied with these reveals for once, every time someone has to be negative and point out the bad things.
This was a badass reveal, And a badass trailer what is the issue?
Kratos will not ruin Mortal Kombat he will be a great addition and add to the experience, and hes not taking the spot of another MK character, he is a GUEST character, and if you dont like him dont play as him, easy.
No need for negativity.
complaints? whining? seriously?
Why cant people be happy and satisfied with these reveals for once, every time someone has to be negative and point out the bad things.
This was a badass reveal, And a badass trailer what is the issue?
Kratos will not ruin Mortal Kombat he will be a great addition and add to the experience, and hes not taking the spot of another MK character, he is a GUEST character, and if you dont like him dont play as him, easy.
No need for negativity.

im not too bothere that his in there, i just see him as a bonus, hes not in the story so thats all that matters. if anything im just getting sick of scorpion and subzero. i do think its a shame that this was the big reveal though seeing as we pretty much new he was in. i think that we should at least got another mk character reveal or at the very least some sonya footage

T-rex Wrote:
That trailer was so fucking cool,though.
Oh and another thing: the Shao Kahn with hair ridges on his helmet? You know,the design everybody hated? Maybe it's just me,but for some reason this trailer made it look fucking awesome.
That trailer was so fucking cool,though.
Oh and another thing: the Shao Kahn with hair ridges on his helmet? You know,the design everybody hated? Maybe it's just me,but for some reason this trailer made it look fucking awesome.
There's nothing really wrong with the design to begin with

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Fare Thee Well
Siroj Wrote:
Funny, and here I thought this game was supposed to make the Mortal Kombat fanboys happy, not the God of War ones.
Shohayabusa Wrote:
There just doing this to make all the fanboys happy thats all.
There just doing this to make all the fanboys happy thats all.
Funny, and here I thought this game was supposed to make the Mortal Kombat fanboys happy, not the God of War ones.
However i ment the casual fanboys and sony fanboys in genral. Probley going to have master chief or wait no they are going to have that monster thing from halo probley.
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"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." ― Kalu Kalu
longlivequeensindel Wrote:
im not too bothere that his in there, i just see him as a bonus, hes not in the story so thats all that matters. if anything im just getting sick of scorpion and subzero. i do think its a shame that this was the big reveal though seeing as we pretty much new he was in. i think that we should at least got another mk character reveal or at the very least some sonya footage
im not too bothere that his in there, i just see him as a bonus, hes not in the story so thats all that matters. if anything im just getting sick of scorpion and subzero. i do think its a shame that this was the big reveal though seeing as we pretty much new he was in. i think that we should at least got another mk character reveal or at the very least some sonya footage
my sentiments exactly.
Cyborg_Hero Wrote:
Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Fansites, especially this one I guess, represent very diehard MK fans. A lot of those people don't follow MK in the proverbial "off season" and are just passing by with "oh cool!" comments. That's the goal of this campaign though, so applause to WB/NRS for the smart marketing.
I know a lot of people here are very vocal (same group that undoubtedly hated MKvsDCU) but in reality, a character being in the game should not stop you from enjoying this. It's still the same game, it still has all the great gameplay we've all seen so far and all the old classics. So it has a little Kratos in it, big deal? Guest characters never had a negative impact on the Soul Calibur series, so let's just try to conduct ourselves with a little more maturity going forward.
longlivequeensindel Wrote:
im not too bothere that his in there, i just see him as a bonus, hes not in the story so thats all that matters. if anything im just getting sick of scorpion and subzero. i do think its a shame that this was the big reveal though seeing as we pretty much new he was in. i think that we should at least got another mk character reveal or at the very least some sonya footage
im not too bothere that his in there, i just see him as a bonus, hes not in the story so thats all that matters. if anything im just getting sick of scorpion and subzero. i do think its a shame that this was the big reveal though seeing as we pretty much new he was in. i think that we should at least got another mk character reveal or at the very least some sonya footage
Yup - maybe Boon and Co. aren't familiar with such concepts as 'revealing' and 'new' but if you're going to basically announce a character midweek, it's not new or revealing to announce exactly the same character at the weekend.
Oh well at least I can kill Kratos if I get the ps3 version for letting me down with GOW3, most overrated game this generation. First 45 minutes was awesome, after that was a downhill slide with only a couple of cool moments tossed in, plus it was too short and had no replay value.
The trailer was amazing and then...Kratos upstages everyone. We all knew this was coming...but it's still kinda...just wow. I'm all for additional arenas and characters but I was actually hoping this was going to be pure MK.
On the brightside, if MK wins the most anticipated game of the year, maybe we'll get an MK character reveal? I certainly hope that's the case.
Edit: In all fairness, Kratos did look cool in the trailer and I am fascinated to see what they do with him.
On the brightside, if MK wins the most anticipated game of the year, maybe we'll get an MK character reveal? I certainly hope that's the case.
Edit: In all fairness, Kratos did look cool in the trailer and I am fascinated to see what they do with him.

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Cyborg_Hero Wrote:
Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Not trying to be an ass, but yes, they don't matter as much. Why would I care about the opinion of someone who probably hasn't played an mk game since Trilogy? They're not thinking about artistic presentation, they're thinking, "hey, I like GoW too!"

lol, Soul Calibur was at Evo like 2 or 3 years, and the only one where it actually had console exclusive characters was like 2003. SC4 made their characters available to all consoles.
Hey! A new Kratos game is coming out! They even decided to put some Mortal Kombat characters in it!
... I buy a MK game for the MK fighters, story, and universe. If I wanted to play as Kratos killing things... I'd just play God of War.
Kratos officially just upstaged the entire game MK crew, and I can't say I like Quan Chi's stunt double suddenly being a bigger deal and selling point than Sub-Zero and Scorpion.
... I buy a MK game for the MK fighters, story, and universe. If I wanted to play as Kratos killing things... I'd just play God of War.
Kratos officially just upstaged the entire game MK crew, and I can't say I like Quan Chi's stunt double suddenly being a bigger deal and selling point than Sub-Zero and Scorpion.
To Temporaryusername (do not know how to quote sorry :/)
It matters to NRS and Warner Bros. because the inclusion of Kratos could potentially help boost their sales.
It matters to NRS and Warner Bros. because the inclusion of Kratos could potentially help boost their sales.
LucaTurilli Wrote:
lol, Soul Calibur was at Evo like 2 or 3 years, and the only one where it actually had console exclusive characters was like 2003. SC4 made their characters available to all consoles.
lol, Soul Calibur was at Evo like 2 or 3 years, and the only one where it actually had console exclusive characters was like 2003. SC4 made their characters available to all consoles.
Doesn't change the fact SC2 (the one with the 3 varying exclusives) was still at EVO. Kratos isn't going to hurt MK's chance, at least not in my opinion. The quality of the game is still the most important factor, and that won't change due to Kratos.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Not trying to be an ass, but yes, they don't matter as much. Why would I care about the opinion of someone who probably hasn't played an mk game since Trilogy? They're not thinking about artistic presentation, they're thinking, "hey, I like GoW too!"
Cyborg_Hero Wrote:
Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Look at the comments. That doesn't look like an angry mob that doesn't want Kratos in the game to me. Though I guess they don't matter since they don't post on MKO.
Not trying to be an ass, but yes, they don't matter as much. Why would I care about the opinion of someone who probably hasn't played an mk game since Trilogy? They're not thinking about artistic presentation, they're thinking, "hey, I like GoW too!"
Reaching out to a non-MK fan audience?
Great! thats $ for NRS
Its not all about the fans, its reaching out to a wider audience.
rayden4u2335 Wrote:
To Temporaryusername (do not know how to quote sorry :/)
It matters to NRS and Warner Bros. because the inclusion of Kratos could potentially help boost their sales.
To Temporaryusername (do not know how to quote sorry :/)
It matters to NRS and Warner Bros. because the inclusion of Kratos could potentially help boost their sales.
That's faulty logic. The inclusion of Kratos didn't boost Soul Calibur's sales on the PSP (in fact, they were the lowest in the entire series). The inclusion of a Spartan in Dead or Alive 4 didn't boost its sales any (again, one of the lowest in the series). MK vs DCU didn't sell as much as most of the good MK games, despite having Batman in it. Soul Calibur IV's Star Wars characters didn't boost the sales of that game more than what Soul Calibur II sold.
Guest characters actually DON'T affect sales. Face it, would you buy an entire game if Scorpion was a marginal cameo guest character in God of War 4? Or would you buy God of War 4 because you liked the God of War series?
People buy Mortal Kombat for Mortal Kombat. It doesn't need Superman or Batman or Kratos or the Keebler Elves to sell. It can stand on its own and a guest character's impact is marginal at best.

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rayden4u2335 Wrote:
To Temporaryusername (do not know how to quote sorry :/)
It matters to NRS and Warner Bros. because the inclusion of Kratos could potentially help boost their sales.
To Temporaryusername (do not know how to quote sorry :/)
It matters to NRS and Warner Bros. because the inclusion of Kratos could potentially help boost their sales.
And I say:
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I don't care what anyone says: more money for a game that was gonna sell well anyway doesn't justify sacrificing artistic integrity.
I don't care what anyone says: more money for a game that was gonna sell well anyway doesn't justify sacrificing artistic integrity.
SEGAmaniac7 Wrote:
Its not all about the fans, its reaching out to a wider audience.
Its not all about the fans, its reaching out to a wider audience.
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