MK1/MK2 style hidden battles?
posted06/20/2010 05:04 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/04/2004 07:15 AM (UTC)
One of the things I liked about MK1 and MK2 were the hard to find hidden battles. Reptile in MK1 and Smoke/Jade/Noob Saibot in MK2. They added a nice little twist and Easter Egg(s) to the game.

I can see one major issue with adding such encounters to the game: any one new introduced in this matter will no doubt be hit with fan demand to make them playable in future games or DLC. Well thought out designs might have potential as future additions, but something like a Hornbuckle battle would not.

But what are your thoughts on this feature and/or suggestions for characters to be used in this role? Here are some of my ideas:

MK1 Reptile: Basically Reptile as he was in MK1: super agile with Scorpion and Sub-Zero's special moves. If they want to give him a custom look make him look like a green MK1 ninja.

Blaze: Blaze was based off a MK2 background prop and used recycled moves in his non-boss appearances, so I think he is an ideal subject for a hidden battle.

Hornbuckle and/or Skarlet: these 2 were fan rumor characters that were never fleshed out. The reaction to seeing them in the classic hidden format would probably be phenomenal. But it does tread the ground of fan demands to make the playable in later installments, which could make it totally backfire, especially with Hornbuckle.

Goro, Kintaro, Motaro, or Moloch: Would be totally amusing to see a large subboss type appear as a hidden encounter. Any of the known ones that don't appear in the main game would be a good subject matter.
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