The tournament, and non-Earth/Outworld contestants
posted10/10/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
How do you think the rules of the tournament applies to people who are from neither Earth nor Outworld? Like Seidans, or Chaos realm inhabitants? Or, to use a non-MK species as an example, Predators (from the Predator movies, duh). Would they even be allowed to participate in the tournament? If so, would they have to pick a side?

Bo Rai Cho couldn't participate, because he was from Outworld, and him winning the tournament would have been a win for Shao Kahn. Raiden couldn't participate himself, being an Earthrealm god and thus at full power in our world. But Quan Chi and Scorpion could, even though the Netherrealm wouldn't gain anything (as said in Quan Chi's MK9 bio). They, along with humans like Kano, Sektor and Cyrax, were allowed to fight on Outworld's behalf.

Could it be because they weren't supposed to win the tournament themselves? Was Goro, an Outworlder, expected to remain the MK champion? What would happen if someone from neither Earth nor Outworld like Quan Chi or a Predator became the MK champion? Would it be considered a draw, and thus not a win for either Earth or Outworld?
10/10/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
If Sektor or Cyrax won the tournament, it would count for Earth. They weren't there to win, they were there to kill other contestants. If they had somehow gotten to the end, Shang probably would have either killed them or just paid them to forfeit.

Attending the tournament is by invitation only, so Shang simply wouldn't ask anybody from Seido or Chaosrealm to join. If they won, it wouldn't count for anybody. They could, however, be asked to kill other contestants and forfeit too like the Lin Kuei, I suppose.
He did let Quan Chi join in MK9, but that was probably supposed to represent Shang blatantly cheating. And, again, Quan would not have gone to the final round, he was just supposed to thin the herd of Earthrealmers and then step away.
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