The What if.. Story Mode **Just an interesting idea**
posted06/15/2010 09:29 PM (UTC)by
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02/28/2004 06:27 PM (UTC)
First of.. this idea is under the assumption that this new game is set in the time from MK1 through MK3. In the past MK games we had different storylines for each character but then MK2 came along and they picked one (Liu Kang) to be cannon en continued from there. Now if this game goes through all thee games, what if you’ll get to experience the story with each character from beginning to end?

For example. If you pick Sub-Zero en fight your way through the MK1 portion of the story en eventually defeat Shang Tsung. What if from there on the story continues through MK2 and MK3 with Sub-Zero being the champion? This way you’ll get to see what MK2 and MK3 would have looked like if Sub-Zero was the main character. Doing this they can make a lot of different and interesting stories for all the characters. (Of course telling the story through pictures and voice overs would be sufficient in this mode).

The most interesting thing while doing this would be if you pick an evil character like Shang Tsung. One way to go would be like Kitana that he turned on Kahn en becomes the champion himself. Of even more interesting that he defeats Liu Kang in MK1 and then Raiden in MK2-3 and we get to see what the world would look like in Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn prevailed.

Of course this idea is meant as an extra mode aside from the main story mode. Although in the main story mode they can also make two different stories (good and Evil) like they did with MK vs DC (MK side and DC side).

Thank you for reading an please let me know what you think?
06/15/2010 01:47 PM (UTC)
I like your ideas and it would be a fun concept, but to be honest, I am tired of the "what if" endings and stories. All throughout MK we have gotten the "what if ____ would have won" instead of what actually happens to them during and after that time period. For once, I would like to know what actually happens to them from MK1-MK3, and see it played out. I still think there's a place for "what if" scenarios etc., but I want to know what really happens before I go and see "what if" scenarios.
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06/15/2010 01:52 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I like your ideas and it would be a fun concept, but to be honest, I am tired of the "what if" endings and stories. All throughout MK we have gotten the "what if ____ would have won" instead of what actually happens to them during and after that time period. For once, I would like to know what actually happens to them from MK1-MK3, and see it played out. I still think there's a place for "what if" scenarios etc., but I want to know what really happens before I go and see "what if" scenarios.

Yes of course I agree. That’s why there also must be a main story mode. Maybe something like in MK vs DC. The only difference of an what if story now would be that we will be able to see everyone’s story from the beginning and not for example after Liu Kang defeated Shang Thung.

But I still agree their main focus must be on a main story line. That’s why I referred to this as an extra mode.
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06/15/2010 02:29 PM (UTC)
Spike81 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
I like your ideas and it would be a fun concept, but to be honest, I am tired of the "what if" endings and stories. All throughout MK we have gotten the "what if ____ would have won" instead of what actually happens to them during and after that time period. For once, I would like to know what actually happens to them from MK1-MK3, and see it played out. I still think there's a place for "what if" scenarios etc., but I want to know what really happens before I go and see "what if" scenarios.

Yes of course I agree. That’s why there also must be a main story mode. Maybe something like in MK vs DC. The only difference of an what if story now would be that we will be able to see everyone’s story from the beginning and not for example after Liu Kang defeated Shang Thung.

But I still agree their main focus must be on a main story line. That’s why I referred to this as an extra mode.

For one thing, I absolutely hate the idea of this game being set in the MK1 to MK3 universe. I think that the games back then did everything just fine (even if MK3 is the worst MK fighting game in my mind) and they even went back to that well with Shaolin Monks. Now they're going back AGAIN?

Oh well, that gripe aside...

I really like your idea! As an extra mode, or complimentary mode to the main story mode, I think that this would be a lot of fun to play.

I'm not sure how doable it would be, considering how much you might have to change to make a mode like this authentic though. I mean, do you have anything that references that characters MK1 victory in MK2? If so, you, whether it's still pictures or cinemas, you have to do that for every character and if this covers MK1 through 3, you're looking at a LOT of personalization.

Regardless though, I think it's a great idea and if they were able to do it, I'd be all in favor of it!
06/15/2010 03:34 PM (UTC)
Your idea is just great. I always found fixed or main story lines to be boring. This is why Street Fighter Champion Edition was so cool, it features alternate endings for each character winning the tournament. A what if mode in MK could be difficult for Tobias, Vogel, XD and SubZero 7th because of the sheer number of multiple endings involved but I think such a thing would be a truly cool bonus if it is actualized in MK
06/15/2010 04:10 PM (UTC)
I like your idea but imo there are some flaws. First, if one chose an evil charater and wins MK1, there would be no need for MK 2 and 3 because Outworld would have won the necessary 10 straight tournaments to legally invade Earthrealm. Regardless, whether that character turn on his or her "boss" or not, the war would be over. It'll work if one chose a good character because regardless whoever wins, at least the war still able to continue.

Second, some characters death are necessary for the continuation of story lines. For example, if Sub-Zero were successful in MK1 and move on to MK 2 and 3, he would not have been murder by Scorpion, thus never becoming Noob Saibot, and the younger Sub-Zero may not need be introduce; perhaps back still training with the Lin Kuei.
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06/15/2010 05:06 PM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
I like your idea but imo there are some flaws. First, if one chose an evil charater and wins MK1, there would be no need for MK 2 and 3 because Outworld would have won the necessary 10 straight tournaments to legally invade Earthrealm. Regardless, whether that character turn on his or her "boss" or not, the war would be over. It'll work if one chose a good character because regardless whoever wins, at least the war still able to continue.

Second, some characters death are necessary for the continuation of story lines. For example, if Sub-Zero were successful in MK1 and move on to MK 2 and 3, he would not have been murder by Scorpion, thus never becoming Noob Saibot, and the younger Sub-Zero may not need be introduce; perhaps back still training with the Lin Kuei.

I can understand your first point. But if the evil side fails to win 10 victory’s in Mortal Kombat. Then Shao Kahn invades Earth realm anyway in MK2 and MK3. So if they do win the 10th MK then Raiden can be the one breaking the rules by forming an alliance to defend Earth.

As for your second point, that’s the cool part. You’re right, if Sub-Zero wins he would never have been killed and all those things would not have happened. But then in another story, Scorpion for example, he did kill Sub-Zero and those and other things did happen. This way you get a lot of different stories.
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06/15/2010 06:29 PM (UTC)
I say go through the tournaments how they happened, once you get through MK1 you watch Scorpion butcher him and move on to the next Sub-Zero.
06/15/2010 09:29 PM (UTC)
I do see what you mean, Spike81 and I do like these what ifs. Do you think Raiden would defy the rules of the tournament and the "elder gods" if this would happen? Being an evil character and breaking the rule is one thing, but being a good character breaking the rule, opens up a floodgate to many and major rules being break. The aftereffect would be what would then stop the evil side to break the rules and cheat to win. Mortal Kombat, the original intent was to have it once a generation. Shao violated that by having so soon after the first one. This open the floodgate to other rules breaking such as using weapons and magick in these battles? I wonder what would happen if a good character breaks the rules? I mean we basically got a glimpse of that with Shujinko being deceived.

IMO, maybe we can tie this into the arcade mode. The arcade mode, characters will fight 3 sets of "columns" of oppnents. Each columns reresent MK 1-3 respectively, and the typical opponents you would face in that game. ie: Column 1 would have Kano, Goro, old Shang Tsung, etc. After one defeat a column, one get an FMV explaining what would happen if one won that "tournament" and move on to second column and so forth. That way the what if can still happen without completely change the overall storyline; just for all those curious fans out there to se what if scenarios.

To have a complete storyline all out like Conquest mode, would be too long IMO.
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