What are your feelings about tag team mode?
posted06/19/2010 07:11 PM (UTC)by
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07/07/2006 11:52 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of tag team mode, and character assists. It really has a lot of potential for an endless amount of different combos and strategies. Hopefully not too many broken combos, or even none at all, but we'll see.

Although, one thing I started thinking about today...

Could tag team mode actually be a negative for this game? When I say that, I mean, depending on how exactly the gameplay plays out, the feel of the game, the game mechanics, etc. Could tag mode sort of, take over as the staple mode? Maybe 90% of online matches that are hosted will be tag mode?

I dunno, maybe I'm just for the conventional 1 vs 1 battle. lol

OR, if tag mode is the more accepted mode over 1 v 1, because the game plays well with tag team, and the gameplay mechanics allow tag team mode to be just as viable, if not better than the 1 v 1 version?

Damn, I'm confused now. lol I really dunno what to think. I guess my whole thing is that if somehow, someway tag team takes off, could it potentially become a staple or fans would ask it to be a staple of MK from here on out, instead of 1 v 1?

I'm sorry if I went so completely off the wall and confusing people with all these thoughts and questions, but I'm just really intrigued as to how this will play out. For all I know, tag team mode could be broke as f***, unplayable, and the game would HAVE to be played 1 v 1 to be competitive. lol
06/19/2010 04:19 PM (UTC)
You may have a point, I suspect I'll be using tag mode almost exclusively every time I play. But I don't see that as a bad thing at all. 1 on 1 is old and boring.
06/19/2010 07:08 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You may have a point, I suspect I'll be using tag mode almost exclusively every time I play.

But I don't see that as a bad thing at all. 1 on 1 is old and boring.

Fair enough. Like I said, if it's not a completely broken mode, and it plays well, why not? It'd just be nice to actually have 1 v 1 though, and not have tag mode completely take over. We'll see.
06/19/2010 07:11 PM (UTC)
For me its going to go like this. 1v1 for when i'm playing alone or just fighting my friends and tag for when I want to team up with my friends and fight random people online.
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