Characters that you think need a revamp for MK7...
Mortal Kombat X
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Characters that you think need a revamp for MK7...
posted05/03/2005 05:45 PM (UTC)by

the only 2 characters i find to need a revamp for Mk7 is: Ermac, although strong he is PAINFULLY slow. And Baraka: blade weapons need to be tuned down a smidge, kinda cheap at times. what do you guys think?
I agree about Ermac being too slow, but not about Baraka. Maybe make his blades do less damage or have bad lag time if blocked though. There is one character that is my favorite that I really think needs revamped:
His Shokan fighting style is just.. too stiff. He needs to be more fluid like Scorpion. His Dragon one's okay though.
His Shokan fighting style is just.. too stiff. He needs to be more fluid like Scorpion. His Dragon one's okay though.
Hotaru. Needs at least one more special move, and an improved storyline. His designs are great, much better than most newbie MK characters.
Same applies for Dairou, but give him a more appealing traditional chinese costume. And if Darrius goes too, he needs a more serious concept.
Same applies for Dairou, but give him a more appealing traditional chinese costume. And if Darrius goes too, he needs a more serious concept.

~Crow~ Wrote:
For the love of all that is holy, I beg the MK team to never use Judo as a style again unless they hire trained masters.
For the love of all that is holy, I beg the MK team to never use Judo as a style again unless they hire trained masters.
Yeah, the Judo style is just wrong.
It all really depends on what cahracters return obviously. But if we take the characters form Deception, then, IMO, a lot of them need revamps. Mostly in terms of story.
Scorpion needs a revamp and needs a new main aim. ive never been a fan of him mainly cause of his story, has always kinda been about revenge mainly, with other kinda mini-things. And with Noob now being the Original Subby....Scorps killer....i hate the thot of there being ANOTHER revenge story for Scorpion.
Tanya. Well, Although I dont think she will or should return, she needs a major storyling revamp. Her story has been played out again and again, out for power and status.....just like MK4 and just like peole like Kano.
Mileena. Needs to get over the whole Kitana thing. I do like the rivalry but again is playing itself out.
Most of the earth fighters. Their stories need to integrate more with other characters and not just each other.
As for those who need revamps in costume..
Kitana and Sindel. Although I do love their looks, Kitana's swimsuit type costume has been there pretty much all along. I'd like to see her retain this assassin like costume as an alternate. Sindel and Kitana need to look more Royal and Regal. They are in charge of a realm after all.
Kenshi.....his costume wasnt that different.
Also, Dairou, Ermac, Hotaru, Kabal, Kira and Scorpion could do with some costume changes.
I also think where possible, styles shouldnt be used for more than one character. (eg Shang and Quan's styles went to Dairou.Havik, Ashrah go one of Kitana's, Sindel one of Nitara's Kira got Sonya/Kano's. Although i do know there are limited capabilities and styles available.)

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Save a life; Kill a necromorph
I do argee that Noob Saibot being Classic Subby is a bad move.
Maybe Shinnok clone Classic Subby while Classic Subby was in the netherealm.
Classic Subby is a badass. All Shinnok need is some DNA to clone Noob Saibot.
Planted Some Information that Classic Subby already knew about the Lin Kuei and brainwashed Noob Saibot to think like Classic Subby.
Classic Subby is an impressive warrior on his own. Just think of an Army of Classic Subby loyal to you
Maybe Shinnok clone Classic Subby while Classic Subby was in the netherealm.
Classic Subby is a badass. All Shinnok need is some DNA to clone Noob Saibot.
Planted Some Information that Classic Subby already knew about the Lin Kuei and brainwashed Noob Saibot to think like Classic Subby.
Classic Subby is an impressive warrior on his own. Just think of an Army of Classic Subby loyal to you
DeathScepter Wrote:
I do argee that Noob Saibot being Classic Subby is a bad move.
Maybe Shinnok clone Classic Subby while Classic Subby was in the netherealm.
Classic Subby is a badass. All Shinnok need is some DNA to clone Noob Saibot.
Planted Some Information that Classic Subby already knew about the Lin Kuei and brainwashed Noob Saibot to think like Classic Subby.
Classic Subby is an impressive warrior on his own. Just think of an Army of Classic Subby loyal to you
I do argee that Noob Saibot being Classic Subby is a bad move.
Maybe Shinnok clone Classic Subby while Classic Subby was in the netherealm.
Classic Subby is a badass. All Shinnok need is some DNA to clone Noob Saibot.
Planted Some Information that Classic Subby already knew about the Lin Kuei and brainwashed Noob Saibot to think like Classic Subby.
Classic Subby is an impressive warrior on his own. Just think of an Army of Classic Subby loyal to you
Good Idea about the DNA thing and Classic Sub-zero being in netherealm.
Classic Sub Zero is now Noob. Classic Subby was sent to netherrealm and there transformed into the wraith that is now noob.

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I think I would probably hit a nail on the head when I say that of all the charcters that really need a revamping it would have to be Sonya! Let me explain why.
I understand why many people don't like her and that fine. I agree her story is a bit boring, but it was her story that connected her to the game itself. If her story was revamped just a little bit then maybe things would be interesting. Why not include a new rivalry to her story or put her into a dilemma that can give her story a bit of a twist.
Also, I was very disappointed in the way she looked in MKDA. She looked fake and almost like a man. That's not what I want Sonya to look like. I want her to be the Beautiful Blonde Bad Ass chick that can still be a lady but can take you out and not specifically on a date neither.
Sonya is one of my favorite characters and it kills me to agree with those who don't like her to some aspect. I think that because she was the first female of MK, she deserves better than what is given to her. I loved the fighting skills and the weapon she was given in MKDA and I liked the the weapon she was given in MK4.
Sonya is TOO good of a character (especially female characters), to be disliked and be portrayed as boring. I rather hear people not like her based on the fact that everytime they go up against her in MK, she would kick their butts everytime giving them a challenge and like her even more because she's a strong character with a great story.
I understand why many people don't like her and that fine. I agree her story is a bit boring, but it was her story that connected her to the game itself. If her story was revamped just a little bit then maybe things would be interesting. Why not include a new rivalry to her story or put her into a dilemma that can give her story a bit of a twist.
Also, I was very disappointed in the way she looked in MKDA. She looked fake and almost like a man. That's not what I want Sonya to look like. I want her to be the Beautiful Blonde Bad Ass chick that can still be a lady but can take you out and not specifically on a date neither.
Sonya is one of my favorite characters and it kills me to agree with those who don't like her to some aspect. I think that because she was the first female of MK, she deserves better than what is given to her. I loved the fighting skills and the weapon she was given in MKDA and I liked the the weapon she was given in MK4.
Sonya is TOO good of a character (especially female characters), to be disliked and be portrayed as boring. I rather hear people not like her based on the fact that everytime they go up against her in MK, she would kick their butts everytime giving them a challenge and like her even more because she's a strong character with a great story.
I say that Liu Kang needs a revamp and has been needing one since the days of Mortal Kombat 3. Liu Kang's basic black and red pants and his head band has become stale in my eyes.
If Liu Kang returns I would like to see him in a more traditional monk warrior outfit. Or have him wear a chinese style jacket with black pants.
If Liu Kang returns I would like to see him in a more traditional monk warrior outfit. Or have him wear a chinese style jacket with black pants.

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I agree, liu needs some sort of clothing update.
*sigh* Almost every character needs some revamping. However, I have yet to see Midway do it correctly in the newer games. The list would be too long so I'm gonna stick to the originals.
1. Liu Kang--This is one time they did it right in MK:DA but then had to go screw it up in MK:D. He should have remained dead or if they had to bring him back to life have him return like a lighter version of Noob but from the Elder Gods.
2. Scorpion--Dump the revenge thingy already and start becoming a Neatherrealm guard. Enough people have escaped the Neatherrealm that someone needs to start keeping/bringing them in. Scorp in my mind is the perfect choice. This would also in a sense bring the the rivalry between him and the classic Subby since the classic Sub-Zero aka Noob is also an escapee of the Neatherrealm.
3. Sub-Zero--I actually like the idea of the classic Sub-Zero turning out to be Noob. He could be changing the Brotherhood of Shadows into something like the old Lin Kuei. This would also bring more friction between him and his younger brother. As for the younger Sub-Zero, that's what I want a younger Subby! Some aging I understand, but this is too much. Get rid of the medallion and somehow start returning to his true age. Oh yeah, dump the Shredder look.
4. Sonya Blade--I actually liked Sonya in MK:DA but was a little disappointed in the Alt. I was kinda hoping for a soldier primary and then a vixen alt. She is a woman in the military and should show that she can kick butt but still have a soft side when in private or out on the town with Johnny.
5. Johnny Cage--Speaking of Johnny, I like the clown but he needs to stop being the fool. Keep his sense of humor, but have him also start his own dojo instead of always being the movie actor. He has enough money and is well known enough that he can skip a movie season or two and start teaching martial arts. This new school could also be a way to invite new MK Characters.
6. Shang Tsung--They made him too much like the evil priest from Three Muskateers in MK:DA, but aside from that he was ok. Maybe tone down the costume a little and make him a little more evil. Hopefully he returns in some way, after all this isn't the first time he has died.
7. Goro--Dead and should stay dead this time, perhaps give Kintaro or Sheeva a chance to return. If he does return, give us a wise but sad king.
8. Kano--As much as I hate this character, I noticed that Mortal Kombat didn't seem the same without him. Instead of fighting Sonya have him have trouble with the Red Dragon and/or the new Black Dragon being created by Kabal. He should be too busy to bother with Sonya right now. As for being dead..*shrugs* When has that stopped anyone before. LOL! A new member of Noob's group?
9 Raiden--Saved the best for last......I hate the new 'Dark Raiden!' They went too far and it seems he's becoming what he has fought against for so long. He's becoming a new Shinnok and/or Shao Kahn. Have him realize this somehow and start calming down. I understand the need to change him and to be honest the 'perfect' god I could do without as well. Have him feel guilty for what he has done and fear what he is becoming. If need be have Fujin face him and force him to see what is going on. Make Raiden more 'human' in a word.
1. Liu Kang--This is one time they did it right in MK:DA but then had to go screw it up in MK:D. He should have remained dead or if they had to bring him back to life have him return like a lighter version of Noob but from the Elder Gods.
2. Scorpion--Dump the revenge thingy already and start becoming a Neatherrealm guard. Enough people have escaped the Neatherrealm that someone needs to start keeping/bringing them in. Scorp in my mind is the perfect choice. This would also in a sense bring the the rivalry between him and the classic Subby since the classic Sub-Zero aka Noob is also an escapee of the Neatherrealm.
3. Sub-Zero--I actually like the idea of the classic Sub-Zero turning out to be Noob. He could be changing the Brotherhood of Shadows into something like the old Lin Kuei. This would also bring more friction between him and his younger brother. As for the younger Sub-Zero, that's what I want a younger Subby! Some aging I understand, but this is too much. Get rid of the medallion and somehow start returning to his true age. Oh yeah, dump the Shredder look.
4. Sonya Blade--I actually liked Sonya in MK:DA but was a little disappointed in the Alt. I was kinda hoping for a soldier primary and then a vixen alt. She is a woman in the military and should show that she can kick butt but still have a soft side when in private or out on the town with Johnny.
5. Johnny Cage--Speaking of Johnny, I like the clown but he needs to stop being the fool. Keep his sense of humor, but have him also start his own dojo instead of always being the movie actor. He has enough money and is well known enough that he can skip a movie season or two and start teaching martial arts. This new school could also be a way to invite new MK Characters.
6. Shang Tsung--They made him too much like the evil priest from Three Muskateers in MK:DA, but aside from that he was ok. Maybe tone down the costume a little and make him a little more evil. Hopefully he returns in some way, after all this isn't the first time he has died.
7. Goro--Dead and should stay dead this time, perhaps give Kintaro or Sheeva a chance to return. If he does return, give us a wise but sad king.
8. Kano--As much as I hate this character, I noticed that Mortal Kombat didn't seem the same without him. Instead of fighting Sonya have him have trouble with the Red Dragon and/or the new Black Dragon being created by Kabal. He should be too busy to bother with Sonya right now. As for being dead..*shrugs* When has that stopped anyone before. LOL! A new member of Noob's group?
9 Raiden--Saved the best for last......I hate the new 'Dark Raiden!' They went too far and it seems he's becoming what he has fought against for so long. He's becoming a new Shinnok and/or Shao Kahn. Have him realize this somehow and start calming down. I understand the need to change him and to be honest the 'perfect' god I could do without as well. Have him feel guilty for what he has done and fear what he is becoming. If need be have Fujin face him and force him to see what is going on. Make Raiden more 'human' in a word.
To me, I think many of you will continue to look at Kira like people did with Tanya and Li Mei, i.e. an imitation of an original female. Although I thought that she was a decent character and is one of my favourites, to me, she looked a lot like the Killer Instinct 2 version of Orchid in her alternate(Not that there was anything bad about it
). Out of all the MK:Deception characters, she would probably need the most work in order to be completely revamped for MK7. As her only enemy is Sonya, make it a nice rivalry as they are the only other females besides Frost who came from Earth.
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