clan game
Mortal Kombat X
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clan game
posted03/22/2005 12:36 AM (UTC)byMember Since
02/23/2005 02:08 AM (UTC)
Hey, how about a game that is centered on the game's clans?! I think that's a pretty good idea. Like you can choose either to be from the Shokan, a lin Kuei, tarkatan, a shaolin monk, or you can fan the flames between the Black Dragon and the Red Dragon clan. Just a thought I had. What do you guys think?
That would be a great game indeed to play. Let me expand on that idea, what about letting that game become playable online with RPG like elements added to it.
Like to join a clan you would have to gain influence from the leaders of the clan, which would be famous characters from the Mortal Kombat universe. You will have the option to play the game online and have clan wars against each other. Picture having dozens of Mortal Kombat fans fighting on one extreme level that is based on a classic stage in Mortal Kombat from the past.
Great Idea, it could be expanded on in so many ways, I wonder if anyone else has other ideas on this kind of game.
Like to join a clan you would have to gain influence from the leaders of the clan, which would be famous characters from the Mortal Kombat universe. You will have the option to play the game online and have clan wars against each other. Picture having dozens of Mortal Kombat fans fighting on one extreme level that is based on a classic stage in Mortal Kombat from the past.
Great Idea, it could be expanded on in so many ways, I wonder if anyone else has other ideas on this kind of game.

not an entire game devoted to it, just a konquest mode. this time with kreate-a-kharacter. you choose your race, skin color and basic hair color and costume parts. you start with no special moves, no guild, no friends, a few measly 3 hit combos, but as you work your way up, you can change hair colors, get fat, get cooler armor, moves, styles, get better ranks in your guild, and all kinds of stuff. there is at least one person in each guild that you can unlock in arcade mode by becoming their ally.
Kano_rulz Wrote:
not an entire game devoted to it, just a konquest mode. this time with kreate-a-kharacter. you choose your race, skin color and basic hair color and costume parts. you start with no special moves, no guild, no friends, a few measly 3 hit combos, but as you work your way up, you can change hair colors, get fat, get cooler armor, moves, styles, get better ranks in your guild, and all kinds of stuff. there is at least one person in each guild that you can unlock in arcade mode by becoming their ally.
not an entire game devoted to it, just a konquest mode. this time with kreate-a-kharacter. you choose your race, skin color and basic hair color and costume parts. you start with no special moves, no guild, no friends, a few measly 3 hit combos, but as you work your way up, you can change hair colors, get fat, get cooler armor, moves, styles, get better ranks in your guild, and all kinds of stuff. there is at least one person in each guild that you can unlock in arcade mode by becoming their ally.
I like that idea alot too.
This idea reminds me of the Matrix games coming out where you can join up online with other members and do tasks to gain power and new moves.

Sweet! I love all these ideas. A clan game is perfect for Mortal Kombat, especially if you can host clan wars online. Off the top of my head, here are some of the clans that could participate... Lin Kuei, Shaolin, Shinrai Ryu, Zaterran, Tekunin, Shokan, Tarkatan, Resistance, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Chaos, Seidan, White Dragon (I guessed the name of that clan Sub-Zero found ruins of in Outworld), Mercenaries, Saiborgs (Twist on Saibot's cyborg demons), Centaurion, Special Forces, Wu Shi... Okay, some aren't clans. But damn this game's got potential! 

plus, they should make up a couple. and you don't have to be shokan to join the kuatan army or tarkatan to join theirs, but its easier to get better ranks if you are.
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