FROST - the 1st female Cyber Assassin???
Mortal Kombat X
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FROST - the 1st female Cyber Assassin???
posted05/05/2005 04:55 PM (UTC)by

I've wanted a female cyber ninja introduced into the MK roster for quite a while now, and I recently came up with this theory:
Frost is dead, and supposedly Noob Saibot is planning to have a clan of automated demons...
Since she is dead and was evil - most likely she will go to the Netherealm as a demon.
She was part of younger Sub Zero's Lin Kuei, and betrayed him. Therefore if she now side's with Noob Saibot in the Netherealm and becomes part of his own cybernetic demonic clan (you know, out of venegence and spite for young Subby) - a good plot conflict develops.
And if the MK team do ineed decide to automate a character from the current roster, they can't be too popular in terms of fan attachments...for example, there are still repercussions from when they automated Smoke
So imo Frost would be perfect to assume the role of the first female cyber assassin...
What do u think?
Frost is dead, and supposedly Noob Saibot is planning to have a clan of automated demons...
Since she is dead and was evil - most likely she will go to the Netherealm as a demon.
She was part of younger Sub Zero's Lin Kuei, and betrayed him. Therefore if she now side's with Noob Saibot in the Netherealm and becomes part of his own cybernetic demonic clan (you know, out of venegence and spite for young Subby) - a good plot conflict develops.
And if the MK team do ineed decide to automate a character from the current roster, they can't be too popular in terms of fan attachments...for example, there are still repercussions from when they automated Smoke
So imo Frost would be perfect to assume the role of the first female cyber assassin...
What do u think?

krsx66 Wrote:
I've wanted a female cyber ninja introduced into the MK roster for quite a while now, and I recently came up with this theory:
Frost is dead, and supposedly Noob Saibot is planning to have a clan of automated demons...
Since she is dead and was evil - most likely she will go to the Netherealm as a demon.
She was part of younger Sub Zero's Lin Kuei, and betrayed him. Therefore if she now side's with Noob Saibot in the Netherealm and becomes part of his own cybernetic demonic clan (you know, out of venegence and spite for young Subby) - a good plot conflict develops.
And if the MK team do ineed decide to automate a character from the current roster, they can't be too popular in terms of fan attachments...for example, there are still repercussions from when they automated Smoke
So imo Frost would be perfect to assume the role of the first female cyber assassin...
What do u think?
I've wanted a female cyber ninja introduced into the MK roster for quite a while now, and I recently came up with this theory:
Frost is dead, and supposedly Noob Saibot is planning to have a clan of automated demons...
Since she is dead and was evil - most likely she will go to the Netherealm as a demon.
She was part of younger Sub Zero's Lin Kuei, and betrayed him. Therefore if she now side's with Noob Saibot in the Netherealm and becomes part of his own cybernetic demonic clan (you know, out of venegence and spite for young Subby) - a good plot conflict develops.
And if the MK team do ineed decide to automate a character from the current roster, they can't be too popular in terms of fan attachments...for example, there are still repercussions from when they automated Smoke
So imo Frost would be perfect to assume the role of the first female cyber assassin...
What do u think?
Agreed. Frost is perfect to be an automated killer.
As someone who likes Frost the way she is (though give her some unique moves), and has never really liked the cyber ninjas, I wouldn't really like the idea. IF they really must bring another cyborg character, make it a new one, though I think three is more than enough. If I had my way, Sektor would be the only cyber ninja, and Smoke would be his MKD etheral form.
Don't take this the wrong way. It's an interesting, well thought out idea, but just not my sort of thing. Frost joining Noob to spite Sub Zero sounds quite cool though. I'm pretty sure this idea has been discussed before. For some reason, Frost seems to be a recurring candidate for becoming a robot.
Don't take this the wrong way. It's an interesting, well thought out idea, but just not my sort of thing. Frost joining Noob to spite Sub Zero sounds quite cool though. I'm pretty sure this idea has been discussed before. For some reason, Frost seems to be a recurring candidate for becoming a robot.

Winters_Grasp Wrote:
Agreed. Frost is perfect to be an automated killer.
Agreed. Frost is perfect to be an automated killer.
Yeah, it certainly seems likely imo.
red_dragon Wrote:
As someone who likes Frost the way she is (though give her some unique moves), and has never really liked the cyber ninjas, I wouldn't really like the idea. IF they really must bring another cyborg character, make it a new one, though I think three is more than enough. If I had my way, Sektor would be the only cyber ninja, and Smoke would be his MKD etheral form.
Don't take this the wrong way. It's an interesting, well thought out idea, but just not my sort of thing. Frost joining Noob to spite Sub Zero sounds quite cool though. I'm pretty sure this idea has been discussed before. For some reason, Frost seems to be a recurring candidate for becoming a robot.
As someone who likes Frost the way she is (though give her some unique moves), and has never really liked the cyber ninjas, I wouldn't really like the idea. IF they really must bring another cyborg character, make it a new one, though I think three is more than enough. If I had my way, Sektor would be the only cyber ninja, and Smoke would be his MKD etheral form.
Don't take this the wrong way. It's an interesting, well thought out idea, but just not my sort of thing. Frost joining Noob to spite Sub Zero sounds quite cool though. I'm pretty sure this idea has been discussed before. For some reason, Frost seems to be a recurring candidate for becoming a robot.
I understand your point, and in some ways agree. Frost was only behind Kenshi as my fave newly introduced fighter in MKDA. Even though she was a female version of Sub Zero, I liked her ground ice, daggers and fighting styles, plus she had a solid look and interesting persona.
However, I'm just basing my theory on what we know, and considering the facts and open ended storylines from endings etc. it seems plausible that she could be the first female assassin - plus it would take away that sterotype of just being a female Sub Zero.
I liked Frost as a ninja, but really I would like to see a female cyber assassin introduced, and I think Frost would be ideal.
Oh, and I had never seen anything about this concept before, and even asked around to see if it had been discussed here, so I dunno if this idea had been brought up before or not...

Yeah and then RoboCable can be brought back to life and help Robocop beat her, brilliant idea.
what? you're talking about MK? meh...
what? you're talking about MK? meh...
I Hate Robots!!! Even though a Female Cyber Frost is not a bad Idea, its better than My Noob-Frost Idea.

making frost a cybernetic assassin would be pretty damn kool, in my opinion. If only Midway would read this forum (unless they do).

krsx66 Wrote:
I've wanted a female cyber ninja introduced into the MK roster for quite a while now, and I recently came up with this theory:
Frost is dead, and supposedly Noob Saibot is planning to have a clan of automated demons...
Since she is dead and was evil - most likely she will go to the Netherealm as a demon.
She was part of younger Sub Zero's Lin Kuei, and betrayed him. Therefore if she now side's with Noob Saibot in the Netherealm and becomes part of his own cybernetic demonic clan (you know, out of venegence and spite for young Subby) - a good plot conflict develops.
And if the MK team do ineed decide to automate a character from the current roster, they can't be too popular in terms of fan attachments...for example, there are still repercussions from when they automated Smoke
So imo Frost would be perfect to assume the role of the first female cyber assassin...
What do u think?
I've wanted a female cyber ninja introduced into the MK roster for quite a while now, and I recently came up with this theory:
Frost is dead, and supposedly Noob Saibot is planning to have a clan of automated demons...
Since she is dead and was evil - most likely she will go to the Netherealm as a demon.
She was part of younger Sub Zero's Lin Kuei, and betrayed him. Therefore if she now side's with Noob Saibot in the Netherealm and becomes part of his own cybernetic demonic clan (you know, out of venegence and spite for young Subby) - a good plot conflict develops.
And if the MK team do ineed decide to automate a character from the current roster, they can't be too popular in terms of fan attachments...for example, there are still repercussions from when they automated Smoke
So imo Frost would be perfect to assume the role of the first female cyber assassin...
What do u think?
I don't like the idea. I mean Frost is a estilished character already. She has her own unquieness that defines her. Frost is becoming a popular character , changing her into a robot would overall destroy everything that made Frost who she is. From her personality from MK: DA she seems to be very selfish, strong, and deceptive and that is something that could be expanded for her if she is to appear in another MK game. Making her into a cyber would just turn her into a slave working for her master Sektor. Not the direction she should go for a interesting character. She was Sub student in MK: DA,now if she comes back she can pretty much do anything she wants for herself. For the sake of just having another cyber IMO shouldn't warrent radicaly changing any character at all. Its a given that Smoke was human now cyber with ligit reasons. I don't see any reason why Frost would turn cyber. Like Cyrax joining the special forces it dulled his character alot and limited the character in terms of what else in the MK story could he do. Now once MK3 series badass is now just a solider for OIA, instead of someone with his own ageada.
Frost isn't evil and in fact I don't think she went to Hell even if she did die. For the most part she wanted power. Greed combine with the lust for power is what lead to ending in MK: DA. Those traits don't make a person evil .Other than the fact that Frost new found popluarity may warrent her return and hints of her return in Deception's Konquest, pretty strong signs are pointing to . Like Kung Lao,Goro, Baraka, Cage, Frost hopfully will be add to the list of characters thought to be dead , but in fact still alive. If a female cyber ninja were to be a future MK game, she would have to 100% orginal in terms of who she is.

A Robot With Tits though? Dressed in Steel similar to Mileenas porno try-out ensemble? I can look past the idea of them pizeling the titties on a piece of metal but then how would you know its female then? COpy of Cyrax's Alt from MK DA? It could happen, i guess they could leave the whole face alone too, although the idea of Frost being the First one, thats an interesting idea, it would work soo well a robot with ice, not just a man though cause thats too easy we need another Bitch like tanya without it actually being Tanya cause she sucks, but the point is this, If theres gonna be a Cybernetic Assassin-al type dealy ninja or whatever the fcuk you wanna call it, dont make another new character for the idea, stick to the Frost idea Eddy you might learn something.

Oh my god NO!!!!!!!! Please, no more cyborgs. I hate the cyborgs. But hey thats just me personally. Although Frost is dead, we know people dont always stay dead inMKO, but I think Frost should. Her story wasnt really that interesting and Sub Zero has plenty of enemies to keep his story interesting. For me another cyborg and another resurrected revenge story would be a bit much.
Who said that she should be back with a revenge story? Hmm.
If frost could be mislead -after she has unthawed- by, lets say Quan Chi she may be back to search and find answers to her condition. Something should be thought up for her to give her the opportunity of facing Sub-Zero (not fighting) by the hands of Quan Chi.
If frost could be mislead -after she has unthawed- by, lets say Quan Chi she may be back to search and find answers to her condition. Something should be thought up for her to give her the opportunity of facing Sub-Zero (not fighting) by the hands of Quan Chi.

Great thread, bro! I have to go against the idea though. Frost has far more going for her than being a cyber ninja. An ice cold killer is what she could be, but she desn't need to be a cyber ninja to be that way. She has far more potential as she is. Imo if we do see any more cyborgs in MK, they must be from the Tekunin or apart of Noobs impending demon cyborg army. No other cyborgs should be introduced otherwise.

Sorry, but I hate this idea.
While I can completely see Frost being duped by Noob Saibot (or even Sektor) I can't see her as a cyborg, whether the automation was voluntary or not. In my eyes, Frost isn't evil so much as arrogant and naive, and I can't see her letting herself be automated. And if she was automated, she wouldn't be Frost anymore, just another souless assassin.
While I can completely see Frost being duped by Noob Saibot (or even Sektor) I can't see her as a cyborg, whether the automation was voluntary or not. In my eyes, Frost isn't evil so much as arrogant and naive, and I can't see her letting herself be automated. And if she was automated, she wouldn't be Frost anymore, just another souless assassin.
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Bye, Bye Bitches.
Heres what she could look like-

blackmagik Wrote:

*looks up*
I'm sorry, but if Frost shows up looking like a Power Ranger, I will buy a copy for the sheer joy of breaking the disk in half and peeing on it.
(I had similar feelings about the lack of Frost in Deception though, and I never did get around to desecrating that game yet).
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Bye, Bye Bitches.
Chrome Wrote:
The picture assured me that it is a dumb idea.
The picture assured me that it is a dumb idea.
Thats where i was going with that, yeah
well, i think that Fost would make a nice addition to the line-up in 7 if sh were automated. Seeing as how either Noob OR Sektor have the technological know-how, they could come up with like some kind of flexible, stronger-than-steel material, so it would show her curves, while still being able to kick @$$. I personally was not a big fan of Frost in DA, but she had an interesting storyline, and left room open for many possibilites in the future. Those are my thoughts on the issue.
Keep flyin', Phoenixwarrior
Keep flyin', Phoenixwarrior
I would rather have Frost return but have signs show that the Netherealm has tainted her soul to become a demon. If Smoke refused to follow Noob Saibot after he escaped from his cybernetic body then Noob Saibot would want some new help.
If Noob Saibot managed to evade Ashrah or killed her in battle that is where I think he could first meet with Frost in the Netherealm who has been turned into pure evil. I could picture Frost with no pupils and her skin turning gray but still have a tint of light blue on her flesh tone.
Frost would be delusional on the fact that she felt the tremendous power of the Dragon Medallion and has become crazed into obtaining it. Frost would be ruled by what got her into the Netherealm in the first place, Greed. I think Noob Saibot would recognize Frost's abilities just like Sub-Zero had when Frost was alive in Earthrealm.
Frost would tell him tales of her life under the newly formed Lin Kuei and what Sub-Zero is like. Noob Saibot would learn of his younger brother through her and he would treat Frost like his pupil just like Sub-Zero did. Frost would like Noob Saibot more because he does not limit her when it comes to power and does not hold back her lust for killing, in fact he approves of it.
Noob Saibot and Frost would make a deal that they would capture Sub-Zero alive. Noob Saibot just wants Sub-Zero for himself and to destory everything he established with the new Lin Kuei and reform it back to its original ways. In return when Sub-Zero is captured Noob Saibot will let Frost obtain the Dragon Medallion and the effects on her will be different now that she had already felt the power that has made her stronger even by touching it. Noob Saibot's intentions are to turn Sub-Zero into one of his souless demons and make him fight for him with his incredible power.
If Noob Saibot managed to evade Ashrah or killed her in battle that is where I think he could first meet with Frost in the Netherealm who has been turned into pure evil. I could picture Frost with no pupils and her skin turning gray but still have a tint of light blue on her flesh tone.
Frost would be delusional on the fact that she felt the tremendous power of the Dragon Medallion and has become crazed into obtaining it. Frost would be ruled by what got her into the Netherealm in the first place, Greed. I think Noob Saibot would recognize Frost's abilities just like Sub-Zero had when Frost was alive in Earthrealm.
Frost would tell him tales of her life under the newly formed Lin Kuei and what Sub-Zero is like. Noob Saibot would learn of his younger brother through her and he would treat Frost like his pupil just like Sub-Zero did. Frost would like Noob Saibot more because he does not limit her when it comes to power and does not hold back her lust for killing, in fact he approves of it.
Noob Saibot and Frost would make a deal that they would capture Sub-Zero alive. Noob Saibot just wants Sub-Zero for himself and to destory everything he established with the new Lin Kuei and reform it back to its original ways. In return when Sub-Zero is captured Noob Saibot will let Frost obtain the Dragon Medallion and the effects on her will be different now that she had already felt the power that has made her stronger even by touching it. Noob Saibot's intentions are to turn Sub-Zero into one of his souless demons and make him fight for him with his incredible power.

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I sya no I think cyrax and sektor should be the only cyber ninjas and that pic made me hate the idea even more
No No No No..... and No..... I dont really like robots to begin with. Now you people are gona be like what would happen IF Frost became a robot and joined n-s Then there would be a blue one and then Secktor joins but then him and frost rebel against n-s. But just because they wana be fair they get a ninja. So they put there colors togethor and made Green. They needed a green ninja. SO then BOOM the team Is Fro - Sec - Tile. I'm just waitng for on eof you ROBO Hippies to come up with that
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hmmmm i dont like the cyborgs but i think a female one would be pretty cool. but not frost...

I think its an excellent idea. since she dont like sub-zero, and she was apart of the lin kuei, she would be perfect for a cyborg
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