Has anyone been able to rip assets from MKX Mobile?
posted02/17/2019 05:39 AM (UTC)by
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09/25/2007 03:05 PM (UTC)

Hey everyone, it's been quite a while since I last rocked up at MKO. Glad to see it's still around.

Anyway, as the title says, I'm curious to see if things like textures have been ripped from the Mobile game. I don't mean cards or things of that nature, but things like textures from stages. The specific textures I have in mind are those of Blaze in UMK3 Ninja form on the Pit X stage. I thought it was pretty cool already how Blaze and Rain were fighting in the "main" version of the Pit X stage, but in the Mobile game, they've been converted into (or back into, in Rain's cases) UMK3 ninjas. This finally completes the palette of ninjas, as I think Orange was the last color we were missing.

If this is possible, or someone already did it, share away!

04/01/2019 11:56 AM (UTC)

Blaze? No. But guys on DeviantArt like Romero1718 and OGLoc069 have ripped out almost every other model.

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