How can Mortal Kombat be improved??
Mortal Kombat X
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How can Mortal Kombat be improved??
I do like this game and I did put many hours into it. However, there are some good and some bad aspects to it... I have MKD, all the Tekkens, VF4:Evo, DOA2: Hardcore and Soul Calibur. Each of them have good and bad aspects as well.
What I would like to see MK do:
1. Please. And this goes to every fighting game out there. Lets see more than 1 end boss. I would like to go back to the old days when you would fight 4 end bosses to beat the game (such as Street Fighter 2). Lets see 3-4 real difficult end bosses. This would make it more difficult and interesting. Dont make them selectable too because that would lose the mystery factor about the end bosses.
2. I personally dont like all the fighting stances for each character. I find myself busting out combos and then my character would automatically switch his stance and now i gotta change it again. I get confused about which combo or move goes with some stance. Make it for just a few characters. Get rid of lot of the different stance and just create more fighting moves.
3. Get rid of Konquest and kombat chess. Keep puzzle because i played that a lot. I only played konquest because I had to get the characters and koins. It was overdrawn and I was just bored with it but I had to keep playing. Too many hours i spend looking around in some world.
4. Include a tag team option in the game. This will make it a huge favorite. DOA2: Hardcore did it well. Even though I dont like tag, its nice to have. And with this game option, it will be played in a bracket.
5. Why does each character have only one throw move?? And they are pretty lame throw moves. Have atleast 2-3 throws, a side throw and a back throw.
6. MKD has a big advantage over other games with its great graphics with its arenas. MKD did a great job with their multilevel arenas and awesome death traps, but you may wanna take away some such as the killer fishes.
7. Customization of characters isnt really necessary but you may wanna create more costume designs... like 5 of em for each character.
8. I was disappointed with MKD endings... You had an awesome opening sequence and I was expecting some great endings but I was given art drawings?! Make better endings. Full motion. Have an opening movie with the character and an ending. I dont wanna read some story and see a picture.
9. Why would I wanna kill myself? Suicide was kinda lame. Just like the babalities back in the day... Get rid of those. Just create more fatalities. maybe 3-4 for each person and improve some of them... MKD had way too many bloody popcorn explosions!! I wanna see liquid blood and gore and bones..... Use fire, acid, gun, etc... Be creative. MK2 was little bit more imaginative because you had people melting, split in half (vertically), etc.
10. Good selection of characters, but include some beastly characters and/or unhuman. Maybe a robot or some werewolf looking creature. And some characters can be dropped.
11. Replay function!!
What are your suggestions???
What I would like to see MK do:
1. Please. And this goes to every fighting game out there. Lets see more than 1 end boss. I would like to go back to the old days when you would fight 4 end bosses to beat the game (such as Street Fighter 2). Lets see 3-4 real difficult end bosses. This would make it more difficult and interesting. Dont make them selectable too because that would lose the mystery factor about the end bosses.
2. I personally dont like all the fighting stances for each character. I find myself busting out combos and then my character would automatically switch his stance and now i gotta change it again. I get confused about which combo or move goes with some stance. Make it for just a few characters. Get rid of lot of the different stance and just create more fighting moves.
3. Get rid of Konquest and kombat chess. Keep puzzle because i played that a lot. I only played konquest because I had to get the characters and koins. It was overdrawn and I was just bored with it but I had to keep playing. Too many hours i spend looking around in some world.
4. Include a tag team option in the game. This will make it a huge favorite. DOA2: Hardcore did it well. Even though I dont like tag, its nice to have. And with this game option, it will be played in a bracket.
5. Why does each character have only one throw move?? And they are pretty lame throw moves. Have atleast 2-3 throws, a side throw and a back throw.
6. MKD has a big advantage over other games with its great graphics with its arenas. MKD did a great job with their multilevel arenas and awesome death traps, but you may wanna take away some such as the killer fishes.
7. Customization of characters isnt really necessary but you may wanna create more costume designs... like 5 of em for each character.
8. I was disappointed with MKD endings... You had an awesome opening sequence and I was expecting some great endings but I was given art drawings?! Make better endings. Full motion. Have an opening movie with the character and an ending. I dont wanna read some story and see a picture.
9. Why would I wanna kill myself? Suicide was kinda lame. Just like the babalities back in the day... Get rid of those. Just create more fatalities. maybe 3-4 for each person and improve some of them... MKD had way too many bloody popcorn explosions!! I wanna see liquid blood and gore and bones..... Use fire, acid, gun, etc... Be creative. MK2 was little bit more imaginative because you had people melting, split in half (vertically), etc.
10. Good selection of characters, but include some beastly characters and/or unhuman. Maybe a robot or some werewolf looking creature. And some characters can be dropped.
11. Replay function!!
What are your suggestions???

Even though I complain about Mk alot more than anyone, I still love the game to death, im starting to not like Ed Boon, but MK still stays the same, but this is a forum right, people gotta complain every once in a while, heres my outlook...
More Throws Would Be nIce despite the fact that people bitch when someone kicks their ass online by only using throws, more of them would be nice to see.
Fatalities; Everyones gonna have their say on these for obvious reasons, If a character has a unique weapon, IE Kabel, Jade (even though hers werent half bad) Shujinko, Ermac, and what have you.
Kabel; Hookswords were used for everything and they were all cheap, Throws the guy in the air and only cuts them in half?!!?!?!?!? you didnt see that one coming.
Jade, in the past she usd only that staff thingy, and they were all different, especially the one through the head, but the body slice one wasnt very appealing, it looked cool, but the concept was kinda dumb, its a round stick and it makes a clean slice.
Shujinko, it was nice to not see him ripping off someone elses, but killing a guy with swords is just too fcuken generic, too easy, in all his years of training with various artists, he only knows how to utilize swords.
Ermac, Telekinesis is his thing not fcuken Kenshi's, seeing the original T.Slamm in MKD was good to see, but the other one was basically the same thing, as Kenshis, lifts the guy in the air with magic, fcuks with them for a bit then rips them in half stupid and lame and repetitive if you ask me. Would it hurt anyones feelings if you DONT have to have someone exploding in a few Fatalities? Like a body shocked to death like Raiden in MK2? Kung Laos Hat Slice Remains at the top and you only used it i think Twice? (the dying animation) mabey you can tap into that source for popularity, a few more arm and leg rips, 'TOASTY!!!' now everyone has been waiting for this for a long Time Eddy, (im surprised you didnt make that everyones move.) Rains uppercut into multiple sections then landing down side up was a kick ass idea, though you could work out the kinks in it (like how you uppercut their head and their feet fall apart) And what happened to little secrets to fatalities? like J Cage in MK2, the multipule heads thing? that was cool becaue you had a choice wether or not to do it, actually i think that the only one but its a good idea, and what about more than 2 fatalities for some people, remember you boy scorpion Eddy, in Mk2 he had three, in UMk3 he had the linch mob, the hand of hell, and the hell spawning, would it be soo bad as to throw a few more of those in the mix?
And as for the Animations in MKD alot of them were. like people have said, lame and dumb, bloody popcorn, torn in half, no head (exceptions), being stabbed or impaled, the most over did on eis Exploding, i got sick of seeing it after a while, cant MK come up with better animations than that!??!?!?!?! Just listen to the fans Eddy you might learn something.
Costumes arent THAT big of a deal to me cept for hooker costumes like Mileenas Regular and Alt., if you wanna make them "hot" follow the outline of what you did with Jade, not slutty and the mask and braids made her look like a fcuken Mortal Kombat Kombatant, Sindel is just too god damn old, Tanya i hate that character but they didnt make her into a MK pornstar, so that was ok, Kira, cant really remeber what this one is so shes safe for now, Ashrah, now heres a serious MK competitor, although the hair in the ALt. looked like cat shit, and i think there was also a skirt? not sure but you can tell they were leaning towards that perception again.
Stages were all deadly, love the Dead Pool and The living Forest, im glad there wasnt a stage death featuring a tree eatting someone that wouldve been fcuken retarded. but all the stage deaths with inpaling spikes, you could live with one of the bodies actually going through the whole spike couldnt you? and what the fcuk is all this exposure to the spikes? what happened to the spinning saw blades in MK3? What happened to the Lair in MK2 and 4? what happened to the fan blades in Mk4? What happened to the Pit 2 on solid concrete that was the most grusome thing ive seen in a stage fatality. What happened to the Subway Train In MK3? ( I know theyre not in the fcuken earth realm or whatever but its the concept people)
Alright thats enough outta me. Mk7 better be the MK2 of our generation if Eddy fcuks this one up, im sure i wont be the only one more than half disappointed again.
More Throws Would Be nIce despite the fact that people bitch when someone kicks their ass online by only using throws, more of them would be nice to see.
Fatalities; Everyones gonna have their say on these for obvious reasons, If a character has a unique weapon, IE Kabel, Jade (even though hers werent half bad) Shujinko, Ermac, and what have you.
Kabel; Hookswords were used for everything and they were all cheap, Throws the guy in the air and only cuts them in half?!!?!?!?!? you didnt see that one coming.
Jade, in the past she usd only that staff thingy, and they were all different, especially the one through the head, but the body slice one wasnt very appealing, it looked cool, but the concept was kinda dumb, its a round stick and it makes a clean slice.
Shujinko, it was nice to not see him ripping off someone elses, but killing a guy with swords is just too fcuken generic, too easy, in all his years of training with various artists, he only knows how to utilize swords.
Ermac, Telekinesis is his thing not fcuken Kenshi's, seeing the original T.Slamm in MKD was good to see, but the other one was basically the same thing, as Kenshis, lifts the guy in the air with magic, fcuks with them for a bit then rips them in half stupid and lame and repetitive if you ask me. Would it hurt anyones feelings if you DONT have to have someone exploding in a few Fatalities? Like a body shocked to death like Raiden in MK2? Kung Laos Hat Slice Remains at the top and you only used it i think Twice? (the dying animation) mabey you can tap into that source for popularity, a few more arm and leg rips, 'TOASTY!!!' now everyone has been waiting for this for a long Time Eddy, (im surprised you didnt make that everyones move.) Rains uppercut into multiple sections then landing down side up was a kick ass idea, though you could work out the kinks in it (like how you uppercut their head and their feet fall apart) And what happened to little secrets to fatalities? like J Cage in MK2, the multipule heads thing? that was cool becaue you had a choice wether or not to do it, actually i think that the only one but its a good idea, and what about more than 2 fatalities for some people, remember you boy scorpion Eddy, in Mk2 he had three, in UMk3 he had the linch mob, the hand of hell, and the hell spawning, would it be soo bad as to throw a few more of those in the mix?
And as for the Animations in MKD alot of them were. like people have said, lame and dumb, bloody popcorn, torn in half, no head (exceptions), being stabbed or impaled, the most over did on eis Exploding, i got sick of seeing it after a while, cant MK come up with better animations than that!??!?!?!?! Just listen to the fans Eddy you might learn something.
Costumes arent THAT big of a deal to me cept for hooker costumes like Mileenas Regular and Alt., if you wanna make them "hot" follow the outline of what you did with Jade, not slutty and the mask and braids made her look like a fcuken Mortal Kombat Kombatant, Sindel is just too god damn old, Tanya i hate that character but they didnt make her into a MK pornstar, so that was ok, Kira, cant really remeber what this one is so shes safe for now, Ashrah, now heres a serious MK competitor, although the hair in the ALt. looked like cat shit, and i think there was also a skirt? not sure but you can tell they were leaning towards that perception again.
Stages were all deadly, love the Dead Pool and The living Forest, im glad there wasnt a stage death featuring a tree eatting someone that wouldve been fcuken retarded. but all the stage deaths with inpaling spikes, you could live with one of the bodies actually going through the whole spike couldnt you? and what the fcuk is all this exposure to the spikes? what happened to the spinning saw blades in MK3? What happened to the Lair in MK2 and 4? what happened to the fan blades in Mk4? What happened to the Pit 2 on solid concrete that was the most grusome thing ive seen in a stage fatality. What happened to the Subway Train In MK3? ( I know theyre not in the fcuken earth realm or whatever but its the concept people)
Alright thats enough outta me. Mk7 better be the MK2 of our generation if Eddy fcuks this one up, im sure i wont be the only one more than half disappointed again.

I'll just go over your points SirBH and give my opinion on them, cus I think you have some good ones and some not so good ones...
1) Definitely more than one end boss (noob smoke was a lame sub boss) that is actualy difficult to beat. The last MK game that was a challenge to beat BOTH the sub boss and boss was MKT, Motaro and Shao Kahn were a good challenge. MK4 - Goro was pretty tough, Shinnok was a joke. MKDA, both Moloch and the DA weren't much of a challenge, and in MKD the DK was tough but Noob Smoke was shit... Lets see a large sub boss (like goro, kintaro, motaro, moloch) and tough boss (shang, shao kahn and onaga) and a tag team sub boss who you must fight SIMULTANEOUSLY. So in MKD or MKDA you would fight Shang and Quan or Noob and Smoke at the same time, and they both have their own individual life bars. Kinda like how Raiden fought the DA in MKD's intro. I think that would be a tough challenge, and a better way to use the tag team idea.
Oh and personaly before all the sub boss fight's, I'd like to see a "Champion fight' where you fight the reigning MK champ before the sub bosses (though I suppose that would only work if the game was a tournament again)
2) I like the 3 different styles, I say stick with it - but make sure the moves/attacks are legit for that style. Judo in both DA and D was way off base, and if the true moves in a style don't work for the game, don't use that style...
3) I wouldn't get rid of Konquest, just get rid of the way they did it in Deception and revert back to the way it was in MKDA. In Da you learnt the basics of the fighter YOU wanted to learn, not every fighter, and at the same time got to read a lot of the background story for them. MKD's Konquest was a good waste of time not only for the player, but for the MK team as well - it could have been spent much more usefully on the fighting and not the fluff. I agree with the elimination of the Chess too, no need. I did like puzzle, but if you're going to get rid of chess, you may as well get rid of puzzle too. I'd rather see the time spent on the fighting engine than the accessories.
4) Like I said earlier, use the tag team, but only as a boss and you must fight them both at the same time. Shang Tsung and his head Shadow Priest would make a formidable tag team...
5) Umm, I'd prefer less throws. If you've played online, they just get abused to the max, and imo are needlessly in the game, why do we need em? I'd rather see the reversals and escapes from MKDA instead of the throws, at least they would requre some skill to use.
6) Yes, MKD had great stages and decent graphics (worse than DA though). The death traps were cool, but I think there were too many, like you said - the fish one was crap, and pretty worthless. Next time only half the stages should have death traps, and you should need to be VERY close to them to get knocked into them...too many times in MKD u think you're safe and BAM - dead... Also lets see STAGE FATALITIES back, they would make a nice addition to the fatality arsenal imo.
7) I wouldn't mind customization, but rather than all kinds of wacky clothes etc (that would be what the MK team would most likely do) I'd like to see unlockable clothes from the classic games. Therefore if you like Reptile's new reptilian look, but would like him to have his mask, if you unlock it you can. I think it would be sick online to see everyone's customized fighter's...
8) Definitely true about the MKDA and MKD endings. Why have a 5min intro, and no fmv endings? It sucks that they gave them to us in MK4, then reverted back to the old style of ending for MKDA and D. I'd rather see a shorter FMV intro, if it meant FMV endings. In DA I didn't seem to mind as much, but I think that's cus the content in the endings was decent. In MKD some were an absoulte waste of time to get (Dairou's, Darrius', Kira's etc)
9) I liked the Hara Kiri, it was a great addition. I love the fact that I can stop my opponent getting a fatality off. Definitely something (along w/ the death traps) that should stay in MK from now on. I'd say after seeing MKD's fatalities, only have 1 (like MK1 and MKDA) but make sure it is excellent. No pop corn gore, no shitty blood, just a gruesome - non funny - death. With one fatality, a hara kiri, death traps and stage fatalities we don't need anymore (as long as the fatality is great).
10) Werewolf in MK? Ummm, I always though it was an ancient, mystical tournament, no need for a werewolf...and we have 3 robots already (though I'd like to see a female cyber assasin....) The additions to MKD were pretty crap (maybe Ashrah and Hotaru excluded, Dairou was a good concept also) but if they aren't as good as existing characters, don't introduce them. We don't need 8 new characters every game...
11) I actualy wouldn't want a replay (unless I did something extra cool
) but I guess I would be ok with it if it was there...
1) Definitely more than one end boss (noob smoke was a lame sub boss) that is actualy difficult to beat. The last MK game that was a challenge to beat BOTH the sub boss and boss was MKT, Motaro and Shao Kahn were a good challenge. MK4 - Goro was pretty tough, Shinnok was a joke. MKDA, both Moloch and the DA weren't much of a challenge, and in MKD the DK was tough but Noob Smoke was shit... Lets see a large sub boss (like goro, kintaro, motaro, moloch) and tough boss (shang, shao kahn and onaga) and a tag team sub boss who you must fight SIMULTANEOUSLY. So in MKD or MKDA you would fight Shang and Quan or Noob and Smoke at the same time, and they both have their own individual life bars. Kinda like how Raiden fought the DA in MKD's intro. I think that would be a tough challenge, and a better way to use the tag team idea.
Oh and personaly before all the sub boss fight's, I'd like to see a "Champion fight' where you fight the reigning MK champ before the sub bosses (though I suppose that would only work if the game was a tournament again)
2) I like the 3 different styles, I say stick with it - but make sure the moves/attacks are legit for that style. Judo in both DA and D was way off base, and if the true moves in a style don't work for the game, don't use that style...
3) I wouldn't get rid of Konquest, just get rid of the way they did it in Deception and revert back to the way it was in MKDA. In Da you learnt the basics of the fighter YOU wanted to learn, not every fighter, and at the same time got to read a lot of the background story for them. MKD's Konquest was a good waste of time not only for the player, but for the MK team as well - it could have been spent much more usefully on the fighting and not the fluff. I agree with the elimination of the Chess too, no need. I did like puzzle, but if you're going to get rid of chess, you may as well get rid of puzzle too. I'd rather see the time spent on the fighting engine than the accessories.
4) Like I said earlier, use the tag team, but only as a boss and you must fight them both at the same time. Shang Tsung and his head Shadow Priest would make a formidable tag team...
5) Umm, I'd prefer less throws. If you've played online, they just get abused to the max, and imo are needlessly in the game, why do we need em? I'd rather see the reversals and escapes from MKDA instead of the throws, at least they would requre some skill to use.
6) Yes, MKD had great stages and decent graphics (worse than DA though). The death traps were cool, but I think there were too many, like you said - the fish one was crap, and pretty worthless. Next time only half the stages should have death traps, and you should need to be VERY close to them to get knocked into them...too many times in MKD u think you're safe and BAM - dead... Also lets see STAGE FATALITIES back, they would make a nice addition to the fatality arsenal imo.
7) I wouldn't mind customization, but rather than all kinds of wacky clothes etc (that would be what the MK team would most likely do) I'd like to see unlockable clothes from the classic games. Therefore if you like Reptile's new reptilian look, but would like him to have his mask, if you unlock it you can. I think it would be sick online to see everyone's customized fighter's...
8) Definitely true about the MKDA and MKD endings. Why have a 5min intro, and no fmv endings? It sucks that they gave them to us in MK4, then reverted back to the old style of ending for MKDA and D. I'd rather see a shorter FMV intro, if it meant FMV endings. In DA I didn't seem to mind as much, but I think that's cus the content in the endings was decent. In MKD some were an absoulte waste of time to get (Dairou's, Darrius', Kira's etc)
9) I liked the Hara Kiri, it was a great addition. I love the fact that I can stop my opponent getting a fatality off. Definitely something (along w/ the death traps) that should stay in MK from now on. I'd say after seeing MKD's fatalities, only have 1 (like MK1 and MKDA) but make sure it is excellent. No pop corn gore, no shitty blood, just a gruesome - non funny - death. With one fatality, a hara kiri, death traps and stage fatalities we don't need anymore (as long as the fatality is great).
10) Werewolf in MK? Ummm, I always though it was an ancient, mystical tournament, no need for a werewolf...and we have 3 robots already (though I'd like to see a female cyber assasin....) The additions to MKD were pretty crap (maybe Ashrah and Hotaru excluded, Dairou was a good concept also) but if they aren't as good as existing characters, don't introduce them. We don't need 8 new characters every game...
11) I actualy wouldn't want a replay (unless I did something extra cool

Clothing damage- i what to see chloths get torn up because come on, how is a shirt intact after a 30 hit sword combo.
more unique fatalities- some are very generic, i think they shoul let fan give fatality idea.
make style branch flow more smoothly- it has improved from MKDA, combo inputs still feel stiff.
Tag team feature- that would kick ass. even have team fatalilties.
better konquest mode
more unique fatalities- some are very generic, i think they shoul let fan give fatality idea.
make style branch flow more smoothly- it has improved from MKDA, combo inputs still feel stiff.
Tag team feature- that would kick ass. even have team fatalilties.
better konquest mode
oh my lord i just didnt like how tha game played. i luvvvv fast fighting games like doa. thas all i want
Have each character keep their own unique qualities about them. I am tired of seeing recycled characters in each new instalment of Mortal Kombat.
Darrius, Havik, Kobra, Kira, Ashrah, Kenshi (He has become an exeption however.) Frost, you get my drift.
Each character should have their own feel to them, I remember playing as Darrius and was saying wow... This is like a combo of Cage and Cyrax. And playing as Ashrah saying this is like playing as Raiden and Kung Lao.
Although look and storywise some of those characters exel the gameplay attribute to me seems not authentic. (Yes I'm Picky..)
In the previous Mortal Kombat games such as 1 and 2, each character had their own feel to them. Even the Ninja's pulled that off though they had the same look. It was the gameplay that distinguished each of them from each other and I expected that with every character.
Another thing that bugs me with each Mortal Kombat after Mortal Kombat 2 is that big loop holes in character's stories they give you after each game.
In the first Mortal Kombat you knew exactly where each character ended up in the end because Mortal Kombat II explained what happened. Sonya and Kano were not in Mortal Kombat 2 but the were in the backround of a stage and a new character was introduced to investigate upon that. I bet all Sonya and Kano fans from the first game had great respect for that even though they were not playable.
In Mortal Kombat 3 you never knew what happened to some characters exept for Raiden. Baraka, Scorpion, Cage, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, were all gone and without a trace. Although Raiden was mentinoed and Kitana had a mention in Liu Kang's ending that was it, untill future Mortal Kombat games that were out after the original Mortal Kombat 3.
And in Mortal Kombat 3, I didn't know what happened to Sheeva untill 2002 in Kano's Konquest story in Deadly Alliance so I waited a long time to find out, it drive you nuts.
I'm sure the rest of you guys could say more.
Darrius, Havik, Kobra, Kira, Ashrah, Kenshi (He has become an exeption however.) Frost, you get my drift.
Each character should have their own feel to them, I remember playing as Darrius and was saying wow... This is like a combo of Cage and Cyrax. And playing as Ashrah saying this is like playing as Raiden and Kung Lao.
Although look and storywise some of those characters exel the gameplay attribute to me seems not authentic. (Yes I'm Picky..)
In the previous Mortal Kombat games such as 1 and 2, each character had their own feel to them. Even the Ninja's pulled that off though they had the same look. It was the gameplay that distinguished each of them from each other and I expected that with every character.
Another thing that bugs me with each Mortal Kombat after Mortal Kombat 2 is that big loop holes in character's stories they give you after each game.
In the first Mortal Kombat you knew exactly where each character ended up in the end because Mortal Kombat II explained what happened. Sonya and Kano were not in Mortal Kombat 2 but the were in the backround of a stage and a new character was introduced to investigate upon that. I bet all Sonya and Kano fans from the first game had great respect for that even though they were not playable.
In Mortal Kombat 3 you never knew what happened to some characters exept for Raiden. Baraka, Scorpion, Cage, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, were all gone and without a trace. Although Raiden was mentinoed and Kitana had a mention in Liu Kang's ending that was it, untill future Mortal Kombat games that were out after the original Mortal Kombat 3.
And in Mortal Kombat 3, I didn't know what happened to Sheeva untill 2002 in Kano's Konquest story in Deadly Alliance so I waited a long time to find out, it drive you nuts.
I'm sure the rest of you guys could say more.
It does not need to be improved!
There. I can't think of much more of a way to make those look any more important.
There. I can't think of much more of a way to make those look any more important.
krackerjack Wrote:
There. I can't think of much more of a way to make those look any more important.
There. I can't think of much more of a way to make those look any more important.
lol. Don't forget things like better aerial properties, a good ground game, removal and prevention of infinite combos, fitting styles for characters (eg. Kano should fight like a brawler and not use something internal like Aikido and Xing Yi), balanced characters and styles, etc.
I feel the suicides were inventive and I liked those but I would like to see 3 or 4 fatalities a character. Also, the fatalities do need to be more inventive and thought out. I also would like the fighting to be a little more fluid like DOA is. Unlike some I liked Konquest. At first I didnt but to see the worlds that have been talked about in each game come alive made me really enjoy it overall. One of the biggest things I would like to see if at all possible is to put the fatality making into the hands of the players. Like adding a create a fatality mode. Make it so you can take a character and have them do what you want to make a fatality like you can make your own levels in Unreal Tournament. Oh ya bring back Reptile and Frost too.

Another thing, making all the old arena's into 3D was really cool. Should it again int MK7.
1. I like the Konquest Mode of Deadly Alliance much better than Deception.
2. The Krypt: have everything unlockable with kurrency rather than Konquest. Some of us has much difficult pulling off the style switching kombos just to get to the next dojo. (does anyone use those anyway?)
3. Keep the multi-level/out of ring levels. Only have some out of ring hits be just victories (the guy flies into the water or swamp knocked out unconcious but not dead) and have some out of ring hits be true instant fatalities (i.e. Round 1. Kenshi knocks Kobra into the pit. Kobra dies. Kenshi wins the entire match).
4. Get rid of the Hari-Kiris. I'm not a fan of suicides, melodramatic or not.
5. Bring back Test Your Might and Sight. And maybe a third "Test Your" mini-game (Test Your Flight? Test Your Spite?).
6. Keep MK Chess, I enjoy the strategy and it provides an excellent break from the main game. I also enjoy Puzzle Kombat. Maybe have the two replace Konquest all together.
7. Have in the roster: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, Sonya. ;)
2. The Krypt: have everything unlockable with kurrency rather than Konquest. Some of us has much difficult pulling off the style switching kombos just to get to the next dojo. (does anyone use those anyway?)
3. Keep the multi-level/out of ring levels. Only have some out of ring hits be just victories (the guy flies into the water or swamp knocked out unconcious but not dead) and have some out of ring hits be true instant fatalities (i.e. Round 1. Kenshi knocks Kobra into the pit. Kobra dies. Kenshi wins the entire match).
4. Get rid of the Hari-Kiris. I'm not a fan of suicides, melodramatic or not.
5. Bring back Test Your Might and Sight. And maybe a third "Test Your" mini-game (Test Your Flight? Test Your Spite?).
6. Keep MK Chess, I enjoy the strategy and it provides an excellent break from the main game. I also enjoy Puzzle Kombat. Maybe have the two replace Konquest all together.
7. Have in the roster: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, Sonya. ;)

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krackerjack Wrote:
There. I can't think of much more of a way to make those look any more important.
Subzero the 7th Wrote:
lol. Don't forget things like better aerial properties, a good ground game, removal and prevention of infinite combos, fitting styles for characters (eg. Kano should fight like a brawler and not use something internal like Aikido and Xing Yi), balanced characters and styles, etc
To both of you guys: Preach on. Krackerjack, we may not agree on the create a character mode, but we definitely agree on this. MK7 needs to be playtested from here to infinity to get rid of the infinites, the glitches, and the cheapness.
As for what else I'd improve upon:
I like the idea of a tag battle mode.
I like the idea of having a few classic arenas (maybe the Wastelands from MK2 and the Hall of Champions...I think that's the name from MK1)
I also like the idea of more throws: I say a minimum of four per character just to cover the front, sides and back, at least 3/4's of the characters should have 5, and at least half should have 6, and for the few characters that have throw styles like wrestling or judo, no less than 10 to 12 throws). Come on, in the 3D era, having one throw per character borders on embarassing. BUT, there must also be throw cancels to counter throw or simply block the throw.
How about these ideas:
A survival mode: It's a standard for 3D fighting games that lenghtens the single player replay value dramatically.
Guardian combos: Some characters, maybe four or five could be able to use as a special move, an ally that comes in, and you can choose to enter one of two moves. A projectile move (Sonya has Jax come in and shoot machine gun) or a finish move (Ermac has Kenshi come in and hit opponent with his tele-push)
Create a character mode: Anyone that's read my thread knows that I'm a huge fan of this idea. Some disagree, but I think it would add tons to the replay value. Although the moderate approaches I've seen (the example of masking Reptile for example) are good, but I think it'd be cool to have MK fans create their own characters, since they do so on this board all the time. You earn currency and unlock stuff in the main modes or the krypt and take your created character online. Everything from backgrounds for endings profiles (that the creator can write) and the versus screen to type of race, facial features, tattoes, clothes and insignias, weapon styles, 2 fighting styles and special moves. All moves, styles, weapons, and clothes from MK:DA, MK:D, and MK7 as well as new special moves, styles, weapons, and clothing created specifically for this mode would be available. We complain about the MK teams newer characters, now we could create our own and make them what we'd like MK characters to be.
Maximum Damage: We need alot of things in place to cut down on the cheapness. This is one of the many failsafes that should be implemented to guard against broken tactics.
Better counters: I think that only about a quarter of the characters should be able to counter, but they should be able to do so without being limited to 3. Obviously these characters would be the throwers, so obviously their attacks would have to be significantly less in power. Though I think that all characters should be able to counter throw and block throws.
Less deathtraps, more multitiered arenas: I think that with next generation power, MK could have as many as five tiers in one arena, and I think that would be awesome. I still like death traps, but I think we only need about five or six. I also think that we only need two fatalities per characters. But they have to be sick. This MK, the series that started the hearings and made congressmen angry after all. If you can get with a hooker in GTA and then shoot her, this game should be twisted enough to get to the top of pile again. No more popcorn, no more 90 rib cages and femurs, just full on shock factor. I know I'm sounding a bit creepy here, but this is MK's tradition, and now games like Psi-Ops, GTA, and a host of other seem to be going where MK simply won't.
I don't mean to sound like I'm turning this game into something it's not, like Tekken or VF or whatever. But I think that many of these things are needed to keep the game from breaking, and make for a better overall fighting experience with replay value and staying power. It's still MK, but the series must evolve on next gen systems, just like it did with MK2, MK3, MK4, and MK5.
There. I can't think of much more of a way to make those look any more important.
Subzero the 7th Wrote:
lol. Don't forget things like better aerial properties, a good ground game, removal and prevention of infinite combos, fitting styles for characters (eg. Kano should fight like a brawler and not use something internal like Aikido and Xing Yi), balanced characters and styles, etc
To both of you guys: Preach on. Krackerjack, we may not agree on the create a character mode, but we definitely agree on this. MK7 needs to be playtested from here to infinity to get rid of the infinites, the glitches, and the cheapness.
As for what else I'd improve upon:
I like the idea of a tag battle mode.
I like the idea of having a few classic arenas (maybe the Wastelands from MK2 and the Hall of Champions...I think that's the name from MK1)
I also like the idea of more throws: I say a minimum of four per character just to cover the front, sides and back, at least 3/4's of the characters should have 5, and at least half should have 6, and for the few characters that have throw styles like wrestling or judo, no less than 10 to 12 throws). Come on, in the 3D era, having one throw per character borders on embarassing. BUT, there must also be throw cancels to counter throw or simply block the throw.
How about these ideas:
A survival mode: It's a standard for 3D fighting games that lenghtens the single player replay value dramatically.
Guardian combos: Some characters, maybe four or five could be able to use as a special move, an ally that comes in, and you can choose to enter one of two moves. A projectile move (Sonya has Jax come in and shoot machine gun) or a finish move (Ermac has Kenshi come in and hit opponent with his tele-push)
Create a character mode: Anyone that's read my thread knows that I'm a huge fan of this idea. Some disagree, but I think it would add tons to the replay value. Although the moderate approaches I've seen (the example of masking Reptile for example) are good, but I think it'd be cool to have MK fans create their own characters, since they do so on this board all the time. You earn currency and unlock stuff in the main modes or the krypt and take your created character online. Everything from backgrounds for endings profiles (that the creator can write) and the versus screen to type of race, facial features, tattoes, clothes and insignias, weapon styles, 2 fighting styles and special moves. All moves, styles, weapons, and clothes from MK:DA, MK:D, and MK7 as well as new special moves, styles, weapons, and clothing created specifically for this mode would be available. We complain about the MK teams newer characters, now we could create our own and make them what we'd like MK characters to be.
Maximum Damage: We need alot of things in place to cut down on the cheapness. This is one of the many failsafes that should be implemented to guard against broken tactics.
Better counters: I think that only about a quarter of the characters should be able to counter, but they should be able to do so without being limited to 3. Obviously these characters would be the throwers, so obviously their attacks would have to be significantly less in power. Though I think that all characters should be able to counter throw and block throws.
Less deathtraps, more multitiered arenas: I think that with next generation power, MK could have as many as five tiers in one arena, and I think that would be awesome. I still like death traps, but I think we only need about five or six. I also think that we only need two fatalities per characters. But they have to be sick. This MK, the series that started the hearings and made congressmen angry after all. If you can get with a hooker in GTA and then shoot her, this game should be twisted enough to get to the top of pile again. No more popcorn, no more 90 rib cages and femurs, just full on shock factor. I know I'm sounding a bit creepy here, but this is MK's tradition, and now games like Psi-Ops, GTA, and a host of other seem to be going where MK simply won't.
I don't mean to sound like I'm turning this game into something it's not, like Tekken or VF or whatever. But I think that many of these things are needed to keep the game from breaking, and make for a better overall fighting experience with replay value and staying power. It's still MK, but the series must evolve on next gen systems, just like it did with MK2, MK3, MK4, and MK5.

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Yeah, and I don't understand that one bit. You'd think that in this day and age, a survival mode is a no brainer. It's a simple premise that usually only requires one background and perhaps items that refill health. That's it. Something that simple can keep the player that doesn't have Xbox Live or whatever playing for a lot longer. Outside of the gameplay/fighting mechanics touch ups that this series is in dire need of, a survival mode is next on my list of things that I'd want to have in MK7.
"3. Get rid of Konquest and kombat chess. Keep puzzle because i played that a lot."
A bit biased, Don't you think?
"Kabel; Hookswords were used for everything and they were all cheap, Throws the guy in the air and only cuts them in half?!!?!?!?!? you didnt see that one coming."
Aww!! C'mon!!! That is one of my favorite fatalities in MK:D!!!
All i can say however, Is grapples. They should give each character 3 grapples (2 front and 1 back)... And maybe get a customizing mode like Tekken 5... Though it's not really important to me. I always love MK's character designs... Except Darrius' alternate ::shudders::. At least though you'd have more stuff to spend your koins on after you buy everything in the Krypt. I'd work so bloody hard to get all those koins, just not to have any use for them.
I have 40,000 gold koins that are really burning a hole in my gaming pocket!! lol.
A bit biased, Don't you think?
"Kabel; Hookswords were used for everything and they were all cheap, Throws the guy in the air and only cuts them in half?!!?!?!?!? you didnt see that one coming."
Aww!! C'mon!!! That is one of my favorite fatalities in MK:D!!!
All i can say however, Is grapples. They should give each character 3 grapples (2 front and 1 back)... And maybe get a customizing mode like Tekken 5... Though it's not really important to me. I always love MK's character designs... Except Darrius' alternate ::shudders::. At least though you'd have more stuff to spend your koins on after you buy everything in the Krypt. I'd work so bloody hard to get all those koins, just not to have any use for them.
I have 40,000 gold koins that are really burning a hole in my gaming pocket!! lol.
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