Martial Arts in MK7
Martial Arts in MK7
posted03/24/2005 04:37 AM (UTC)by

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I Have Become as the Wastelands of Unending Nothingness. Now Shall the Night Things Fill Me with their Whisperings, and the Shadows Reveal their Wisdom.
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02/21/2003 03:07 AM (UTC)
I don't know about anyone else, but my main hope for MK7 is increased accuracy and authenticity of the martial arts depicted. For example, styles such as Hapkido and Jujitsu are heavily defensive styles, featuring throws, joint locks, takedowns, and various grappling techniques. Yet in MKD and MKDA, these styles featured only strikes. Even when I took Karate about ten years ago, I remember learning takedowns.
I'd like to see some of the more intricate elements of martial arts employed in MK7. I'd like to see styles presented in the game as they are actually practiced in reality. I've heard people say that Judo and Aikido in MKDA looked nothing like real Judo and Aikido. The Silat that Baraka used in MKD looked nothing like the Silat I've seen videos and pictures of.
I suppose the challenge here would be how to implement these intricacies while maintaining the MK feel. MK is not usually regarded as a series suited to hardcore fighting game fans, so if it were to implement complex gameplay like Tekken or VF it wouldn't appeal to fans who don't have weeks to learn a single character. Also, would the 2-style-1-weapon-per-character system need to be changed?
I had a thought on the style system: rather than each character having two specific hand-to-hand styles and one weapon style, perhaps each character would have a list of five styles and three weapons, and could choose two of the styles and one of the weapons Certain characters would have access to common styles and weapons, though. Also, maybe there could be unlockable styles.
The reason I think each character should have access to more than one style is because MK characters aren't usually created with a particular style in mind. When you see Kano, for example, you don't think "Oh, I bet he uses Xing Yi and Aikido," or when you see Raiden you don't think "He probably uses Nan Chuan and Jujitsu." Certain styles may fit the characters, but they don't define the characters. Compare that to a series like Street Fighter: could you imagine Ryu using wrestling? How about Balrog using kung fu, or Sagat using karate? Most SF characters are defined by their style. That's not the case with MK, largely, I think, because it didn't originate as a style-oriented game, but featured universal styles for everyone.
So anyway, any ideas on how authentic martial art techniques could be implemented into a fairly simple fighting engine?
I'd like to see some of the more intricate elements of martial arts employed in MK7. I'd like to see styles presented in the game as they are actually practiced in reality. I've heard people say that Judo and Aikido in MKDA looked nothing like real Judo and Aikido. The Silat that Baraka used in MKD looked nothing like the Silat I've seen videos and pictures of.
I suppose the challenge here would be how to implement these intricacies while maintaining the MK feel. MK is not usually regarded as a series suited to hardcore fighting game fans, so if it were to implement complex gameplay like Tekken or VF it wouldn't appeal to fans who don't have weeks to learn a single character. Also, would the 2-style-1-weapon-per-character system need to be changed?
I had a thought on the style system: rather than each character having two specific hand-to-hand styles and one weapon style, perhaps each character would have a list of five styles and three weapons, and could choose two of the styles and one of the weapons Certain characters would have access to common styles and weapons, though. Also, maybe there could be unlockable styles.
The reason I think each character should have access to more than one style is because MK characters aren't usually created with a particular style in mind. When you see Kano, for example, you don't think "Oh, I bet he uses Xing Yi and Aikido," or when you see Raiden you don't think "He probably uses Nan Chuan and Jujitsu." Certain styles may fit the characters, but they don't define the characters. Compare that to a series like Street Fighter: could you imagine Ryu using wrestling? How about Balrog using kung fu, or Sagat using karate? Most SF characters are defined by their style. That's not the case with MK, largely, I think, because it didn't originate as a style-oriented game, but featured universal styles for everyone.
So anyway, any ideas on how authentic martial art techniques could be implemented into a fairly simple fighting engine?

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Totally agree, the Martial arts in MKDA/MKD were not particularily well represented. Grappling and defensive arts such as Judo, Hapkido and so on being the most inaccurately represented.
As for the style idea, take it from me, if noone else (but i'm sure someone will agree) In real combat, you don't think in the lines of " i'll attack with a karate sidekick, and switch to jujutsu to place a joint lock, then i'll go back to karate to elbow in the face...etc..."
No way. In combat, you rarely think at all.
My take on the style system is it needs to go, NOW.
One big hand to hand style, featuring attacks and moves from different martial arts, would be much better.
One thing i think could be cool if well implemented, would be the opportunity to "switch" from offensive to defensive combat, and the reason i put the word switch in quotation marks is i'm not sure how it would work, but the concept could be promising. Maybe "closing" and "opening" your guard and footing, and shifting body weight to either increase mobility or stability could be one aspect of such a system, and slightly different movesets, and combinations could be another.
As for implementing realistic fighting techniques into a relatively simple fighting system, i honestly don't think it possible, and IMO, MK needs a more complex fighting engine.
As for the style idea, take it from me, if noone else (but i'm sure someone will agree) In real combat, you don't think in the lines of " i'll attack with a karate sidekick, and switch to jujutsu to place a joint lock, then i'll go back to karate to elbow in the face...etc..."
No way. In combat, you rarely think at all.
My take on the style system is it needs to go, NOW.
One big hand to hand style, featuring attacks and moves from different martial arts, would be much better.
One thing i think could be cool if well implemented, would be the opportunity to "switch" from offensive to defensive combat, and the reason i put the word switch in quotation marks is i'm not sure how it would work, but the concept could be promising. Maybe "closing" and "opening" your guard and footing, and shifting body weight to either increase mobility or stability could be one aspect of such a system, and slightly different movesets, and combinations could be another.
As for implementing realistic fighting techniques into a relatively simple fighting system, i honestly don't think it possible, and IMO, MK needs a more complex fighting engine.

Yes yes yes. Please use real Judo techniques in MK7! I can't stand seeing it massacred the way it has been in both MKDA and MKD...
When I saw Kenshi had it I was like
then it turned out to be a less accurate representation than Jax's DA version, which I thought wasn't even possible.
I studied Judo for 5+ years, and not once did I ever kick or punch anyone...
It's unfortunate seeing as how there are so many cool moves in Judo that would be great in MK. Jade's throw is a Judo mannouver, and that along with the true techinques need to be in MK7 if they are gonna give that style to someone...
Good thread by the way
When I saw Kenshi had it I was like
I studied Judo for 5+ years, and not once did I ever kick or punch anyone...
It's unfortunate seeing as how there are so many cool moves in Judo that would be great in MK. Jade's throw is a Judo mannouver, and that along with the true techinques need to be in MK7 if they are gonna give that style to someone...
Good thread by the way

About Me
Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
LOL ksrx66! When I saw Kenshi's techniques, I was like, "kicks and punches in judo
? What kind of Mickey Mouse shit is this?!" Paul Pheonix has more authenitc Judo moves even though he's got a lot of striking moves.
Here's what I think. Fluidity needs to be in the next game for sure. Everyone that has weighed in on this subject agrees. But one thing that hasn't been talked about it is more fluid counters. Lets say Jade starts a long combo. Well, instead of a regular combo breaker knocking an opponent backwards, how about the counter be a series of alternating blocks that goes into an attack or flow into a throw/takedown? Just like MKD's combo breakers, it doesn't have to take damage, but it'll be more authentic.
Example with Dairou's Wung Chin Style
Kick Defense
Kick Defense
Counter to a jab (punch then kick).
Lop Sau and Chin-na.
Bong Sau, Jut Sau, Lin Lap Sau and Chong Sau.
Punch vs jut sau, tok sau (elbow break, then Pak Sau vs trap sherng jut sau followed by sherng chang (to break the neck).
Countering a right straight punch
It's easy to see how fluid conters can be with Dairou's Wing Chun style. And this can be applied with every other style.
Here's what I think. Fluidity needs to be in the next game for sure. Everyone that has weighed in on this subject agrees. But one thing that hasn't been talked about it is more fluid counters. Lets say Jade starts a long combo. Well, instead of a regular combo breaker knocking an opponent backwards, how about the counter be a series of alternating blocks that goes into an attack or flow into a throw/takedown? Just like MKD's combo breakers, it doesn't have to take damage, but it'll be more authentic.
Example with Dairou's Wung Chin Style
Kick Defense

Kick Defense

Counter to a jab (punch then kick).

Lop Sau and Chin-na.

Bong Sau, Jut Sau, Lin Lap Sau and Chong Sau.

Punch vs jut sau, tok sau (elbow break, then Pak Sau vs trap sherng jut sau followed by sherng chang (to break the neck).

Countering a right straight punch

It's easy to see how fluid conters can be with Dairou's Wing Chun style. And this can be applied with every other style.

About Me
I Have Become as the Wastelands of Unending Nothingness. Now Shall the Night Things Fill Me with their Whisperings, and the Shadows Reveal their Wisdom.
GhostDragon Wrote:
LOL ksrx66! When I saw Kenshi's techniques, I was like, "kicks and punches in judo
? What kind of Mickey Mouse shit is this?!" Paul Pheonix has more authenitc Judo moves even though he's got a lot of striking moves.
Here's what I think. Fluidity needs to be in the next game for sure. Everyone that has weighed in on this subject agrees. But one thing that hasn't been talked about it is more fluid counters. Lets say Jade starts a long combo. Well, instead of a regular combo breaker knocking an opponent backwards, how about the counter be a series of alternating blocks that goes into an attack or flow into a throw/takedown? Just like MKD's combo breakers, it doesn't have to take damage, but it'll be more authentic.
Example with Dairou's Wung Chin Style
Kick Defense
Kick Defense
Counter to a jab (punch then kick).
Lop Sau and Chin-na.
Bong Sau, Jut Sau, Lin Lap Sau and Chong Sau.
Punch vs jut sau, tok sau (elbow break, then Pak Sau vs trap sherng jut sau followed by sherng chang (to break the neck).
Countering a right straight punch
It's easy to see how fluid conters can be with Dairou's Wing Chun style. And this can be applied with every other style.
LOL ksrx66! When I saw Kenshi's techniques, I was like, "kicks and punches in judo
Here's what I think. Fluidity needs to be in the next game for sure. Everyone that has weighed in on this subject agrees. But one thing that hasn't been talked about it is more fluid counters. Lets say Jade starts a long combo. Well, instead of a regular combo breaker knocking an opponent backwards, how about the counter be a series of alternating blocks that goes into an attack or flow into a throw/takedown? Just like MKD's combo breakers, it doesn't have to take damage, but it'll be more authentic.
Example with Dairou's Wung Chin Style
Kick Defense

Kick Defense

Counter to a jab (punch then kick).

Lop Sau and Chin-na.

Bong Sau, Jut Sau, Lin Lap Sau and Chong Sau.

Punch vs jut sau, tok sau (elbow break, then Pak Sau vs trap sherng jut sau followed by sherng chang (to break the neck).

Countering a right straight punch

It's easy to see how fluid conters can be with Dairou's Wing Chun style. And this can be applied with every other style.
Those are some great examples of defensive maneauvers. But the question is, how can they be implemented in MK? Would there be a universal defensive input, like the MKD Breaker, the response of which would be determined by the style of the defender and the nature of the opponent's attack? In that case, would it replace the Breaker, and follow the same format of allowing three per match?
I think it would be better with a system more like that used for defending against throws in SC2, where you have to simultaneously press Guard and the attack button the opponent used for the throw. In this case, the input would be slightly different depending on what type of move the opponent is using, and where the move would hit. For example, say there's a specific "defensive" button, like the one used in MKDA for reversals, taunts, etc. You would hold this, then press up for a punch or kick to the head, forward for a punch or kick to the body, down for a punch or kick to the legs, and back for any knee or elbow move. But those would be assuming "basic" moves, as opposed to pop-ups, etc. For a pop-up, you'd do a d-pad movement of forward-up; for a knockdown, down-back; for an uppercut, down-forward; for a sweep, back-down.
But then there's the problem that some styles have defense designed to injure and punish the opponent, while others are designed merely to evade and deter the opponent. IMO, it didn't make musch sense in MKD that the Breakers drew blood, but inflicted no damage. I think damage in defense maneauvers should work thus: all should inflict SOME damage, but the amount of damage would depend on the specific maneauver. How to balance this? Defense damage will actually recover; however, if the character that performed the maneuver hits the opponent before its damage fully recovers, the recovery will stop. But the greater the damage done by the maneuver, the more quickly it will recover.
Does this idea sound reasonable and fair? Any other ideas on implementation of defensive maneuvers?

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Actually, i was thinking about the combo breaker system, i i found it kind of stupid that the vicious looking punch of the CB did'nt do any damage. Why? Cause it was universal.
Here is my take: We still have 1 unused button, on PS2 it's the L2. (except it picks up stage weapons, but i could do without them.)
Say an opponent attacks. Using conventional block (R2 on PS2) your character could try and tough out the attacks, trying not to move to much. Here, weight could come into play. If Onaga want's you to move backwards, chances are no matter huch much you block, you'll move backwards. L2 would then be the PARRY button ( please note the difference between parrying and blocking.)
Your character would try and defend itself by letting the attack move past or beyond him/her. Just pressing the button would make you bob, weave, slap away punches, lift legs over sweeps, etc. Here stamina, and wether or not you are in defensive or offensive "mode" (see my previous post) could come into play. However, holding the L2 button, and managing to press the SAME attack button as the opponent would make you break your guard in an attemt to catch the opponents attacking limb, maybe for like 10 frames. If the limb is succesfully grabbed, 7 or so frames would be given to you to press buttons and directions to apply a joint lock, less frames if you would throw an opponent, or directly counter with strikes of your own. Original attacker could get a few frames aswell to break out of your counter.
The way i see it, this could enhance gameplay, give some martial eyecandy, and make you think twice about picking characters, having to consider weight, and defensive/offensive balance.
Also, countering special moves could be done in a likely manner, having to time very precisely, and press the same command as the initial special move.
Example, scorpions spear would be countered by holding L2 and pressing back,forward, square(PS2) as the spear is about to strike. Succes would let your character evade the sharp end, pull the rope to draw scorpion in, and clothesline him as he comes in. Scorp could avoid being clotheslined by rolling under the attack as he is drawn in.
As for special attacks that would be physically impossible to counter normally , such as Bo Rai Cho's ground stomp from a distance, you could, with extreme timing (and i mean extreme, think Soul Calibur Just frames) iniate a mini cut scene of your character jumping over the shockwave or whatever, and running in for a tackle or jump kick, doing normal damage, but it aswell counterable. (think the camera angle change when Kabal does his throw in MKD.) if a normal projectile is being countered, your character could either dodge and retaliate with a projectile of it's own, or, if lacking a projectile, run in for jump kick or tackle, possibly rolling takedown,etc in the same manner as mentioned above.
Finally throws with the R1 button need to go, at least 2 button pressed simultaniously (like in every other fighter out there) should be used, aswell as unique command throws for each fighter.
That's what i had to say, and if you'll excuse me, my fingers hurt.

Here is my take: We still have 1 unused button, on PS2 it's the L2. (except it picks up stage weapons, but i could do without them.)
Say an opponent attacks. Using conventional block (R2 on PS2) your character could try and tough out the attacks, trying not to move to much. Here, weight could come into play. If Onaga want's you to move backwards, chances are no matter huch much you block, you'll move backwards. L2 would then be the PARRY button ( please note the difference between parrying and blocking.)
Your character would try and defend itself by letting the attack move past or beyond him/her. Just pressing the button would make you bob, weave, slap away punches, lift legs over sweeps, etc. Here stamina, and wether or not you are in defensive or offensive "mode" (see my previous post) could come into play. However, holding the L2 button, and managing to press the SAME attack button as the opponent would make you break your guard in an attemt to catch the opponents attacking limb, maybe for like 10 frames. If the limb is succesfully grabbed, 7 or so frames would be given to you to press buttons and directions to apply a joint lock, less frames if you would throw an opponent, or directly counter with strikes of your own. Original attacker could get a few frames aswell to break out of your counter.
The way i see it, this could enhance gameplay, give some martial eyecandy, and make you think twice about picking characters, having to consider weight, and defensive/offensive balance.
Also, countering special moves could be done in a likely manner, having to time very precisely, and press the same command as the initial special move.
Example, scorpions spear would be countered by holding L2 and pressing back,forward, square(PS2) as the spear is about to strike. Succes would let your character evade the sharp end, pull the rope to draw scorpion in, and clothesline him as he comes in. Scorp could avoid being clotheslined by rolling under the attack as he is drawn in.
As for special attacks that would be physically impossible to counter normally , such as Bo Rai Cho's ground stomp from a distance, you could, with extreme timing (and i mean extreme, think Soul Calibur Just frames) iniate a mini cut scene of your character jumping over the shockwave or whatever, and running in for a tackle or jump kick, doing normal damage, but it aswell counterable. (think the camera angle change when Kabal does his throw in MKD.) if a normal projectile is being countered, your character could either dodge and retaliate with a projectile of it's own, or, if lacking a projectile, run in for jump kick or tackle, possibly rolling takedown,etc in the same manner as mentioned above.
Finally throws with the R1 button need to go, at least 2 button pressed simultaniously (like in every other fighter out there) should be used, aswell as unique command throws for each fighter.
That's what i had to say, and if you'll excuse me, my fingers hurt.

About Me
Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
XcarnageX Wrote:
Those are some great examples of defensive maneauvers. But the question is, how can they be implemented in MK? Would there be a universal defensive input, like the MKD Breaker, the response of which would be determined by the style of the defender and the nature of the opponent's attack? In that case, would it replace the Breaker, and follow the same format of allowing three per match?
Those are some great examples of defensive maneauvers. But the question is, how can they be implemented in MK? Would there be a universal defensive input, like the MKD Breaker, the response of which would be determined by the style of the defender and the nature of the opponent's attack? In that case, would it replace the Breaker, and follow the same format of allowing three per match?
That would be ideal to have each counter vary depend on the style of an opponent and whehter tha attack is high or low! The new counter could be used to break out of combos, so if an attack is used and someone counters it before it hits, then it could be registered as a 'counter' and take some damage. If someone's getting killed by a combo, then uses the same button configuration as a 'counter' to break out of it, then it could be registered as a 'combo break' and take damage as well.
However, the 'counter' should take more damage than the 'combo breaker' since the character would not be in the position to inflict sereious damage on his opponent while being hit with a combo as he would with a 'counter'. Perhaps a 'combo breaker' should have half the damage of a 'counter'. And I'd keep the three 'counter/combo breaker' per match system.
I'm sorry if bumping this will penalize me, but I can't help if it caught my eye.
I'm surprised I didn't see this thread earlier. Despite not reading every little thing that has been posted in here so far, this is an excellent and highly significant thread.
I think that instead of having 3 styles per character, it could be 2 styles per character. Some characters could have 1 unarmed and 1 weapon while others can have 2 unarmed styles and no weapons.
Here are some examples:
Sub-Zero: Dragon (Lung Chuan), Kori Blade
Sonya: Kenpo, Tae Kwon Do
Ermac: Hua Chuan, Choy Lee Fut
Noob Saibot: Gyokushin Ryu, Kusarigama
Jade: Kuo Shou, Bojutsu
Kitana: Eagle Claw (Ying Zhao), Steel Fan (Tessen-Jutsu)
I think that certain characters didn't have styles that reallly suited them imo. I couldn't picture someone as ruthless and dishonorable like Kano use something so peaceful like Aikido. I'd picture him being more of a brawler.
I'm glad that defense was brought up. I think MK really needs to redo the defense system. I like Nindz's idea of style oriented defense and I'm glad to see examples of it shown in here with Wing Chun which is one of the styles that Nindz studies.
I was thinking that the Block button + an attack button could be a style oriented defense move.
Let's use Noob Saibot for example. With Gyokushin Ryu Ninjutsu, he could use knees, elbows, or grappling moves as defense.
Let's say Liu Kang using Jun Fan throws a Hook Punch at Noob Saibot. Noob could use a joint lock to stop the attack and then use a Sutemi throw.
Timing should be an important factor when it comes to defense. I just hope my ideas won't make the defense function too simplistic, but at the same time, I wouldn't want it to be overly complicated.
I'll use another example. This time, using the turkey boy himself, Liu Kang. I think his style choices in MK: Deception are perfect though they need to be worked on a lot and he doesn't need to use Pao Chui.
With Jun Fan, not only could it use lots of Wing Chun related defense tactics, but it should also use lots of fakes to psyche out the opponent. Perhaps the footwork used in Western Boxing and European Fencing could also apply to the defense used in Jun Fan.
I'm surprised I didn't see this thread earlier. Despite not reading every little thing that has been posted in here so far, this is an excellent and highly significant thread.
I think that instead of having 3 styles per character, it could be 2 styles per character. Some characters could have 1 unarmed and 1 weapon while others can have 2 unarmed styles and no weapons.
Here are some examples:
Sub-Zero: Dragon (Lung Chuan), Kori Blade
Sonya: Kenpo, Tae Kwon Do
Ermac: Hua Chuan, Choy Lee Fut
Noob Saibot: Gyokushin Ryu, Kusarigama
Jade: Kuo Shou, Bojutsu
Kitana: Eagle Claw (Ying Zhao), Steel Fan (Tessen-Jutsu)
I think that certain characters didn't have styles that reallly suited them imo. I couldn't picture someone as ruthless and dishonorable like Kano use something so peaceful like Aikido. I'd picture him being more of a brawler.
I'm glad that defense was brought up. I think MK really needs to redo the defense system. I like Nindz's idea of style oriented defense and I'm glad to see examples of it shown in here with Wing Chun which is one of the styles that Nindz studies.
I was thinking that the Block button + an attack button could be a style oriented defense move.
Let's use Noob Saibot for example. With Gyokushin Ryu Ninjutsu, he could use knees, elbows, or grappling moves as defense.
Let's say Liu Kang using Jun Fan throws a Hook Punch at Noob Saibot. Noob could use a joint lock to stop the attack and then use a Sutemi throw.
Timing should be an important factor when it comes to defense. I just hope my ideas won't make the defense function too simplistic, but at the same time, I wouldn't want it to be overly complicated.
I'll use another example. This time, using the turkey boy himself, Liu Kang. I think his style choices in MK: Deception are perfect though they need to be worked on a lot and he doesn't need to use Pao Chui.
With Jun Fan, not only could it use lots of Wing Chun related defense tactics, but it should also use lots of fakes to psyche out the opponent. Perhaps the footwork used in Western Boxing and European Fencing could also apply to the defense used in Jun Fan.
About judo:
*For the purposes of simplifying things, assume each character has only one style for the duration of my post*
It's fine to say judo doesn't have any strikes, and that it should be all grappling and such, but how would this work? You see, at the moment, throws are unbreakable. Obviously, this would mean pretty much everything that inflicts damage in judo would be guaranteed (not strictly in the sense of the term, but in some sense). This just wouldn't work. You couldn't have a character whose every move will damage you.
So lets say we make throws breakable.
Okay, now we have judo, and it has say 20 throws, how would you break these? If it's just by the simple tap of a universal button to break all throws, then all you really have to do is watch for Kenshi to attack then hit the button. You'd break the throw easily, every time. Since all he can do is throw, he is now a worthless character, because he can't inflict any damage with judo.
So, lets try and work around this and give each of the throws specific commands in order to break. For example; Kenshi performs a throw, and that particular throw must be broken with 2+3. In order to break the throw, you'd have to input the command pretty much as soon as you're grabbed. - but how will you know what throw he's going to use before you see the animation? You won't. You'll have to guess, and have a 1 in 20 chance of being correct - so why even bother? You're still probably going to take the damage anyway, and have little or no chance of avoiding it.
In order to solve this, we could allow the throw to inflict damage almost at the end of the animation, so that we realize what the throw is, and can then break it with the required command (such as 2+3). But wait a minute, if we know what the throw is, and have that long to break it, it's going to be damned easy - might as well just have stayed with the universal button for breaking throws, because they're going to be broken just as easy after people have played the game for a few days and know what breaks what.
Aside from all this, even if it were possible to have a fair breaking system somehow, if all Kenshi's moves are throws, then all you'd have to do to beat him would be jab constantly to interupt the throw initiation, removing all of his attacks.
Bottom line, is that one way or another, a pure judo system (with no striking) is going to be broken, unless somebody can mastermind an amazing solution. It just dosen't fit. A pure grappler in a game full of strikers is like a bulldozer in an Indy car race - it's either going to destroy everything in it's path and win, or be too slow and useless to do anything with, and suck ridiculously badly.
*For the purposes of simplifying things, assume each character has only one style for the duration of my post*
It's fine to say judo doesn't have any strikes, and that it should be all grappling and such, but how would this work? You see, at the moment, throws are unbreakable. Obviously, this would mean pretty much everything that inflicts damage in judo would be guaranteed (not strictly in the sense of the term, but in some sense). This just wouldn't work. You couldn't have a character whose every move will damage you.
So lets say we make throws breakable.
Okay, now we have judo, and it has say 20 throws, how would you break these? If it's just by the simple tap of a universal button to break all throws, then all you really have to do is watch for Kenshi to attack then hit the button. You'd break the throw easily, every time. Since all he can do is throw, he is now a worthless character, because he can't inflict any damage with judo.
So, lets try and work around this and give each of the throws specific commands in order to break. For example; Kenshi performs a throw, and that particular throw must be broken with 2+3. In order to break the throw, you'd have to input the command pretty much as soon as you're grabbed. - but how will you know what throw he's going to use before you see the animation? You won't. You'll have to guess, and have a 1 in 20 chance of being correct - so why even bother? You're still probably going to take the damage anyway, and have little or no chance of avoiding it.
In order to solve this, we could allow the throw to inflict damage almost at the end of the animation, so that we realize what the throw is, and can then break it with the required command (such as 2+3). But wait a minute, if we know what the throw is, and have that long to break it, it's going to be damned easy - might as well just have stayed with the universal button for breaking throws, because they're going to be broken just as easy after people have played the game for a few days and know what breaks what.
Aside from all this, even if it were possible to have a fair breaking system somehow, if all Kenshi's moves are throws, then all you'd have to do to beat him would be jab constantly to interupt the throw initiation, removing all of his attacks.
Bottom line, is that one way or another, a pure judo system (with no striking) is going to be broken, unless somebody can mastermind an amazing solution. It just dosen't fit. A pure grappler in a game full of strikers is like a bulldozer in an Indy car race - it's either going to destroy everything in it's path and win, or be too slow and useless to do anything with, and suck ridiculously badly.
If I am not mistaken, strikes are taught in the very advanced levels of Judo. The strikes were said to have been taught to Dr. Jigoro Kano by his friend Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan Karate.
If this is true and if there is someone who is that high advanced in Judo and knowledgeable of those strikes, perhaps they can be implimented in Judo.
Btw, I wouldn't want Kenshi to use Judo anyway.
If this is true and if there is someone who is that high advanced in Judo and knowledgeable of those strikes, perhaps they can be implimented in Judo.
Btw, I wouldn't want Kenshi to use Judo anyway.

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Save a life; Kill a necromorph
you are right.
Sport Judo doesnt have Strikes.
Self Defense Judo does have Strikes.
Sport Judo doesnt have Strikes.
Self Defense Judo does have Strikes.
DeathScepter Wrote:
you are right.
Sport Judo doesnt have Strikes.
Self Defense Judo does have Strikes.
you are right.
Sport Judo doesnt have Strikes.
Self Defense Judo does have Strikes.
I see. I wouldn't really picture Kenshi using more of sport type arts even though he did use San Shou in MK: DA.
Anyway, I was wondering about how Aikido would be implemented into MK games. It uses moves like joint-locks, throws, and pinning but it doesn't really have punches and kicks in it unless it's some kind of modified form of the style.

About Me
Save a life; Kill a necromorph
we see San Shou as a sport but it is very similar to Muay Thai in that it is very good for Street fighting.San Shou does incorpate many moves from several martial arts.
San Shou is FreeStyle Chinese Kickboxing. So dont be suprised that judo was incorpate into Kenshi's San Shou training. In keep in character of Kenshi, a improved verison of Judo would suit him well.
Aikido should suit go to someone else then a Black Dragon member like Kano and more like Kenshi or another Ronin. Wing Chun, Shoot Fighting, and Bak Mei kung fu are more of the Black Dragon favor of the martial arts.
A Double bladed Sword will be interesting to see in MK7
San Shou is FreeStyle Chinese Kickboxing. So dont be suprised that judo was incorpate into Kenshi's San Shou training. In keep in character of Kenshi, a improved verison of Judo would suit him well.
Aikido should suit go to someone else then a Black Dragon member like Kano and more like Kenshi or another Ronin. Wing Chun, Shoot Fighting, and Bak Mei kung fu are more of the Black Dragon favor of the martial arts.
A Double bladed Sword will be interesting to see in MK7
Sorry i strongly disagree with the guy who said that the martial arts was not is ...ok i also studied it years ago and hope to take some more lessons asap!
But VF and tekken are just kicks and puches mostly a few grapples here and there,but MK offers more because in real life people know multiple fighting stances....example Jet-Li,Jackie Chan so on.MK allows this function unlike any other martial arts game out there now!!!Not to mention fatalities!!!!!!!
And MK does reach out to hardcore fighting fans bro.....dont know what your talking about dude but seriously Deception sold big time!!!!!!!And got BEST Fighter of the year,so in that fact you have to give MK credit as well as respect!!!!!!!Just like Halo2 best shooter...MK is the best Fighter and i'm sorry but if you feel other wise you shouldn't be on here knocking MK on MKONLINE.
It would be near to impossoble to get every little detail about every single martial arts style out there guys!!
Trust me they did a great job,they used real life martial arts expert Carlos Pesina among afew others to do all of the motion capture for DA and Deception!!!!!He know his shit guys .....just be patient and MK7 anlong with futre MK fighting games will most likely continue with there deeper martial arts pursuit.
Deception and DA were great!!!!!!!!!!
But VF and tekken are just kicks and puches mostly a few grapples here and there,but MK offers more because in real life people know multiple fighting stances....example Jet-Li,Jackie Chan so on.MK allows this function unlike any other martial arts game out there now!!!Not to mention fatalities!!!!!!!
And MK does reach out to hardcore fighting fans bro.....dont know what your talking about dude but seriously Deception sold big time!!!!!!!And got BEST Fighter of the year,so in that fact you have to give MK credit as well as respect!!!!!!!Just like Halo2 best shooter...MK is the best Fighter and i'm sorry but if you feel other wise you shouldn't be on here knocking MK on MKONLINE.
It would be near to impossoble to get every little detail about every single martial arts style out there guys!!
Trust me they did a great job,they used real life martial arts expert Carlos Pesina among afew others to do all of the motion capture for DA and Deception!!!!!He know his shit guys .....just be patient and MK7 anlong with futre MK fighting games will most likely continue with there deeper martial arts pursuit.
Deception and DA were great!!!!!!!!!!
mkflegend Wrote:
Sorry i strongly disagree with the guy who said that the martial arts was not is ...ok i also studied it years ago and hope to take some more lessons asap!
But VF and tekken are just kicks and puches mostly a few grapples here and there,but MK offers more because in real life people know multiple fighting stances....example Jet-Li,Jackie Chan so on.MK allows this function unlike any other martial arts game out there now!!!Not to mention fatalities!!!!!!!
And MK does reach out to hardcore fighting fans bro.....dont know what your talking about dude but seriously Deception sold big time!!!!!!!And got BEST Fighter of the year,so in that fact you have to give MK credit as well as respect!!!!!!!Just like Halo2 best shooter...MK is the best Fighter and i'm sorry but if you feel other wise you shouldn't be on here knocking MK on MKONLINE.
It would be near to impossoble to get every little detail about every single martial arts style out there guys!!
Trust me they did a great job,they used real life martial arts expert Carlos Pesina among afew others to do all of the motion capture for DA and Deception!!!!!He know his shit guys .....just be patient and MK7 anlong with futre MK fighting games will most likely continue with there deeper martial arts pursuit.
Deception and DA were great!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry i strongly disagree with the guy who said that the martial arts was not is ...ok i also studied it years ago and hope to take some more lessons asap!
But VF and tekken are just kicks and puches mostly a few grapples here and there,but MK offers more because in real life people know multiple fighting stances....example Jet-Li,Jackie Chan so on.MK allows this function unlike any other martial arts game out there now!!!Not to mention fatalities!!!!!!!
And MK does reach out to hardcore fighting fans bro.....dont know what your talking about dude but seriously Deception sold big time!!!!!!!And got BEST Fighter of the year,so in that fact you have to give MK credit as well as respect!!!!!!!Just like Halo2 best shooter...MK is the best Fighter and i'm sorry but if you feel other wise you shouldn't be on here knocking MK on MKONLINE.
It would be near to impossoble to get every little detail about every single martial arts style out there guys!!
Trust me they did a great job,they used real life martial arts expert Carlos Pesina among afew others to do all of the motion capture for DA and Deception!!!!!He know his shit guys .....just be patient and MK7 anlong with futre MK fighting games will most likely continue with there deeper martial arts pursuit.
Deception and DA were great!!!!!!!!!!
You're right about it being near to impossible to get every little detail about every single martial arts style.
For example, Daito Ryu Aikijutsu has 3808 techniques in total. That would be too many. However, there should be like 50 moves or so per style.
There could be basic moves and then more advanced moves.
When it comes to appealing to hardcore fighting game fans, well, from the looks of it, I'd have to disagree with you there. As much as I love MK and like MKDA and MKD, there were many problems in terms of the fighting system and such.
Anyways, this thread is just about martial arts for MK7, not other things like fatalites, storyline, etc.
Moving on, I guess Kenshi having San Shou was to kind of balance things out. You know...Tai Chi Chuan being his internal style while San Shou is his external style. I think that there could just be two styles though. Kenshi could just use Tai Chi Chuan and use the Katana as his weapon.
I was thinking that Blaze could use Bak Mei/Pak Mei (White Eyebrow) and Fong Ngan (Phoenix Eye). My reasons for those choices are kind of weird but I think he'd kick ass with them.
As for Wing Chun, I think it suits Dairou perfectly, but they need to work on it. Wing Chun is a close ranged Kung Fu style that uses lots of hand trapping techniques and uses low level kicks to those of you who are not too familiar with it. Despite the short range though, Autumn Dao could compensate for the range. I think that Autumn Dao needs to be toned down a bit because it seems to be a bit too good.
That's all for now. I'll be sure to return with more stuff later.
mkflegend Wrote:
Sorry i strongly disagree with the guy who said that the martial arts was not is ...ok i also studied it years ago and hope to take some more lessons asap!
But VF and tekken are just kicks and puches mostly a few grapples here and there,but MK offers more because in real life people know multiple fighting stances....
Sorry i strongly disagree with the guy who said that the martial arts was not is ...ok i also studied it years ago and hope to take some more lessons asap!
But VF and tekken are just kicks and puches mostly a few grapples here and there,but MK offers more because in real life people know multiple fighting stances....
In real life, people would also actually use those styles, rather than knowing how to put 3 styles to practice, and only using one because the other two aren't as effective. This is largely the case in MKD. Often only one is useful.
mkflegend Wrote:
And MK does reach out to hardcore fighting fans bro.....
And MK does reach out to hardcore fighting fans bro.....
No. Please read HDTran's stickied thread at the top of the MKD forum for an explaination.
mkflegend Wrote:
Deception sold big time!!!!!!!And got BEST Fighter of the year,so in that fact you have to give MK credit as well as respect!!!!!!!
Deception sold big time!!!!!!!And got BEST Fighter of the year,so in that fact you have to give MK credit as well as respect!!!!!!!
It sold well because people like blood. It didn't sell well because it was a good game. As far as fighter of the year, well, what other new fighting games came out at that time? It had pretty much no competition, so it almost won by default.
Also, nobody has to give that game credit because it won a couple of bogus awards. It's trash. That's a fact.
mkflegend Wrote:MK is the best Fighter and i'm sorry but if you feel other wise you shouldn't be on here knocking MK on MKONLINE.
Why? If nobody improves it, then the huge flaws will always be there.
It's not really a matter of what people think or feel, it's fact. The game is terrible. Looks great, though.

I have an idea, why don't we have different fighting modes? as in Kenshi could switch from just holding the katana, to using the sheith as a weapon as well. or what about having special moves as styles? Sub-Zero could use ice to unleash combos of freezing fury.
heh heh heh... Ji-GORO KANO. Midway's unoriginallity shines bright again
heh heh heh... Ji-GORO KANO. Midway's unoriginallity shines bright again
Dude saying MK is Trash go back to your crappy VF ot tekken dont belong on this forum.......and it sold well because of its popularity,reputation,new features,new death traps and online play not just cause it has blood ok man....i have been following MK all my life...ok pal dont even start with me on this subject..where is SF dead,VF um dead.tekken good game but no online play thats lame........soul caliber ...buttom masher plain and simple...i have won in that game not knowing a darn thing as to what im doing???Come on man????
MK you tap on one button where is that going to get you ummm no where man.....your get whipped in no time!!!!!!!!!!
Just so you know too it wasnt just a few awards im talking BEST FIGHTING GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! MK BABY...not SF,NOT VF,NOT SC,NOT Guilty Gear,NOT DOA ......MK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
READ IT AND WEEP..............Give MK the Credit it rightfully deserves or you shouldn't be here on MKONLINE ripping MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MK you tap on one button where is that going to get you ummm no where man.....your get whipped in no time!!!!!!!!!!
Just so you know too it wasnt just a few awards im talking BEST FIGHTING GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! MK BABY...not SF,NOT VF,NOT SC,NOT Guilty Gear,NOT DOA ......MK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
READ IT AND WEEP..............Give MK the Credit it rightfully deserves or you shouldn't be here on MKONLINE ripping MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mkflegend Wrote:
Dude saying MK is Trash go back to your crappy VF ot tekken man
Dude saying MK is Trash go back to your crappy VF ot tekken man
I am. I'm playing tekken right now. I have my game paused behind me as I type this. Tekken Tag Tournament. It's years old, and still great. Are you still playing MKDA? I wouldn't think so. Let's not make this another Tekken V MK debate, eh?
Besides, I didn't say MK is trash, because I really like Mortal Kombat. I think it has interesting characters, and I like the stage designs and cool fatality moves. I said MKD was trash. I'll quite vocally say MKDA is too. Because they are.
It's just too hard to argue that they aren't.
mkflegend Wrote:
i have been following MK all my life...ok pal dont even start with me on this subject..
i have been following MK all my life...ok pal dont even start with me on this subject..
Yeah so have I, which is why it pains me to see it as the joke of the gaming world. I don't want MK and it's fans to be laughed at by the entire fighting game community, but that's the case now, so i'm trying to help the game along.
mkflegend Wrote:
where is SF dead,VF um dead.tekken good game but no online play thats lame........soul caliber ...buttom masher plain and simple...i have won in that game not knowing a darn thing as to what im doing???Come on man????
where is SF dead,VF um dead.tekken good game but no online play thats lame........soul caliber ...buttom masher plain and simple...i have won in that game not knowing a darn thing as to what im doing???Come on man????
SF is dead because Capcom killed it, not because it's a bad game or because it had no fans. Capcom literally forced it's own game into 'retirement', dispite it's huge popularity.
Virtual Fighter is far from dead. It's still great, and there's still a lot of competition for it as far I know. It's 3 times better than any fighting game out at the moment.
Tekken has no online play because it's literally impossible to do at the moment. The game would lag by about 9 frames, which is a hugely unfair advantage to one person. It's not Namco's fault there is no online play.
Soul Calibur is a bit of a masher, I think, but then again, i've never played anybody good. I'm sure if you played somebody with skill you'd easily get your ass handed to you while you mashed, seeing as how this is the case is pretty much every fighting game.
mkflegend Wrote:
MK you tap on one button where is that going to get you ummm no where man.....your get whipped in no time!!!!!!!!!!
MK you tap on one button where is that going to get you ummm no where man.....your get whipped in no time!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, it's going to get you everywhere. It's going to win match after match after match against anybody. In MKDA Scorpions special shove move in pi gua left the opponent completely open for a hellfire, and there isn't a single thing you could do about it. You can shove, hellfire all day long, and always win. It was extremely hard to compete with.
Also, in the gamecube version of MKD, you actually can mash one button and win. Bo Rai Cho has an infintie combo that can be done in the corner. Just kep hitting the throw button and there's your victory.
Not to mention that god damn ridiculous tombstone drop of Dairou's.
You can use nothing but that move and win countless matches.
mkflegend Wrote:
Just so you know too it wasnt just a few awards im talking BEST FIGHTING GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! MK BABY...not SF,NOT VF,NOT SC,NOT Guilty Gear,NOT DOA ......MK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
READ IT AND WEEP..............Give MK the Credit it rightfully deserves or you shouldn't be here on MKONLINE ripping MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just so you know too it wasnt just a few awards im talking BEST FIGHTING GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! MK BABY...not SF,NOT VF,NOT SC,NOT Guilty Gear,NOT DOA ......MK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
READ IT AND WEEP..............Give MK the Credit it rightfully deserves or you shouldn't be here on MKONLINE ripping MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those awards don't mean shit. The game is still unprofessional, broken, and a laughing stock. The only thing MKD deserves credit for is Dairou's cool slingshot fatality. Have you ever wondered why nobody else takes these awards seriously? Go to or and see if they're creaming themselves over some stupid award. They, along with most people just laugh at this type of thing, and the only people that think they mean anything are the MK fans.
Listen. I'm trying to help the game improve so that it's fun to play again, like the old days. But to do this, you have to look at what's wrong with it. If you don't look at what's wrong with it, then how will you know what to improve?
You should be doing the same thing. If you keep kissing Midways ass when they give you games like MKD, then you're going to continue to get unplayable, broken, retarded guessing game type gameplay, and you don't want that. Nobody wants that. We want an awesome game that will be played for years to come, but we have to improve it in order to get that - by fixing the faults - by looking at the faults, and talking bout them.
If anybody doesn't 'deserve' to be at this site (which is ridiculous), it's people like you. But that's okay. If you read the gameplay primer thread by HDTran, stickied at the top of the MKD forum, it'll help you understand what i'm talking about, and help you understand what was wrong with mk. A thread about MKD's 'failed' fighting engine wouldn't get several hundred well thought out replies for no reason.
First of all Tekken is in its fifth installment now and yet........uuuummmm still cant manage to find a way to get online because of why??oh yes frame rates....hhhmmmmm....can you say extrememly sad and pathetic....please dont give me that frame crap, Deception came out for the first time a MK was ever online in no time,as soon as the MK fans requested it man.
Meanwhile Tekken may be the best fighting game for the PS2 but has yet to go online!!
No im not a PS2 fan boy but if i was i would be pissed man...thats just sad and pathetic on tekkens part....And please are you serious about VF????
VF and Tekken may have some better 3d rates better than Deception but thats only because all of their games have always pretty much been 3d,MK always 2d and yet the minute it became 3d the second time around(Deception) it goes online!!!!!!!Why because its what the fans wanted...and you know what as far as im concerned Deceptions the best online fighter right now....because i have seen al the other fighting games online.DOA has way,way too much lag,streetfighter is fun but again killed by lag,and MK has some lag but only once and a while.....the other fighters are just killed by lag man......Im not saying that Deception never has lag,because in some point all games do even game is perfect.All im saying is that very rarely do i ever experience lag.
And BTW i'll respect your opinions about Deception even though i may not agree with them.But your dead wrong about the button masher theory about Deception....and i'll tell you why...first of all we can both agree that in SC you can sit there all day button mash learn a few moves and anyone can win in no time flat,however in Deception if you try that you will get no where man!!!!!!!!
You mentioned that you can win with scorpion right??Let me guess the Y,A,up and B all day right???Well wrong that tactic will only work on a newbie or a really bad player up close!!!!!
Second you stated that Dairou's tombstone can be done all day....and win..yes you can if you know how to use him and when to use it!!!!!!!!
And i said button masher not special moves man..If scorpions kicks are all you got then your argument is weak!!!!!!!!
In fact just to prove you wrong face me and try to win with that tactic...It will never work against a player like me!!!!!!!!Maybe a shitty player but not me pal.
And last but not least the award issue......let me ask you a question man??If Deception is trash then explain why lets see here it outsold DA by a huge margin in the first week,and DA sold really well.Also i guess every single professional videogame editor is dumb then and knows nothing about there respected job.....
because most editors gave Deception the best fighter of the year award buddy!!!!!!!! I know let me guess Deception sucks man its trash"
Even though you claim not to call MK trash kind of did when you called Deception trash because ...the last time i looked the game was called MORTAL KOMBAT:Deception!!!!
So yes you kind of ripped MK,even though you tried to give me a slick come back answer with "OH i didnt criticize or call MK series trash,only Deception,well Deception is part of MK man,come knew exactly what i meant!!!!!
And no ....people like you dont belong here so long as your going to claim to be a MK fan and yet criticize and ridicule and rip MK to pieces because of something stupid like ohhh the martial arts is not enough......Come on man,thats the lamest thing that i ever heard of dude seriously.....i can find so many things wrong with VF,and uumm lack of online play same old stupid lame game that hardly changed in years,not even a death move or something???
Oh well i guess Tekken and VF are too soft for that,they have to stick to there Japanese and other PG-13 fighting,and god forbid someone bruises in any of those games???!!!!!!!
Your such a authentic obsessed guy about fighting games,so your telling me that lack of martial arts is unacceptable in MK but your defending VF and Tekken??games that offer no extreme change other than a few more characters,stages,and some new modes over a 8 year period!!! online,no blood of anykind,no finishing moves,no death traps,no adventure mode,no weapons.....shall i go on????
But yet you feel tekken and VF are so much better,and are realistic then you know that in real life people actually bleed after a fight and bruise of that offered in Tekken or VF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thats look for this stuff....Admit it your a Tekken fan boy which there is nothing wrong only problem with you is the fact that you claim to be a MK fan,but yet you look for every little detail you can scoop up and try to find the silliest things to criticize MK!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry man but your not a Diehard MK fan, because if you were you would love MK for what it is and not wish that they had made it precisely like your mental image...If you care that much about it....Apply to midway ,mabey your get a job there and then you can ask specifically to be in the motion capture /martial arts department of the next MK.............Otherwise go find Tekken online or something.
Im done talking about this topic....lets talk about MK7 ok!!!!!!!!!
And your talking about infinites!!!!!!!You can always counter with someone try that Bo stuff on me and you will get my dairou...i know your talking about scorpions pi gua shove and hellfire...simple all you have to do is not allow your opponent to get the opportunity to use that cheesy tactic on you,no offense man but if your letting your opponent do that to you all day long than thats just lack of skill on your part...and when Deception came out SF for the PS2 came out around the same time so MK didn't win by default it won because its a better fighting game...people just dont want to admit that SF just couldn't compete against MK last october!!!! And i have the GC version,once again BO is broken and all you have to do is not let him croud you!!!!!!!how hard is that??????Really,give me Dairou or N/S and i'll easily counter that broken cheesy tactic!!!!!!!!!!
And one more thing.yes i still do play MK:DECEPTION because im a die hard MK fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile Tekken may be the best fighting game for the PS2 but has yet to go online!!
No im not a PS2 fan boy but if i was i would be pissed man...thats just sad and pathetic on tekkens part....And please are you serious about VF????
VF and Tekken may have some better 3d rates better than Deception but thats only because all of their games have always pretty much been 3d,MK always 2d and yet the minute it became 3d the second time around(Deception) it goes online!!!!!!!Why because its what the fans wanted...and you know what as far as im concerned Deceptions the best online fighter right now....because i have seen al the other fighting games online.DOA has way,way too much lag,streetfighter is fun but again killed by lag,and MK has some lag but only once and a while.....the other fighters are just killed by lag man......Im not saying that Deception never has lag,because in some point all games do even game is perfect.All im saying is that very rarely do i ever experience lag.
And BTW i'll respect your opinions about Deception even though i may not agree with them.But your dead wrong about the button masher theory about Deception....and i'll tell you why...first of all we can both agree that in SC you can sit there all day button mash learn a few moves and anyone can win in no time flat,however in Deception if you try that you will get no where man!!!!!!!!
You mentioned that you can win with scorpion right??Let me guess the Y,A,up and B all day right???Well wrong that tactic will only work on a newbie or a really bad player up close!!!!!
Second you stated that Dairou's tombstone can be done all day....and win..yes you can if you know how to use him and when to use it!!!!!!!!
And i said button masher not special moves man..If scorpions kicks are all you got then your argument is weak!!!!!!!!
In fact just to prove you wrong face me and try to win with that tactic...It will never work against a player like me!!!!!!!!Maybe a shitty player but not me pal.
And last but not least the award issue......let me ask you a question man??If Deception is trash then explain why lets see here it outsold DA by a huge margin in the first week,and DA sold really well.Also i guess every single professional videogame editor is dumb then and knows nothing about there respected job.....
Even though you claim not to call MK trash kind of did when you called Deception trash because ...the last time i looked the game was called MORTAL KOMBAT:Deception!!!!
So yes you kind of ripped MK,even though you tried to give me a slick come back answer with "OH i didnt criticize or call MK series trash,only Deception,well Deception is part of MK man,come knew exactly what i meant!!!!!
And no ....people like you dont belong here so long as your going to claim to be a MK fan and yet criticize and ridicule and rip MK to pieces because of something stupid like ohhh the martial arts is not enough......Come on man,thats the lamest thing that i ever heard of dude seriously.....i can find so many things wrong with VF,and uumm lack of online play same old stupid lame game that hardly changed in years,not even a death move or something???
Oh well i guess Tekken and VF are too soft for that,they have to stick to there Japanese and other PG-13 fighting,and god forbid someone bruises in any of those games???!!!!!!!
Your such a authentic obsessed guy about fighting games,so your telling me that lack of martial arts is unacceptable in MK but your defending VF and Tekken??games that offer no extreme change other than a few more characters,stages,and some new modes over a 8 year period!!! online,no blood of anykind,no finishing moves,no death traps,no adventure mode,no weapons.....shall i go on????
But yet you feel tekken and VF are so much better,and are realistic then you know that in real life people actually bleed after a fight and bruise of that offered in Tekken or VF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thats look for this stuff....Admit it your a Tekken fan boy which there is nothing wrong only problem with you is the fact that you claim to be a MK fan,but yet you look for every little detail you can scoop up and try to find the silliest things to criticize MK!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry man but your not a Diehard MK fan, because if you were you would love MK for what it is and not wish that they had made it precisely like your mental image...If you care that much about it....Apply to midway ,mabey your get a job there and then you can ask specifically to be in the motion capture /martial arts department of the next MK.............Otherwise go find Tekken online or something.
Im done talking about this topic....lets talk about MK7 ok!!!!!!!!!
Jesus fucking Christ. I'm not even going to try. Haha.
Maybe somebody else has the patience. 1TruKing will probably have a lot of fun with you if he finds this thread.
Edit: Just saved this as a word document. Too good.
Jesus fucking Christ. I'm not even going to try. Haha.
Maybe somebody else has the patience. 1TruKing will probably have a lot of fun with you if he finds this thread.
Edit: Just saved this as a word document. Too good.
krackerjack Wrote:
Jesus fucking Christ. I'm not even going to try. Haha.
Maybe somebody else has the patience. 1TruKing will probably have a lot of fun with you if he finds this thread.
Edit: Just saved this as a word document. Too good.
Jesus fucking Christ. I'm not even going to try. Haha.
Maybe somebody else has the patience. 1TruKing will probably have a lot of fun with you if he finds this thread.
Edit: Just saved this as a word document. Too good.
I actually feel less intelligent after reading that post. I learned a month or so ago on gamefaqs that there are some people it's just pointless to talk to. They can't be bothered to read a whole post or just can't comprehend what was said and just make up things you said. No I'd rather not say anything about his post other than it's just wrong on so many levels it actually creates a new form of wrongness.
Can we please get back to topic??
Anyway, I was thinking that there could be different stats for the different styles. Here are the 4 categories I have in mind:
Speed: how fast the overall attacks are as well as the movement of the character in that style. Styles like Snake and Crane would be quite fast while styles like Sumo and Judo would be on the slower side.
Power: how powerful the overall attacks are
Fluidity: how fluid the overall attacks are. internal styles are going to be more fluid than external styles. The feel of the attacks will give you an idea of how fluid the style is. Ba Gua Zhang would be very fluid compared to San Shou which is more rigid.
Range: the distance of the overall attacks. styles like Wing Chun, Judo, and Aikido are more short/close range. Mi Tzu are Gyokko Ryu more long/far range. Styles like Ninjutsu, Choy Li Fut, and Hapkido are more well rounded and will most likely be listed in the middle somewhere overall.
Anyway, I was thinking that there could be different stats for the different styles. Here are the 4 categories I have in mind:
Speed: how fast the overall attacks are as well as the movement of the character in that style. Styles like Snake and Crane would be quite fast while styles like Sumo and Judo would be on the slower side.
Power: how powerful the overall attacks are
Fluidity: how fluid the overall attacks are. internal styles are going to be more fluid than external styles. The feel of the attacks will give you an idea of how fluid the style is. Ba Gua Zhang would be very fluid compared to San Shou which is more rigid.
Range: the distance of the overall attacks. styles like Wing Chun, Judo, and Aikido are more short/close range. Mi Tzu are Gyokko Ryu more long/far range. Styles like Ninjutsu, Choy Li Fut, and Hapkido are more well rounded and will most likely be listed in the middle somewhere overall.
If im so wrong then play me and see if your tactics of button mashing and constant special moves will prevail against me!!!!!!!!!!
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